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I shot the match at Warsaw this weekend [production].

What a great match. Drew 40+ shooters, which is very good for the N-IN clubs (like 2x). The guys there obviously put a lot of effort into setup. The field courses had walls everywhere! Lots of options, and while holding the timer on stage 3, I don't know that I saw the course run the same way twice. Keep it up, and you'll become one of the must-go matches in central IN.

Brent/Chris, don't worry about the reshoots. I'm sure lessons were learned on the activator setup. That was truely an AWESOME stage design. I think people were afraid I was mad about having to shoot it several times, but I wasn't. I look at locals as a chance to develop the mental game for majors, and multiple reshoots happen at majors, too. I executed my plan perfectly each time, up until the final [5th!] run when I missed the activator, shot the array out of sequence [with a lot of waiting] as a result... that extra shot caused my gun to run dry, but dummy me didn't realize it, so I got a 'click' on the mover. I somehow managed to rack a round in and get two on the mover just before it disappeared. I should have been 3-4 seconds faster over all.

Classifier was 09-13. Time was good, mid 4s, but got chicken-sh*t around the NS on the last target and hit 2 Ds. I'm sure those pulled the % into below-min range. Once I see the match results and can find some data on that classifier, I'll get a better idea.

Overall, I'm very glad I got this match in before the IN section match. Yesterday is exactly where I want my shooting to be. I felt agressive behind the gun for the first time since leaving the open gun last fall. All season I've felt like I'm "shooting scared" behind the irons. Yesterday I felt like that FS WAS the dot. I felt like I could fine tune it's path mid-cycle and the instant the FS landed between the rears it was lifting again. I replayed that image/feeling over in my mind all evening. I'll be curious to see points % from the match. I recall a few more Cs than I'd have liked, but very good over all... and best of all, VERY few makeup shots. A couple on steel, and 1 on a turtle target.

Hoping Friday to get to the range for some practice...


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I didn't think you were mad but I was worried you would run out of ammo !!!

Gavin and Chris drove a hour to set that stage up and I thought it was a great stage but I did not know the activators would be a problem. They seemed to work on Saturday. Bill told us to move the rope and they got everyone thought it. We are all a little smarter now!!

Thank you for sticking around for tare down. :cheers: It help out a lot. Looks like you did pretty well with all talent that was there !!

4 masters in one match. Thats rare in northern part of the state.

Thanks Brent

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I didn't think you were mad but I was worried you would run out of ammo !!!

I never go anywhere w/o at least 2x what I think I'll need... sometimes I need extra, sometimes someone else needs extra... I had another box of 250 in the truck. :D I could have shot the whole stage like 8 more times.

We are all a little smarter now!!

And knowing is half the battle .

4 masters in one match. Thats rare in northern part of the state.

Yea, that was impressive! And Drew who won Limited as an "A" is an "M" in Production. It was a virtual tie for Production, beating Dave by 4 match points or whatever... good times!


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I'll be curious to see points % from the match. I recall a few more Cs than I'd have liked, but very good over all... and best of all, VERY few makeup shots. A couple on steel, and 1 on a turtle target.

Hoping Friday to get to the range for some practice...


I remembered correctly, a few too many Cs, but still an improvement over a couple months ago. tossing out the all-steel stage, I turned out 90% of the points. only 2 Ds, 23 Cs. Now that I'm consistently at the 90% point, I need to set my sights a little higher, make 93% my goal...

And Friday practice is out... looks like I get to earn some OT.


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I felt so bad for you on that stage, but you held up like a trooper. I seriously was suprised that you got two on that glider/mover. I was ro'ing and watching the gun, but I could see that thing dissappear in my peripheal just as you shot. After all the malfunctions I was happy for you to get that one over with and all the hits.

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Skipped the FWAPS match to get in some practice with the PD gun.

Started off with some timing drills. Groups were improved. I did an extra 20 round set at ~.17s and the group was about the size of my usual .25s (all but 3 inside an idpa -0 [using up some old targets]).

Went down hill from there.

Double-Draw Master...

Relaxed: 40, 48, 44

Surrender: 34, 47, 40

I got in fewer shots, and more Cs. Only 1 set got in 11 and one set got in 12 shots. Most were 10. That was disappointing. I wasn't starting the DA stroke on extension. I was extending and the pressing. Couldn't seem to do it right.

El Prez:

I think my worst runs in a long time. I was pushing speed (looks like around 0.4s faster than last practice), but man did the points pay the price. Ave HF is only ~85% of last practice.

1)5.01 4A/1B/5C/2D HF = 7.984

2)4.57 6A/0B/5C/1D HF = 10.066

3)4.60 4A/0B/5C/3D HF = 8.261

4)5.04 4A/0B/8C/0D HF = 8.73

5)4.84 7A/1B/4C/0D HF = 10.33

Draws were ~1.25. Reloads ~1.35.

Assuming a 4.75 string, that leaves splits of ~.21. Based on the timing drills, I have NO excuse for shooting points that crappy. This is your brain. This is your brain on TENSION.

I tried Enos' transition drill. I forgot to print up the drill, so I was going by memory. I did set it up and shoot it correctly, but had I remembered how it was scored, I might have been a little more careful for As. ;)

setup is 9 shots on an el-prez setup. I drew facing downrange, surrender. 0.5s added for each non-A.

Baseline average: 5.46

That was with an average of 1.3 Cs per string.

Side note: I upped the recoil spring weight to 11lbs. I practiced some slide-lock reloads.


Also put ~75 rounds through the 1911. Still no sign of trouble with the new trigger group. I think it's match ready. Dang that gun shoots... 4/5 rounds at 10 yds made a single ob-long hole (called 3-rd round flier about 1" out). Need to get it on sandbags at 50...


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7/25/10: Shot Production at the IN Section match.

This was a very fun match, well set up and organized, and great stages. It was HOT. I drank ~ 14 bottles of water and a coke and after 10am never pissed.

This was the WORST match I have shot in a long time.

Came in 7th in PD, last master.

Only shot 83.3% of the points, which is HORRIBLE. I had 5 misses when I was done with my first 3 stages. 6 misses total. I did clean it up for most of the rest of the match, but blew my last stage. WAY too many Ds for the match.

Dr Jackle (the good): Stages 4-9, I averaged a finish of 4.8.

Mr. Hyde (the bad): Stages 1-3 and 10, I averaged a finish of 16.25.

(I started on stage 1.)

Lately I've been watching videos of top shooters and working to emulate how explosive they are. They often take 1-2 steps between positions where I take 4-5. I think I let that carry over to my frontsite, not just my footwork. I did not call my misses! I called most of my shots. Even made up a few, but it's obvious why I missed when I did. I shot those first 3 stages with a speed focus, and the kick in the rear is the speed wasn't there either.

Stage 1 (and my first stage) Not only did I have the 2 un-called misses, I completely forgot my game plan. It was truely "as and when visible."

Stage 2 my high grip problem bit me (slide not locking back). I needed the 11th round for a makeup on steel and realized I was empty and reloaded, but didn't rack the round in and that threw off my timing, and caused me to be slide down after teh next 10-round array.

On stage 5, the slide did lock back for me, so my grip position is improving, but not consistantly.

Stage 10 I'm not sure what happened. I intended to hit the mag release while putting the ammo can in the hole, then reload. When I brought the new mag up the old was still in the way. At first I thought I forgot to hit the release, but on vid I see I had to really shake the gun to get the mag out, so I'm thinking it didn't fall (maybe I didn't hold the button long enough for it to fall?). That good plus a crap load of Ds wrecked that stage for me.

Bottom line... my agressiveness and movement was where I want it, but regardless, I HAVE to get back to getting As.


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as discussed on another forum.... I though this description was better than what I typed up here, so I'm including in my diary...

Originally Posted by jakemartens

I need to get the speed up on everything else but the actual shooting.

That is where I am with my shooting. I went into the match with the goal of being more explosive between positions and to "cut out the fat" of wasted time. Unfortunately, I let it spill over into my trigger finger. I got lax on calling some shots, and the shots where I didn't watch the sights lift were either misses or no-penalty misses (eg Ds!).

After my first 3 stages, by 11 am, I had racked up 5 misses. By the end of the day I had a total of 6 misses and 17 Ds. I shot a pathetic 83% of the points for the day. You cannot miss fast enough to win. I believe that had I worked to ensure I shot another 10% of the points, my times would have not increased significantly, if at all. Pure lazyness and impatience on the trigger.


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video from the IN match:


I noticed on stage 9 that your slide was open on the table start they let you do that? I don't recall what the description was but I know our squad the slide was closed hammer down. Just wondering?

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I noticed on stage 9 that your slide was open on the table start they let you do that? I don't recall what the description was but I know our squad the slide was closed hammer down. Just wondering?

Hi BK.

Copied from the WSB:

Gun is unloaded and on table with the muzzles facing down range.

Compare with the WSB from stage 6:

Gun unloaded and laying flat on the mark with the muzzle in a safe direction, hammer down and slide and cylinder closed.

I think most people just made the assumption from habbit they'd have to rack it. I saw that in the WSB a couple weeks ago, and even practiced loading it that way in dryfire. I half expected it to be changed before the match, but it wasn't.

during walkthrough I asked the RO, "it doesn't say slide fwd, does it?" He thought about it and said "nope, I guess not."


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I noticed on stage 9 that your slide was open on the table start they let you do that? I don't recall what the description was but I know our squad the slide was closed hammer down. Just wondering?

Hi BK.

Copied from the WSB:

Gun is unloaded and on table with the muzzles facing down range.

Compare with the WSB from stage 6:

Gun unloaded and laying flat on the mark with the muzzle in a safe direction, hammer down and slide and cylinder closed.

I think most people just made the assumption from habbit they'd have to rack it. I saw that in the WSB a couple weeks ago, and even practiced loading it that way in dryfire. I half expected it to be changed before the match, but it wasn't.

during walkthrough I asked the RO, "it doesn't say slide fwd, does it?" He thought about it and said "nope, I guess not."


Dammit I missed that one!:roflol:

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Dammit I missed that one!:roflol:

Usually I'm the one saying that!

I actually won that stage in PD, thanks to my gamey-ness. [Figures I win the stage worth the fewest points!] Now I'm wondering how quickly I could have done it if I had shot the way Bob V did, which I hear was Head-P-P-Head. He still beat me by ~.4 seconds. But then you risk giving up more points....


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7/25/10: Shot Production at the IN Section match.

Stage 10 I'm not sure what happened. I intended to hit the mag release while putting the ammo can in the hole, then reload. When I brought the new mag up the old was still in the way. At first I thought I forgot to hit the release, but on vid I see I had to really shake the gun to get the mag out, so I'm thinking it didn't fall (maybe I didn't hold the button long enough for it to fall?). That good plus a crap load of Ds wrecked that stage for me.

On stage 10, the most common method was to spring forward with ammo can and slam the bottom of it into the port, then draw while the door was dropping, since it was a pretty slow drop. Engage the back four, back out while reloading, then shooting both sides.

Some went all the way back to the start, some just barely clearing the wall. We didn't call anyone on the 180 in 3 days of shooting.

Some of the Open shooters did it strong hand then went forward, a few put it between their legs, but most went forward first.

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On stage 10, the most common method was to spring forward with ammo can and slam the bottom of it into the port, then draw while the door was dropping, since it was a pretty slow drop. Engage the back four, back out while reloading, then shooting both sides.

Some of the Open shooters did it strong hand then went forward, a few put it between their legs, but most went forward first.

I still think hitting the back targets SHO was the way to go. I put a stopwatch on my mag problem, and that cost me ~1.30s. Even still, my time was 3rd fastest in PD, only 0.6 behind the fastest. I think it just didn't matter much... either futs w/ the can during the draw or the reload... now if I were shooting a high-cap game, I might be inclined to think through the port first is better.


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Ryan, I shot that stage just like you did, but in opn div. I will always shoot as soon as I can shoot. I didn't see how I could make the time up moving backwards after moving forward. So, it was strong hand only then the ammo can in the hole, and for the life of me I can't remember if I ever got both hands on the gun when the port opened. I think I did :surprise:

Stage 9 is the one I am most upset over. I noticed that the head shots would be faster, but didn't stop to think that even faster would be left to right, or right to left, head, popper, popper, head. That mistake cost me an extra transition coupled with a makeup shot on the second popper and a no-shoot penalty the whole stage was just crappy for me. Wait, I'm imprinting, let me start over........

The Indiana State Match was awesome for me because I went MAJOR at the chrono!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Last night I pulled the PD gear off the belt and put on the SS rig. Did some light dryfire both last night and tonight, largely w/o a timer. Just trying to get used to the grip and trigger finger placement. Still working to get my left grip low enough so I don't interfere w/ the safety. I was afraid I'd really fumble w/ the reloads, but they have been going quite smooth.


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I shot Single Stack at Angola this weekend. I felt like I needed a break from the production gun. Used the 1911 I built. It was a little awkward. I've been trying to figure out just where I want to grip it, and to get my WH to not grip so high it interferes w/ the safety. Each draw felt like multiple steps... draw, confirm grip, then press out. Sight tracking was a little erratic. Certainly a few timing drills would go a long way to getting me comfortable with the gun.

My head wasn't at all into the stages, and I really didn't have plans ironed out or ingrained. Just a product of working at that match where the ROs stay w/ the stages and fit in the shooting when they can instead of being integrated into squads. Lots of hestitations and "now what?!" moments.

Classifier was 06-03, can you count. String 1 had a jam. Not sure what happened, didn't look at it, just ripped it and ran. Threw a C and a D when I got back on the trigger. First actual jam ever w/ that gun (all the other problems were in the trigger group, which has now run ~300 rounds w/o any problems since I fit the new parts). Second string was a so-so 3.6 seconds, down 1. Considering the hhf for SS is the same as open on this and many classifiers, it gives me new respect for the guys making M/GM in SS!


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Can you count is a fun one that Ive run in SS before (buckeye challenge i believe). Let me know if you want any tips on shooting that skinny gun, :roflol:

Any good flexibility exercises to be able to reach all those mags? haha. I didn't have enough pouches (771s) so I used my old idpa pouches for the last two mags. They sit lower and I found that worked out cause I didn't have to bind up so much to be able to reach 'em. Downside is the top of the mag isn't much higher than 771 in front of it, so it's hard to sweep back and find. I might not invest in more 771s just yet (not that I can find em).


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