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I hate it. To paraphrase Larry Flynt (and I'm sure a few others). "If you don't like it, don't read it." That goes for here too. Short of malicious personal attacks.

Man, do I have a way of getting involved in threads that magically get locked up, or what? :huh:

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Although I have no need or obligation to explain myself and my "hate" rant, I will.

This was not directed towards anyone in this forum. It was a general comment, but it also happens to have local relevence. ;)

This wasn't started to be a platform for Flame Throwing. Please don't turn it into one.

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"Why cut off discussion on a topic obviously people still wish to comment on?"

It was obvious that the majority of those with an opinion didn't agree with the action taken...rules or no rules.

The discussion should have never been curtailed.

Where I come from...they call that "running interference".

Sorry if certain people don't like the assessment...but I believe in calling it as I see it.

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Guess my opinion is a tad different. This is a private board, owned and operated by our host, with oversight by the moderators. Their board, their rules.

While freedom of speech does exist in a public forum, is does not necessarily exist in a private one, and they have the right to do as they wish. It's not censorship...if they get a hankering to ban folks or stop their privileges here...again, their right.

I see this at other forums and have borrowed an owners eloquent comments on it:

This forum is private property. Your First Amendment rights guaranteeing you Free Speech do not apply here. We may, at our discretion, remove any content we wish. We may also, if matters warrant, remove your posting rights.

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This is not a First Amendment issue. I liken it to a filibuster of a Supreme Court Nominee. Because the majority disagrees with the situation...debate is shut down. :angry:

While First Amendment rights do not allow you to yell "fire" in a crowded movie theatre, they do allow you to state your opinion on this or any other forum.

I can see curtailing debate if it became a personal thing but it never did...I was only a difference of opinion regarding the rule and the application of the rule. Nothing more, Nothing less.

After all is said and done, we're still shooters ;)

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I don't have the time to look it up now but the original intent of the hate forum was to allow members to vent a peeve and not have to support it. Commenting on or adding to a hate rant is generally ok, but starting a heated discussion over a rant is different.

I think most of the mod's will agree that most anything goes with a hate rant except personal attacks, or comments that will lead to personal rebutals. There are many examples of threads that have went bad because it was just let go.

It's too bad if a poster misses a chance to add something or discuss something involved with a thread. But they can feel free to start another!!!

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If you don't like the moderation... Don't post! This is a private site, and the concept works both ways!

The other locked thread concerning 11 in the mag was locked for a few reasons. I'd have locked it way earlier, as it was a textbook example of thread drift.

As for those who have been in voiolation of the rules, fix yourself. I don't care if you like using the barney mag or not. You either have 10 in a mag or more. Simple.

The whole 180 break as opposed to being 'close' and benig warned is a subjective call. Comparing the 2 is never going to work. One is a yes or no, and the other is a "from where I was, your muzzle looked........"

Is it Friday yet?


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