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screw it,

sue him

sue his insurance company

sue the tire manufacturer

sue the brake manufacturer

sue the car manufacturer

sue the weatherman for the weather

sue the city for not having proper drainage

sue your company for putting you in harms way

sue the manufacturer of the vehicle you were driving

shouldn't be too hard to find someone to represent you for all this, just flip to the back cover of any phone book, those guys will do it. Who knows you may win enough to live with yourself.

Of course then there is this little thing called KARMA, next time you might not walk away.......

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I'm pleased to see folks in our "community" think the same as I do. Many of the problems today come about from people thinking that if they are inconvenienced in any way they entitled to money from someone. Spill hot coffee on yourself because you're a klutz and you become a millionaire...... I'm not responsible for anything I do but everybody around me is completely and financially responsible for me.

Accidents happen, its how we deal with them that makes the difference. Just because you can doesn't make it right.

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I completely agree with the Karma thing. I have seen Karma work her magic (both good & bad) many times.

I have spoken to a local attorney and for now, I am going to let it ride, but keep an eye on the pain and if anything else comes up from the accident, then contacting an attorney to possibly proceed with legal action.

Again, for those that may have missed it earlier: I am against the idea of sueing for something like that. I think that is what is wrong with this Country (well, one of the many things) is people sue for just about anything. I just want to see how others feel about it, make sure I'm not shooting myself in the foot (no pun intended) and missing what might be due to me. That is why I wanted to ask here on BE, as I respect what the forum members here think.

Thanks again for those with the Positive replies.

Edited by GlockSpeed31
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I am going to tag intot his thread as I have missed the bulk of it. I too was involved in an accident almost a year ago and have suffered back injuries from it.

A year later I wear a TENS unit (electric shock) daily, and the doctors have yet to determine where my injury is. I have had facet injections and RF treatments to relieve the pain, but it was only a temporary fix.

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The only way I would consider suing...injuries resulting from the accident that are not covered by my company or the other driver's insurance.

Put his (other driver) shoe on your foot and see if it's tight.

Give thanks that you (or the other driver for that matter) were not seriously injured.


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Having a bad back myself I can understand your pain.

The thing I would worry about is long term (perhaps hidden) injury that may crop up later.

I would not go after the guy personally but I would go after his insurance company. But before doing that I would have a few more test done on my back to make sure I did not have a ruptured disk, if the scans and x-rays don't show any problems..you may want to let it go, but that is entirely your call....how bad is your pain and suffering is it causing you to miss work, or not function around the house, maybe make you miss some IDPA competitions, or make it so you can not bend or stoop down.

There is allot to consider before you take any action, but again you know your pain and your situation better than anyone else..let your conscience be your guide.

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What would you gain by the lawsuit? And how much. That is something that an attorney would look at before taking the case. Would the financial gain (minus the 33 and 1/3% attorney fees) be worth the time and effort. I guess that would depend on how bad you are hurting.

Like many others said, thank your lucky stars you walked away with no serious injuries.

My dos pesos.

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Ok guys, I have been thinking this over and just wanted to get some other opinions.

Last Friday (12-28-07), it was raining very badly and had been for some time, so water was standing on the road. I was driving my Company truck (I work for a Internationaly known food company as a Route Sales Rep.) and was merging onto another interstate. I had a car skid and hydraplane into my truck, striking just behind the rear bumper (Pitt Manuver type impact). This impact caused my truck to spin counter clockwise 180 degrees. I came to a stop, facing the traffic that was following me. I didn't even know there was another car coming up beside me, much less one skidding in ny direction. I was busy watching my lane for free standing water so I wouldn't hydraplane. No one was hurt (at the time) and the other driver admitted to me and the police officer that it was his fault. The driver was issued a citation for the wreck.

I had to drive the truck back to the warehouse and go for a manditory drug screen. No big deal. I get back to the warehouse to start back out on my route and my lower and mid back area start to bother me and I decide I need to go back to the DR to get checked out. I end up having Lumbar Strain and Thoracic Sprain. Dr prescribed Ibuprofin and a Muscle relaxer and refers me to a Physical Therapist.

My company is paying for all of my medical expenses right now and has me on light duty until cleared by the DR. This basically doesn't cause me any real lost time of work or loss of money. I have had a couple different people suggest contacting an Attorney and sue the other driver. About the only thing I can think of sueing for is pain & suffering, seeing how my company is covering all other expenses.

What do you think?

Thanks for taking the time to read and reply to this.

As much as I hate lawyers, I would advise you to tale legal action for a simple reason: you may have long term back problems and you need to set the case in stone now and get it on the record. You can't come back in six months and claim pain then because it will look phoney.

I think you should err on the side of caution because I know what it's like to live life with constant back pain.

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well his insurance should have to cover the medical bills, Since it really isn't costing you time and money

Actually, it is costing you money. If you bought the insurnace, you paid for that coverage and will eventually pay more because you filed a claim. If the comapny is absorbing the cost through their insurance, ultimately that cost will be passed onto them. It ain't free, regardless of who's paying.... and the carrier for the guy who caused it should be paying the cost.

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screw it,

sue him

sue his insurance company

sue the tire manufacturer

sue the brake manufacturer

sue the car manufacturer

sue the weatherman for the weather

sue the city for not having proper drainage

sue your company for putting you in harms way

sue the manufacturer of the vehicle you were driving

shouldn't be too hard to find someone to represent you for all this, just flip to the back cover of any phone book, those guys will do it. Who knows you may win enough to live with yourself.

Of course then there is this little thing called KARMA, next time you might not walk away.......

This time he might not walk away uninjured. The injuries he has may not fully manifest for years. As I get older, everything I ever injured comes back to cause chronic pain.

If you believe in Karma, don't you think the dipstick who spun his car into the innocent vehicle (because he was going too fast for conditions) should step up and accept responsibility for his actions?

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I have spoken to a local attorney and for now, I am going to let it ride, but keep an eye on the pain and if anything else comes up from the accident, then contacting an attorney to possibly proceed with legal action.
That has always been my approach, and it is the best advise you can get. Document everything, think it over, and don't be suprised if everything works out just fine without taking any further action.
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