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Ohio State Match


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So at the 8am shooters meeting the match director said no appeals of Safety Officers calls.Shorty latter for the first time in 12 years of shooting IDPA I got called on my mag pouches not being back far enough. After looking doumfounded at SO another SO came over and explained that I was legal. Then on stage 2 I am told I can walk by a target without shooting it to get to cover to shoot it. OK . So there is 6 inch vertical oppening to see and shoot target which I did and I get proceder for no cover(no warning) on target that I walked by not having to shoot.There was problem with steel not being calabrated right. Bob Vogel got reshoot, but what about newer marksman shooters.The match Tshirt had picture of bullseye target on back not a IDPA target, great. Know I now why some local Ohio guys I met at West Virginia state match said they were not going to shoot this match . Blaster

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I just got back from the match, I thought the stages were great and the match was well run. There were a few instances that the COFs didn't allow creativity but thats how it is sometimes.

I was shooting in the same squad as Bob V. The popper was shot dead center with a 138 PF load and it didn't fall. The MD investigated the situation and determined it to be a range failure. It (the popper) had in issue with how it rested on its stop, causing a lean that was too far forward.



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Nick, I was running the timer on stage 8 with the gas pump. Introduce yourself next time. :)

This was an IDPA match run by IDPA rules with a complexity of stage design that you usually see more at a USPSA match. :cheers: A nice blend of skill tests.

I really enjoyed it and hope they do it again next year. :)

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I just got back from the match, I thought the stages were great and the match was well run. There were a few instances that the COFs didn't allow creativity but thats how it is sometimes.

I was shooting in the same squad as Bob V. The popper was shot dead center with a 138 PF load and it didn't fall. The MD investigated the situation and determined it to be a range failure. It (the popper) had in issue with how it rested on its stop, causing a lean that was too far forward.



I saw Morgan Allen shoot just after Bob did his reshoot and he started on right pepper popper,he had a good center hit and popper did not go down he shot paper and then left pepper popper then the right pepper popper again, did he get a reshoot? One question is do the best shooters get special treatment,like if I had shot it and it did not go down.Also in newest Tactical Journal there is article by John May about how to run a better match(what not to do). I am sure he would have been bothered if he had made it to Ohio match. Blaster

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Nick, I was running the timer on stage 8 with the gas pump. Introduce yourself next time. :)

This was an IDPA match run by IDPA rules with a complexity of stage design that you usually see more at a USPSA match. :cheers: A nice blend of skill tests.

I really enjoyed it and hope they do it again next year. :)

Sorry Bill, I will be sure to introduce myself to you and Susan the next time we cross paths. Will you be at the MI state or National matches ??

I just got back from the match, I thought the stages were great and the match was well run. There were a few instances that the COFs didn't allow creativity but thats how it is sometimes.

I was shooting in the same squad as Bob V. The popper was shot dead center with a 138 PF load and it didn't fall. The MD investigated the situation and determined it to be a range failure. It (the popper) had in issue with how it rested on its stop, causing a lean that was too far forward.



I saw Morgan Allen shoot just after Bob did his reshoot and he started on right pepper popper,he had a good center hit and popper did not go down he shot paper and then left pepper popper then the right pepper popper again, did he get a reshoot? One question is do the best shooters get special treatment,like if I had shot it and it did not go down.Also in newest Tactical Journal there is article by John May about how to run a better match(what not to do). I am sure he would have been bothered if he had made it to Ohio match. Blaster

Morgan did get a reshoot. Did your squad have trouble with the poppers? If so, did your squad plead your case to the SOs or MD ?? Situations happen, if you feel that you are slighted you must bring it to the SO/MDs attention. Do better shooters get treated better than lower class shooters ?? I don't know, I am by no means at the level of Bob or Morgan, but what I have experienced is that better shooters are sometimes held tighter to the rules, at least at the local level. I have shot 6 majors in IDPA, most of them I have been squadded with some top shooters, we have all been treated the same.

I didn't see anything at this match that John May discussed in is Tactical Journal article. As Bill said, it was a good test of skills with some complex IDPA stages.

If you have a problem with how the match was run or the COFs please contact the MD, it will only benefit all of us for the next time.



Edited by nwb01
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I just got back from the match, I thought the stages were great and the match was well run. There were a few instances that the COFs didn't allow creativity but thats how it is sometimes.

I was shooting in the same squad as Bob V. The popper was shot dead center with a 138 PF load and it didn't fall. The MD investigated the situation and determined it to be a range failure. It (the popper) had in issue with how it rested on its stop, causing a lean that was too far forward.



I saw Morgan Allen shoot just after Bob did his reshoot and he started on right pepper popper,he had a good center hit and popper did not go down he shot paper and then left pepper popper then the right pepper popper again, did he get a reshoot? One question is do the best shooters get special treatment,like if I had shot it and it did not go down.Also in newest Tactical Journal there is article by John May about how to run a better match(what not to do). I am sure he would have been bothered if he had made it to Ohio match. Blaster

So...he shot after Bob ?

Was the popper fixed after Bob (sounds like it might have been)? If so, then the popper was still faulty...or the next guy didn't hit it well or with enough power.

I didn't shoot the IDPA match. But I've got plenty of hours in carrying poppers on that range. :) I shoot minor too. If it was our clubs poppers (which is likely) and the were spiked down...then they tend to work 100%. If the popper was properly calibrated (seems likely, since this happened after Bob?), then I'd be very surprised if it didn't work.

If the second guy hit it solid (in the circle), twice...and his ammo was up to it...then he should have asked for (and got) a reshoot. If the popper wasn't properly set, then the shooter has a legit gripe. But, it really is the shooter's place to make the gripe...at the match...where action can be taken.

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Yes, the second guy (Morgan Allen) hit the popper twice in the center and he did shoot after Bob. His rounds passed chrono with no trouble so it wasn't a PF problem. Morgan's issue was also on a different popper. I don't recall if they were staked down or not, foolish of me not to take note of that.

Unfortunately, IDPA doesn't have an official popper calibration procedure. Something more if us IDPA shooters should address with headquarters.

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For my first Major IDPA match I enjoyed it...yeah I saw a few flaws with some thing but its on the shooter to call them if they happen to them at the match, not after. All the staff was friendly as could be and very polite. I saw what seemed like a newer SO that didn't get a couple calls right but his fellow SOs where there and the correct calls where made. Just wish I had shot it better....

I had zero problems with any poppers....I was shooting 138 PF though.

Edited by steel1212
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I could have hit the poppers at the hinge and they would have still gone down. 178PF. Not the match high though, that was 230 something PF.

I did find out that 47D mag springs have a life span. I don't know what it is, but I found it. I had 3 or 4 mag related jams. Other than that, I had a pretty good time. I liked the bridge. Overall, good stages. Creative and most required movement, some required 3 mags.

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I could have hit the poppers at the hinge and they would have still gone down. 178PF. Not the match high though, that was 230 something PF.

I did find out that 47D mag springs have a life span. I don't know what it is, but I found it. I had 3 or 4 mag related jams. Other than that, I had a pretty good time. I liked the bridge. Overall, good stages. Creative and most required movement, some required 3 mags.

I'm new to these forums and was an SO at the Ohio Match. I personally observed more than one 1911 and other makes fail during my stage.

Edited by gtmtnbiker98
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I could have hit the poppers at the hinge and they would have still gone down. 178PF. Not the match high though, that was 230 something PF.

I did find out that 47D mag springs have a life span. I don't know what it is, but I found it. I had 3 or 4 mag related jams. Other than that, I had a pretty good time. I liked the bridge. Overall, good stages. Creative and most required movement, some required 3 mags.

I'm new to these forums and was an SO at the Ohio Match. I personally observed more than one 1911 and other makes fail during my stage.

A 1911 fail, say it ain't so !!!! :roflol::roflol:

Welcome to the forum

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A 1911 fail, say it ain't so !!!! :roflol::roflol:

Welcome to the forum

And he did....it was those cheap ol' wilson mags he was using that puked. Put it this way, even with magazine failures he still won CDP master, I think his gun and him did alright.

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I could have hit the poppers at the hinge and they would have still gone down. 178PF. Not the match high though, that was 230 something PF.

I did find out that 47D mag springs have a life span. I don't know what it is, but I found it. I had 3 or 4 mag related jams. Other than that, I had a pretty good time. I liked the bridge. Overall, good stages. Creative and most required movement, some required 3 mags.

I'm new to these forums and was an SO at the Ohio Match. I personally observed more than one 1911 and other makes fail during my stage.

Which stage?

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ON a positive note, the match started on time,no boddlenecks, lunch was edible,we were done at 3:00 and results were posted promply with email notifing us results were up.Looking at the results 5 masters had procedures ,8 experts had procedures including our own Bill and Sue Nesbitt. Bill what stage did you get procedure on ,did it make sense and when was the last time you got one,4 or 5 years ago.MY point is that unlest you admit isomething is broken,it will never get fixed. Blaster

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I could have hit the poppers at the hinge and they would have still gone down. 178PF. Not the match high though, that was 230 something PF.

I did find out that 47D mag springs have a life span. I don't know what it is, but I found it. I had 3 or 4 mag related jams. Other than that, I had a pretty good time. I liked the bridge. Overall, good stages. Creative and most required movement, some required 3 mags.

I'm new to these forums and was an SO at the Ohio Match. I personally observed more than one 1911 and other makes fail during my stage.

Which stage?

Stage One, the Tour Bus. Talking procedurals, I didn't have a procedural but Bill's stage (Stage Eight) kicked my butt!! I had a non threat and a miss on that dropper which ruined by match.

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5 masters had procedures ... what stage did you get procedure on ,did it make sense and when was the last time you got one. MY point is that unlest you admit isomething is broken,it will never get fixed. Blaster

I had a PE on the BBQ stage, stage 6 iirc. My first in a looooong time. I don't recall how they explained it during the walk through but I was under the impression I was ok to reload crossing the "hallway" but couldn't reload advancing down it. But honestly doing so was not part of my plan and I was not properly prepared to deal with that situation (I hadn't given the idea of reloading there much thought). My poor execution put me in the situation where it mattered. It was one of those gray areas where everyone's interpretation is different so I just set back while the CSO debated and made his call and I signed my sheet. I avoid PEs by asking questions of the CSO and understanding [before the buzzer] how actions/rules will be interpreted. In this case I neither insured the action was ok nor executed on my shooting (man, how many times did I say -that- over the day?!).

Complex/challenging/long stages in IDPA often become PE traps. That's just the nature of the reloading behind cover rules and the different interpretations regarding what is cover (esp after targets are engaged). The shooter needs to know before shooting if their plan will earn them any PEs. I, for one, thought things ran very well and thought they put on a good match from the shooting perspective. Now... that said, can I get a reshoot?? :roflol: On all the stages? :ph34r: I was embarrassed by just about every thing I did that day!


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