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I know there's a hate thread out there - understandably so - but I just had to throw some props out to the chilli time of year too. I love it.

I absolutely love winter. I love the cold, I like that stinging feeling on your skin when you missed the forecast and get cold walking out from work.

I love the snow. We don't get much here, but I love it. I love skiing and sledding and just generally frolicking in the snow.

I love winter clothes. Thick pants and long underwear. Long sleeve shirts are the best. Thick winter socks that keep the toes warm!

I love ice, particularly smooth ice over a frozen pond. We NEVER get that here, but do I remember the pick-up hockey games on the pond. Never threw a fist in one of those, and yet had a blast! I wish my daughter knew the joys of skating a pond, of flicking a puck down the ice, of a bon fire that you skate up to and hang out with friends around.

I love that winter means whiskey. Or whiskey means winter. I don't know which, but I like that in the winter I prefer whiskey.

I love it when a big snow storm blows in and it shuts down the town. And nobody goes into work and that's ok because everyone understands. And you get that little extra time with the family laying around in warm PJ's and drinking coffee or tea. And when you venture out (because you do know how to drive on snow) it's cool because noone else is out and the roads are clear.

I love that winter means Christmas and Thanksgiving. That means more appreciation of family, the ones still with us and the ones that have moved on to better things. I love that the cold still kind of reminds me of my favorite Christmas gifts - I remember getting an AT-AT one year - that was awesome! I also remember when I was 17 my parents got me a square deal B. How cool! We shot my first reloads in the snow freezing our butts off!

I love that winter means hunting season. And that at the end of the day it doesn't matter to me if I get an animal or not. I just love being out there!

I love that winter means fires. Big, roaring fires in the pit or the fireplace. The smell of wood, and of course the cigar that goes along with buring a good fire.

I don't know. I could go on and on. I love winter. Wish we had more of it where I live. More being more everything - snow, cold, time being snowy and cold. Everything. Yes it means less shooting time for matches but I get by. For my favorite time of the year. Even makes me appreciate spring and summer when they come around.

Thanks for letting me spill about my favorite time of year!


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I love it when a big snow storm blows in and it shuts down the town. And nobody goes into work and that's ok because everyone understands. And you get that little extra time with the family laying around in warm PJ's and drinking coffee or tea. And when you venture out (because you do know how to drive on snow) it's cool because noone else is out and the roads are clear.

Snow days! Certainly my favorite part of winter. :cheers:

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Although I think it is debatable whether or not a guy in AR can talk about 'winter' with any authority, great post.

Me? Hate it, here anyway. I didn't mind winter at all in CO, AZ, FL, NM, and I have at least two winters in each of those states. Winter here, and in IL, just sucks beyond suck. When it gets 10* BELOW zero and the wind is blowing 30 mph there is NOTHING good about it. Summer here sucks too, hotter than Phoenix by a lot, but we'll get to that in about 7 months....

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Although I think it is debatable whether or not a guy in AR can talk about 'winter' with any authority, great post.

Me? Hate it, here anyway. I didn't mind winter at all in CO, AZ, FL, NM, and I have at least two winters in each of those states. Winter here, and in IL, just sucks beyond suck. When it gets 10* BELOW zero and the wind is blowing 30 mph there is NOTHING good about it. Summer here sucks too, hotter than Phoenix by a lot, but we'll get to that in about 7 months....

Eh, what can I say?

[smartass mode on]

I think it's debatable that a person that knows relatively little about me can talk with any authority on what I'm an authority on :roflol::roflol::roflol:

[smartass mode off]

I know lots of folks don't like winters. Most people that live where I do like the fact that we don't have much in terms of winter. I hate it though. Our winters are more like a hard fall. And for a cold weather guy that stinks sometimes.

Still love it when this time of year rolls around though. Beggars can't be choosers!

Cheers! :cheers:


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I personally love winter too. Always have. What I don't like are the idiot dingbats that have no business being on the roads when they are icy but insist on doing so anyway.

There is nothing like taking a long walk over snow covered ground with the flakes still gently falling. I have many fond memories of walking through town and campus at night when I was in college enjoying the sights and sounds. Couldn't afford to do much else but always managed to find true peace on those walks and suddenly tests, money, grades, didn't matter for a little while.

I gave up skiing almost 30 years ago. A friend turned me on to snow shoeing last winter so want to do more of that this winter.

I have always lived where there are four seasons and don't think I would do very well in an environment without them. Heck, where I live now we can sometimes get all four seasons in a single day!

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