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Being a deranged violent criminal perpetrator

Merlin Orr

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I am happy to report that Ty Gentry and myself were shot and killed 14 different times today as we threatened the life of innocents, ambushed and shot LEO and generally just were bad people being ugly in public. Corpus Christi patrol officers were subjected to all kinds of sneaky double dealing ambushes and assaults by Ty and myself in a vacant hospital building all day long. I am proud to say they acquitted themselves extremely well and "took care of business."

Obviously I am even prouder to say that Simunitions were in all weapons used in the tightly controlled training exercises..... :cheers:

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I am happy to report that Ty Gentry and myself were shot and killed 14 different times today as we threatened the life of innocents, ambushed and shot LEO and generally just were bad people being ugly in public. Corpus Christi patrol officers were subjected to all kinds of sneaky double dealing ambushes and assaults by Ty and myself in a vacant hospital building all day long. I am proud to say they acquitted themselves extremely well and "took care of business."

Obviously I am even prouder to say that Simunitions were in all weapons used in the tightly controlled training exercises..... :cheers:

I wanna be the bad guy and shoot back :roflol:

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Way cool... Many years ago in college while working offshore we had Navy Seals overtake a platform for training exercises. I imagine they would be a bit rougher to play with though. :ph34r:

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You have no idea how bad I would love to shoot you two with SIMS :devil:

Come to think of it I would almost pay for you two to come here and visit our team for a couple of days.....nothin but fun :D

Thanks for helping out your local guys...that's awesome!

Edited by smokshwn
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There is a lot I would like to say about why patrol personnel are now receiving this type of training...but I should not and will not on BE. I will say that I am very proud they are preparing and readying themselves to protect those who are not prepared to protect themselves against ANY crazy person/bad actor eventuality.

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Merlin, having been on both sides of that training, all I can say is thank you. It's hard to get good role players for these, especially when sim's are in use and the need for someone that can shoot really well is necessary. These training exercises solidify tactics into immediate actions for the teams, irradicates (wanna-be a) hero mentality in the younger team members, and is essential training for quality LEO's. And... you have to find someone that is willing to get shot more than one time and lose for the higher cause.

Good stuff.

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I am happy to report that Ty Gentry and myself were shot and killed 14 different times today as we threatened the life of innocents, ambushed and shot LEO and generally just were bad people being ugly in public. Corpus Christi patrol officers were subjected to all kinds of sneaky double dealing ambushes and assaults by Ty and myself in a vacant hospital building all day long. I am proud to say they acquitted themselves extremely well and "took care of business."

Obviously I am even prouder to say that Simunitions were in all weapons used in the tightly controlled training exercises..... :cheers:

Now I know you are too much the gentleman to either brag or make excuses so in the interest of maintaining the honor of TSS, IDPA and the USPSA I gotta ask, did you kill as many of them as they killed of you? B)

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I am happy to report that Ty Gentry and myself were shot and killed 14 different times today as we threatened the life of innocents, ambushed and shot LEO and generally just were bad people being ugly in public. Corpus Christi patrol officers were subjected to all kinds of sneaky double dealing ambushes and assaults by Ty and myself in a vacant hospital building all day long. I am proud to say they acquitted themselves extremely well and "took care of business."

Obviously I am even prouder to say that Simunitions were in all weapons used in the tightly controlled training exercises..... :cheers:

Now I know you are too much the gentleman to either brag or make excuses so in the interest of maintaining the honor of TSS, IDPA and the USPSA I gotta ask, did you kill as many of them as they killed of you? B)

I could not tell.... Every exercise ened with me face down in handcuffs with some burly cop's knee in my back..... :surprise:;)

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I am happy to report that Ty Gentry and myself were shot and killed 14 different times today as we threatened the life of innocents, ambushed and shot LEO and generally just were bad people being ugly in public. Corpus Christi patrol officers were subjected to all kinds of sneaky double dealing ambushes and assaults by Ty and myself in a vacant hospital building all day long. I am proud to say they acquitted themselves extremely well and "took care of business."

Obviously I am even prouder to say that Simunitions were in all weapons used in the tightly controlled training exercises..... :cheers:

Now I know you are too much the gentleman to either brag or make excuses so in the interest of maintaining the honor of TSS, IDPA and the USPSA I gotta ask, did you kill as many of them as they killed of you? B)

I could not tell.... Every exercise ened with me face down in handcuffs with some burly cop's knee in my back..... :surprise:;)

Knee in your back?

Merlin,..... I can't believe you let them take you alive. :roflol:


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How do I get tickets to this show???

Easy! Just move to Corpus Christi and join the police force. They have video. Uh, Merlin, may we see the video?


Not yet I got another 7 years left in the USAF then I retire at 39!!! I will have to get into this Cop training thing though!

Edited by Shawn Knight
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