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Idiots that don't listen to Evac orders


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Working in L.E. you get to meet all kinds of fudged up people.

Usually when they are not exactly at their stellar best but still they amaze you with just how fudged up they are.

Now on TV we have people saying they will not leave the areas being forcast as "Certain death" if they stay there.

These people need to be culled from the herd.

They will otherwise breed and dumb down the human race.

Sorry but as a rescue guy I have had to rescue people from all kinds of stupidity.

A guy that dropped his transmisson....on his chest, hurst tooled people out of countless car wrecks, a guy trapped in a collapsed cesspool, rescued animals from their owners or in spite of their owners, and even rescued baby ducks from a storm drain.

I felt pity for those people because they had no prior warning (well maybe the transmission idiot should have known what would happen) of their accidents or what was going to happen to them and they needed our help.

If you're advised to evacuate an area and choose to ignore the evac order then you kind of deserve what you get.

Don't call the coast guard or L.E. or firemen to save your dumbass..you got yourself into this shite...get yourself out of it.

Don't risk the lives of these men because you were too stupid or stubborn to listen to good advice.

Just like that idiot living up at Mt St Helens who is now buried under about 100+ feet of volcano ghak.

OK....taking deep breaths now....going to the happy place.....


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Don't call the coast guard or L.E. or firemen to save your dumbass..you got yourself into this shite...get yourself out of it.

Exactly. I'm way against the nanny state and people telling me what I should do "for my own good" - but I'm also a firm believer in one being held accountable for their actions. You don't want to leave? No problem, but you're on your own.

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Look guys, this is a Darwin example. This is an example of survival of the fittest or in these peoples case, the least intelligent. No effort, repeat, no effort should be made to extract or help these people in any way. And if the pussies that say I am being cold and harsh dont like it then they can go save them. Let them put their words into actions. After 10 or 20 of those touchy, feely types die trying to save them, I bet their attitude about the situation will be different.

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People either haven't the envisioning/mental capacity to begin with or aren't being taught to think AHEAD... to think about ANY consequences of their actions, to think beyond their noses, to forsee the obvious (in many cases), or to think critically and logically in the first place. Jeez.

Again, the gene pool appears to need a little dose of chlorine. <_<

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Don't call the coast guard or L.E. or firemen to save your dumbass..you got yourself into this shite...get yourself out of it.

Exactly. I'm way against the nanny state and people telling me what I should do "for my own good" - but I'm also a firm believer in one being held accountable for their actions. You don't want to leave? No problem, but you're on your own.

My feelings as well...I evaluate each storm and haven't evacuated in any thus far. Then again, I'm above storm surge, experienced (by now) and well prepped. Wasn't asking for help before and not asking for it later if I misjudged. My home, my decision, my responsibility. Nothing to be taken lightly or by the clueless.


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I don't know guys and gals. If the talking head from the TV station can stand there in the hurricane force winds with debris flying past at 100 mph and not need to be rescued I think I could sit at home in front of the fireplace without needing to be rescued....

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I don't know guys and gals. If the talking head from the TV station can stand there in the hurricane force winds with debris flying past at 100 mph and not need to be rescued I think I could sit at home in front of the fireplace without needing to be rescued....

If I ever was asked by a news crew why I didn't evacuate, I'd just reply "I live here...what the heck are YOU doing here."


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One's ability to survive these kinds of 'disasters' can depend entirely on a whole lot of variables in combination... like the relative strength of the structure you're living in, your elevation, your proximity to ANY body of water, your local population base's demands on resources and the extent of local supporting community services.

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I'm with the .... "Don't tell me what to do" crowd, but I take full responsibility for myself. NO WAY would I endanger myself or my family!!!!!

You get what's coming to you if you are too low in the Gene Pool to know better....natural selection at work.

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knowing full well that the media likes to exaggerate circumstances for dramatic effect, I have no problem with letting "your" common sense dictate your actions. however, our job is to protect and serve our taxpayers and when you call we come, unless coming to your aid would create more rescuees, we answer the call.

We don't generally have the luxury of saying "hey, I told you so!!!!"


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Personal responsibility ... what a concept ... (too many years in EMS, high angle, cave rescue, rigging/extrication, medevac, & ER).

Reference separate thread re: General Honore': http://www.brianenos.com/forums/index.php?...c=70991&hl=.

I can only imagine what he'd say on the matter.

I don't presume to know what great men will say. If I were to hazard a guess though I believe he'd say something to the effect of "don't get stuck on stupid"


Accountability. Unfortunately it is literally a more foreign concept.

I'm with most others. I believe I'd stay. I'm not there so I can't say for certain. I'd also assume that I'd prepared for something like this to happen. Regardless, if I did stay I'd fully expect accountability for that action. If I were to be ignorant in that circumstance then nobody but me should pay that bill.


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GUys ,

Everyone says they will be personally accountable for thier actions ...until they're staring at their own possible demise at which point they all do the same thing......"HELP!"

Human nature.

If you're advised to evacuate...then evacuate.

The weather witches and warlocks may well be wrong and the storm may not be that bad and people will say "See I could have rode this one out."

It also could go the other way.

A little inconvience is no big deal.

We were out of our house years ago due to a large wildfire here in the pine barrens area.

The police came and told everyone to get out.

We packed up the truck/car with pictures and stuff to use and went to my sister in laws house where we stayed for a week.

It was not fun but the alternative could be much worse.


Mods please close this thread.

Thank you.

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