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LaRue Tactical Multi-Gun

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Tactics Schmac-tics, they are like a$$holes...everyone has 'em.

Let me wade in here fellas. I was raised shooting and putting on 3 Gun by the likes of Kyle Lamb, Todd S., OG, Rick P., and a few others. We always think outside the box making the courses of fire challenging to all levels of shooters.

Here is my philosophy for putting on any shooting event, it is all about the Shooter and you are going to learn a thing or two and I will make you think. You will have fun and it will challenge you in every aspect. I want to raise yer pulse and force you into all kinds of crazy positions and scenerios, shorten the learning curve so to say.

Let me tell you, it a'int always sunny and 60 in a Gun fight! It does not matter if you are a once a month shooter or an instructor that spends 300 days a year on the road trying to transfer your craft and experience to others.

You don't have to change a thing, I don't. I shoot the same stuff I have been shooting fer years...Rifle, Pistol, Shotgun. Align the sights and press the trigger, it is all good.


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Well sorry I stepped on toes of you who have so many "spare" guns that it is hard to chose which one to shoot for which match. I'm just a hard working guy with one tactical rifle and one shotgun. And as for the "gaming" pun that everyone is having so much fun with. Sorry if the shoe fits. If you are building a rifle and realize that the setup doesn't cover some aspect of some match then you modify it for the next. That's part of the process of finding what works for you. On the other hand, If you have too many guns to choose from that you can't decide which one to shoot with this week or have to constantly change it to suit a particular match, then more power to ya for having the bank to do so. And as far as hitting targets like Larue's at 500, I'm pretty proud of my own accomplishment of doing so (KurtM). The way I see it, it must not be too easy if most others are talking about putting magnified scopes and EO magnifiers on there setup to do it. Like I said, NO OFFENSE to all of you that have the time to attend multiple large matches a year, I just have to work too much and just appreciate the chance to shoot in this one. There again I'm spoiled on the red dot and while I can shoot them pretty well in a pinch, I'm not crazy about iron sights. Never could get my eyeballs to work that good with long distance and iron sights. Maybe I'll have to get ya to give me some pointers at the match (KurtM). Oh that's right, you're not shooting this one? You are right opinions are like A**Ho**s. I kinda figured I would stir a little rukus with this one, but it's all in fun. I was just putting in my 2 cents worth. I didn't realize so many people were so sensitive. LOL.


Edited by noxcuse73
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Well sorry I stepped on toes of you who have so many "spare" guns that it is hard to chose which one to shoot for which match. I'm just a hard working guy with one tactical rifle and one shotgun. And as for the "gaming" pun that everyone is having so much fun with. Sorry if the shoe fits. If you are building a rifle and realize that the setup doesn't cover some aspect of some match then you modify it for the next. That's part of the process of finding what works for you. On the other hand, If you have too many guns to choose from that you can't decide which one to shoot with this week or have to constantly change it to suit a particular match, then more power to ya for having the bank to do so. And as far as hitting targets like Larue's at 500, I'm pretty proud of my own accomplishment of doing so (KurtM). The way I see it, it must not be too easy if most others are talking about putting magnified scopes and EO magnifiers on there setup to do it. Like I said, NO OFFENSE to all of you that have the time to attend multiple large matches a year, I just have to work too much and just appreciate the chance to shoot in this one. There again I'm spoiled on the red dot and while I can shoot them pretty well in a pinch, I'm not crazy about iron sights. Never could get my eyeballs to work that good with long distance and iron sights. Maybe I'll have to get ya to give me some pointers at the match (KurtM). Oh that's right, you're not shooting this one? You are right opinions are like A**Ho**s. I kinda figured I would stir a little rukus with this one, but it's all in fun. I was just putting in my 2 cents worth. I didn't realize so many people were so sensitive. LOL.


Aw hell... Don't worry about stepping on toes. We are all friends here. Hopefully you will get to shoot more matches around and get to play with all of us various crackerheads. Don't let old QwertM mess with your head either. Most of those matches he dominates with his old worn out iron sight rifle are just cause he real lucky anyway... :devil: Hell, even I shot nearly 80% of his score on a stage once. ;)

See you at the match! Last year was great and I know this one will be even better! :cheers:

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<_< sensitive? I was told to leave that feeling in my Open pistole bag. I been trying to learn something this past year, it still hard to think of my guns as weapons. most of my guns are a lot closer to toys than weapons.

But it is all good, Item by Item I have the skill to shoot 3 gun <BUT! I am having one heck of a time shifting guns in one stage. I thought it would be easy, & I was wrong.

:huh: Does this ammo belt make me look fat?

Edited by AlamoShooter
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Thanks guys, I know it will be a blast. Us NW Louisiana boys are trying to get in a little last minute tune-up to get ready. We're chompin' at the bit to shoot a bigger 3-gun match like this. I know if Larue is putting it on then it will be first class. I think it will be about 10-12 of us supposed to be squadded together.


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You should be proud of that accomplishment, red dot at 500 yards. The problem is when you come in here and say it in such a way as to deride those who run an optic...kind of like SOCOM, the ARMY and Marine Corp who have been big buyers of ACOG magnified scopes since 1998...guess they aint "tactical". Last time I check many of the "special" units in the military select mission specific weapons, why is this a bad thing when a civilian does the same thing?

I am glad you have found the gear that works for you like I have, but many folks are still questing for what works well for them, and most of them haven't been in the 3-gun world that long. Why is that bad? I am sorry you don't have more guns to chose from, I hope this year finds you in better a better economic status. Every one should have a back-up to their primary if possible.

Sadly I won't be attending this match but I know you will have a great time, Greg puts on a great one. Now before you think that all this "Tactical" talk has scared me off, I will be attending another 3-gun match in Arizona at the same time. Since I am just a poor working guy just like yourself, I have yet to be cloned or afford my own SST to be able to shoot both. Oh and one last thing, I used to have a bunch of red dots....but the doctor gave me a shot and some pills and they finally went away :roflol: KurtM

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Well Kurt your eyes might be good enough to shoot 600 with iron sights, MIne aren't, but they're not good enough to read my post correctly, or is that just old age and memory loss? I never once mentioned anything about an acog, mission specific weapons, or anything the military was using, but last time I checked, there were just as many aimpoints as acogs in field service in the sandbox and where ever else you want to look. From military, to local PD, swat, etc. Seems like you're the only one that misinterpreted what I said in more than a few ways. I believe what I said was I ran an aimpoint with NO magnification (ie magnifier) which everybody knows that ALL aimpoints have NO magnification without the magnifier. I also didn't deride (whatever that means) anyone running an optic. An optic is an optic whether it's magnified or not like, well what do ya know an AIMPOINT like mine. Sounds more to me like you are the one that doesn't like optics. I also didn't say anything about people trying new stuff that they haven't figured out yet because they haven't been in the game that long. I was asking a question from the folks who have a perfectly good rifle to shoot that totally rebuilt it for just this match not just to improve on it. Besides, if you're not an optics guy or even shooting this match why are you sooooo offended? Besides, my equipment runs soooo good I don't need a backup! HA HA yeh right! It only burns when I P in KurtM's cheerios. :roflol:

ps. I said I was hard working not poor. I only have as many guns as I can shoot on a regular basis.

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That sounds dangerously close to "gaming". It's hard to get good with equipment if the configuration is always changing.


Guilty. :blush:

But, hey, haven't you tried 2 or 3 different comps out in the last month or 2, and settled on a SJC Titan? Yeah, thats REAL Tactical there. :P

And not to mention the spankin' new 45 round Nordic extension for you're PMAGs? But no gaming here though, thats just "equipment evaluation". ha ha

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Greg it burns when you "P"ractice because it is un-natural for a match director to have any time to shoot.... let alone P :D

Me eyes are terrible...My shooting glasses aren't that thick just for safety. B) (note glassses)

The stuff I brought up were kind of like well you know examples. Like this one

"I was asking a question from the folks who have a perfectly good rifle to shoot that totally rebuilt it for just this match."

My EXAMPLE is this, I've got a nice M4 with an Aim-Point, BUT I know I am going to be operating in an environment that will entail LONG range shots ( no villages, forest jungles..etc. ), and since I am going to shoot from cover ( rocks...remember no trees, I already stated that) I think I would like to also use a suppressor. I think I will grab a longer barreled upper ( a la MK 12 ), I think I will grab a can and some of those great Mk262 rounds for it, but I am going to use MY lower because I like the stock, it fits me well and my non stock trigger is just plain better.........Now in this EXAMPLE of why people would reconfigure their rifle for "just one match" you will notice that this guy has done just what you said was bad, and I again ask you how is this bad?

Magnified, Magnifier, Magnafried....you got me on this one no doubt. Good job, obviously (meaning plainly seen, or easy to see) your eye-sight is better than you let on :lol:

I am not anti-optic...I just hate batteries. It comes from childhood when I stuck a 9v battery in my mouth. :o I don't use optics in general because at sometime, some way, they will all leave you behind (meanig break, wonder, not illuminate), but with that said I DO own some very nice optics and they are on "mission specific" equipment....just to sound A.T.A.S. (all tactical and sh#t)....see when it is said this way even my Praire Dog rifle sounds...well...A.T.A.S.

I am not offended in the least, you just happen to be the lattest thing to joust with :sight: I love the "tactical" crowd cause you can spool them up just like a G.E. 76 engine! Was that a Phantom jet that just went by???

BTW I don't eat Cheerios...thats just for sailors baby..yeaaaahhh Give Me Tony Tiger any day, after all he wears glasses too! KurtM

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What exactly are you guys bickering about? Anyway leave out any personal attacks or be moderated.

If you want to shoot iron sights, more power to you. If you want to run an Aimpoint, more power to you. If you want to run the match with your supertactical survivalist duty kit, more power to you. If you want to run it with supergamer weinie competitive shooter gear, more power to you. But to question whether or not Greg Coker can put on a realistic "tactical" match strains credulity. I'm sure it will be plenty "tactical," whatever that may be.

Noxcuse73, this is a competitive shooting forum, full of "gamers." My name is Kelly and I am a gamer. The whole point of the forum is shooting games. This is not the forums to discuss fighting tactics or how to survive the zombie apocalypse so I would be careful about throwing the "gaming" term around as a pejorative.

Many people modify equipment to suit a particular match. Many don't. Whatever. The "tactical" nature of the match will come from the rules, how they are applied, and the course designs not whether I choose to shoot a CQ/T or a MR/T optic or whether I pick this upper or that upper. Again, I'm sure that he has the requisite experience to make this a full on "tactical" event, nearly as fun as a real zombie apocalypse.

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I guess I didn't realize that "gamer" was a cuss word. Yes Shaun I did change my comp and mags a bit for evaluation but not specifically for this match. As I recall, didn't you build a whole new rifle for this one and you've had your fair share of rifles and guns. LOL. :roflol: Kellyn, sorry no harm meant. I've never really understood the whole "zombie" affiliation with shooting. When I said tactical, I didn't mean guillie suits and face paint. The description of the match was Larue Tactical Multi-gun. I only used the words that were in the title. Besides I never questioned Greg's ability to put on a good match, the original question was why people completely change there setup before a match to suit that particular match. It has been made abundantly clear why, and now I have a full understanding. I didn't realize it was going to cause such a fuss. Like I said before, I'm just glad to get a chance to shoot a big match like this with my busy schedule.


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F.Y.I. from Websters Dictionary: Deride 1: to laugh at contemptuously

As used in a sentence... I deride Kelly's use of big words like credulity, pejorative and zombie apocalypse. (Wouldn't a "Zombie Apocalypse" be running out of Rum??) :roflol:

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I'm glad that I made you all go to the dictionary. Mine defines gamer as "plucky or courageous"

As an answer to your question. Some people like to tinker. That tinkering often fails but sometimes it leads to some real improvements in technique and equipment. I will tune my equipment slightly depending on what I know about the match, match director and stage designers. I notice that most successful competitors tend to rely on the same setups. Kurt has been shooting the same stuff for 20+ years, well his shotgun anyway.

I'm not changing my gear in any radical manner for Larue. It will the first big match for my new FAL (watch out Tate!) I do, however, know Greg so I am making sure that all my equipment is secure as I expect a bunch of movement and some radical crazy positions. I also expect some support side and one handed problems to be thrown our way. As the match requires a a sling on the rifle, I am working on rifle shooting with a VTAC sling on, something that I typically don't have to worry about.

As for the zombie apocalypse, I have noticed that zombies are becoming common motifs (please refer to your dictionary if need be) at practical matches. This is probably due to the success of the Dawn of the Dead remake, the rise of zombie literature (that's "books" to some of you, please refer to dictionary again) especially the highly entertaining World War Z. There was a zombie stage at DPMS and this weekend there is a whole zombie themed match in Tucson! I expect that Greg will be able to provide us with real zombies but please make them the slow moving Romero kind and not the fast moving Zach Snyder kind.

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This is probably due to the success of the Dawn of the Dead remake

Yeah. Always remember that the WINCHESTER is bound to be Loaded !!.... or you will get loaded in the Winchester..... or the Winchester does Shots that will kill you..... or whatever....:roflol:

Edited by mike.45
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If Greg is going to homginize a plethora of Zombies (mix up a big ol batch), I might skip Superstition Mountain Mystery 3-Gun and just come and drink with you boys!

Here is a "Zombie" for you now, and the only thing that this Zombie does is make YOU feel like You have been shot in the head. :cheers:

1 part white rum

1 part golden rum

1 part dark rum

1 part apricot brandy

1 part pineapple juice

1 part papaya juice

½ part 151-proof rum

Dash of grenadine

Sounds like a perfect tactical hydration system filler to me! KurtM

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In answering Greg's question, why does it burn when U P, its because you drank to much and you are not standing outside the fire and P"ing on it you are IN the Fire and P"ing. :surprise:

This is rule #4 in the Firefighters unwritten rule book, Know where you are in relation to the FIRE.


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Will run the usual rifle, shotgun & pistol. Only difference is I am going to kick kelly's ass with the shotgun & pistol to bring him back to being a mere mortal. O.K. lets stir the pot some more. I will also give everyone shooting a red dot a "chance" to win something in the rifles by leaveing mine on 1x for the long range.

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Maybe but I am going to smack you around so much with the rifle that it won't make any difference. You're doomed.........


About time you chimed in on a match that you aren't even going to come to. You are referring to Shaun of the Dead, not Dawn. And all three things are true of the Winchester.

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