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California..... Again


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FYI for those of you in CA......

Who is this jack*ss, and why does he have a hyphenated last name? Did he chose not to take the last name of his 'spouse'?

Issue Date


North American Hunting Club Weekly News

Update: Ammo Tax Resurfaces In California Legislation has again been introduced in California that would tax sportsmen to pay medical expenses for victims of illegal firearm activity.

California Assembly Bill 992 (AB 992), introduced by Democratic Assemblyman Mark Ridley-Thomas, would impose an additional sales tax of 10 cents on every piece of ammunition sold in the state after Jan. 1, 2004. The tax would finance a firearm victims' reimbursement fund to compensate for unpaid medical bills and other financial losses accrued by victims of illegal firearm activity. It awaits action in the Assembly Health Committee.

California sportsmen should contact their assembly member and encourage them to oppose AB 992. You can find the name of your assembly member by calling (916) 319-2856 or by using the "Legislative Action Center" on the U.S. Sportsmen's Alliance Web site at www.ussportsmen.org.

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...maybe there are two sets of balls in that marriage.

Clearly, this loser thinks just because likes back door action, everybody likes to get it up the..............well......uh......you get the idea.


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Just another example of another idiot from the West Coast with too much time on his hands, too much money at his disposal, and someone who never leaves the confines of all that cement to get out into the real world. Sad part is that there are more and more of them, just like that.

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They tried to get it passed before using the ill gotten proceeds to fund trauma centers. It did not fly. The Rep. said no way. Since the Dems don't have enough votes to pass a tax increase / fee ( it takes 2/3rds not just 51%) in the Assembly, it died. Well they resurected it in the name of "victims". That is pretty hard to be anti-victims rights.

Clay pigeons, empty soda cans and paper of all kinds will all be compensated now!!!! It's about time ;)

M R-T is pretty much an idiot. Oh yeah, he's a jackass too. I think that he and "Somebody that we don't need to talk about on the SHOOTING forum" must be long lost illegitimate brothers or something.

BTW, isn't this county we live in great. Problem is that once we get past the 1st amendment, everyone seems to lose interest....................

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Ah the beauty of living on a farm in Midwest, I can step out on my front porch and shoot whenever I want.

Rufus, enjoy it while you got it! Ohio is trying to sneak through some law that could take away your ability to do that (although, I need to dig into this a little as originally the NRA came out in support of this law, and it was local organizations that highlighted how dangerous this could be for gun owners).

Yep, as I understand it (and if this passed), you would not be able to step out on your front porch and shoot even if you were the only farm in the middle of 50,000 acres, and you OWNED the land free and clear! The sneaky gun grabbers are everywhere.... :angry:

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