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Angry, ignorant people


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A few times in the last month I've had "words" with people over something exceedingly stupid and I just can't understand why. Today is the latest episide:

I stopped to put gas in my gov't car at the local Sam's club. They have the best price in town and I have a membership, so I figure I'll save some of our tax dollars by getting gas there when it's convenient. I pump my gas and head over to park in front of the store so I could drop off my payment....easy enough right? As I'm approaching the crosswalk there are maybe five or six people crossing from my right so I stop. As they pass I start to move just as a guy steps off from the left. I stop again, maybe two feet into the 20ft wide crosswalk. I may have crept forward a foot or so, but I don't think so. I notice that the guy coming from the left is walking on an angle so he's coming closer to my car rather than straight across the crosswalk...no biggie, I'm stopped. He passes and then turns to stare at me through the passenger window. I start to move forward only to stop for another person crossing. The guy has walked parallel to me and is still giving me the hairy eyeball. Then he yells something at me I can't understand since the windows are closed. I really don't know what he's pissed about at this point, so I roll the window down and ask him if there's a problem....he starts yelling "you need to F-ing learn how to drive" etc, etc as he gets closer to my window. I should add that I'm driving a newish Crown Vic with tinted windows and antenas on the rear deck...uh, hello stupid. I decide I don't want him trying to get in the car with me in it, so I pop the car into park and step out. He comes charging towards me and cussing until I pull my jacket back and say "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you, what's the problem?" He stops dead in his tracks and says "you almost hit me". I said "I didn't come even close to you and I STOPPED so you could walk past. How close did I get to you?" Of course, he says he doesn't know because he was so worried about me hitting him. Then he says "oh, why didn't you say you were a cop." I said I didn't need to tell him anything and he shouldn't be yelling at people and acting like a bully for no reason. At this point I say "you need to walk away now" and when he finally starts to back up I get in my car, find a spot and park.

Scene two....the idiot comes across the parking lot to where I've parked (75-100yds) and starts yelling at me again while writing something down (license plate). I tell him he can go ahead and try running my plate, but it won't do him any good. "I'm going to report you to your superiors" he chimes in. I tell him he's more than welcome to try. Then as I'm walking towards the store entrance he gets in front of me and says "I want your badge number." I laughed and said I'd give it to him as soon as he handed me his driver's license, which sort of stopped him in his tracks. He shuts up at this point so I walk away and get to the entrance where the greeter says to me "he must be having a bad day!". I drop off my payment and walk out a minute later (no line for a change!) and this moron is still out there waiting for me, but far enough away that I could get in my car and drive away without further incident.

What sort of idiot gets that fired up over something so stupid? His wife/girlfriend was over waiting for him at the car and I kept thinking how stupid he'd have felt to get his ass kicked by some mean SOB who had nothing to lose, just because he wanted to start a shouting match in a parking lot. Even if he thought I had been too close, I just don't see how his reaction was reasonable. There were so many people coming and going it wasn't like you could drive more than 1-2mph anyway....it wasn't like I was charging through the parking lot and he had to stop or move fast to get out of the way....he just strolled on by while I was stopped. I know now that he was making a point by walking closer to my car rather than straight across....this idiot was looking for a reason to get pissed.

What really frosts me isn't so much that he did it to me....I wasn't going to lose that one any way it played out....it's that he's done this to other people and will continue to do so in the future. People seem to think that they can yell, be rude, and bully other people who are just going to take it and run away like sheep. Polite society won't allow decent people to beat the tar out of an idiot like this so they never get taught a lesson! I can only hope that the next person he tries this with isn't a decent person and teaches him a lesson he should have learned as a child :devil:

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I swear, sometimes I know how Custer must've felt at Little Big Horn. No matter how many you dismiss, there is just an endless supply of...um... jerks to deal with. Where do they all come from!?! You try to be nice by letting people cross and they yell at you. No good deed goes unpunished <_< .

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I was behind the wheel in a line of cars waiting to use the local car wash (I'd paid & had my ticket). Guy pulls up to our right in a truck. A big truck. He positions said truck like he wants me to let him cut the line.

WTF? His time's worth more than mine? I don't think so. So I ignore him. He gets behind me and then - he whistles. I rolled down the window and he has the gaul to say: "Hey, I was next!" I told the guy: "No, you were not. I was waiting." Then I ignored the guy. Luckily, that was the end of it. But it spoiled the whole car-wash experience for me.

People need the THINK before they open their mouth. What are people today thinking??!?

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What a Loser ! Inferiority Complex ???

Feel bad for his girlfriend, she may now have to hear it for a week of how he

showed you.

Should of trown him on the hood and frisked him down or something !! :lol:

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Sad thing is, the guy that gets out of the car and apologizes (Nice Guy) and tries to go on about his business is harassed by the prick continuously. Then when Mr. Nice Guy gets his fill he retaliates with a foul remark of his own where Prick then wants to get physical. Mr. NG kicks the shit out of Prick and winds up getting prosecuted for assault and battery when he was merely defending himself. Ask me how I know it goes down like that!

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Sad thing is, the guy that gets out of the car and apologizes (Nice Guy) and tries to go on about his business is harassed by the prick continuously. Then when Mr. Nice Guy gets his fill he retaliates with a foul remark of his own where Prick then wants to get physical. Mr. NG kicks the shit out of Prick and winds up getting prosecuted for assault and battery when he was merely defending himself. Ask me how I know it goes down like that!

Ouch, I don't think I want to even hear that story! :surprise:

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The percentage of UN-evolved animals on the planet far outweighs the percentage of evolved ones. It's tough living with idiots. Nauseating, in fact.

Did you ever see the movie Idiocracy? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0387808/

I fear that this was not a mildly entertaining movie but a glimpse into the future of our society..... :ph34r:

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I think I met that guy a few months ago.. he was dropping some kids off at lunchtime in the drive-thru of McD's before going to the next fast-food place down the way (who dumps a bunch of small kids off at a busy place at lunchtime, in the drive-thru lane, then goes somewhere else???). Anyway, he's blocking everything up and somebody's coming the other way pretty quick, so I tap my horn with a 'heads up', and he comes leaping out of his truck-thing (Avalanche, I think, maroon) and up to my window yelling. I roll it down a few inches and he goes off for a little while before he realizes I'm not yelling back and my right hand has been holding something in a bag on the console for the entire time.. He gets a wierd look, figures out just maybe I've got something in the bag he really doesn't want to meet, stops in the middle of his rant and quickly walks off.

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I think I met that guy a few months ago.. he was dropping some kids off at lunchtime in the drive-thru of McD's before going to the next fast-food place down the way (who dumps a bunch of small kids off at a busy place at lunchtime, in the drive-thru lane, then goes somewhere else???). Anyway, he's blocking everything up and somebody's coming the other way pretty quick, so I tap my horn with a 'heads up', and he comes leaping out of his truck-thing (Avalanche, I think, maroon) and up to my window yelling. I roll it down a few inches and he goes off for a little while before he realizes I'm not yelling back and my right hand has been holding something in a bag on the console for the entire time.. He gets a wierd look, figures out just maybe I've got something in the bag he really doesn't want to meet, stops in the middle of his rant and quickly walks off.

One Happy Meal for each kid: $7

One totally financed Avalanche with an insane loan amount: $37,000

One bag on the center console with the Equalizer in it: PRICELESS

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I pop the car into park and step out. He comes charging towards me and cussing

It's easy to say after the fact, but if someone is charging at me cussing, I can only assume he wants to get physical.

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