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Okay, as the title says, I am just venting but when is this price war against the civilian shooter going to end? I just came back from Walmart and in one week Remington 223 55 gr fmj box of 20 went from $6.47 to $7.50. An increase of 15%. This is an addition to going from around $5 in January of '07 to $6.47 by August of '07. Another increase of 25%.

Some more examples: Blazer reloadable .45 230 gr box of 50 - in January of '07 it was 8.50, now it is $12. An increase of 30%. Winchester 9mm 115 fmj box of 100 was $12 in January of '06, now it is $16. Another increase of 25%. And the manufacturers are talking about another increase in January of '08. How much is going to be enough for these sobs?

First the cost was blamed on lead. Well, lead has dropped over 30% in the last 2 months. Now the war is to blame. Whats next? Anybody want to bet the ammo companies will have record profits this year?

I mean, I am all for staying loyal to our manufacturers, but it is getting harder and harder to do when every time I pick up ammo, I feel like I am getting a$$raped. Ammo purchases might be easier if the manufacturers would tape a little tube of vaseline to each box.

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I don't mind the 9mm prices for right now since i am able to afford it but even reloading .40 and .38 super is getting way out of hand for lead prices and i don't dare buy it from walmart unless it is 180gr Blazer Brass ammo but my Edge won't shoot it. Hopefully something changes, and changes soon.

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First the cost was blamed on lead. Well, lead has dropped over 30% in the last 2 months. Now the war is to blame. Whats next? Anybody want to bet the ammo companies will have record profits this year?

The real problem is, once an item goes up it rarely if ever goes back down in price. Taxes are my personal pet peeve, they are percentage based yet always go up, never down. :angry::angry:

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I'm afraid that as long as I'll pay $28.00 for a 1000 federal primers that the industry will not lower the price back to the $15.00 it was 18 months ago. Only if there becomes a surplus, will the price come back down...and then, probably not back to 2005 prices.

kinda sucks, doesn't it? ;)


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Do what I did, contact the manufacturers and let your voice be heard. It may not help much but it sure as heck doesn't hurt. We whine and moan about it to each other but the only way we can do anything is to get in touch with those who actually make what we need.

Joe W.

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Okay, as the title says, I am just venting but when is this price war against the civilian shooter going to end? I just came back from Walmart and in one week Remington 223 55 gr fmj box of 20 went from $6.47 to $7.50. An increase of 15%. This is an addition to going from around $5 in January of '07 to $6.47 by August of '07. Another increase of 25%.

Some more examples: Blazer reloadable .45 230 gr box of 50 - in January of '07 it was 8.50, now it is $12. An increase of 30%. Winchester 9mm 115 fmj box of 100 was $12 in January of '06, now it is $16. Another increase of 25%. And the manufacturers are talking about another increase in January of '08. How much is going to be enough for these sobs?

First the cost was blamed on lead. Well, lead has dropped over 30% in the last 2 months. Now the war is to blame. Whats next? Anybody want to bet the ammo companies will have record profits this year?

I mean, I am all for staying loyal to our manufacturers, but it is getting harder and harder to do when every time I pick up ammo, I feel like I am getting a$$raped. Ammo purchases might be easier if the manufacturers would tape a little tube of vaseline to each box.

Well, this is not a hate thread & I am not posting a rebuttle - actually I agree the prices seem somehow out of line even with the price of gas as it is.

But there are ways to save $$ reloading that would have been unthinkable a few years back.

For example: You stated: ".45 Blazer reloadable" I take it you mean brass. Well I have reloaded the aluminum stuff (the center-post is hard on the decapping pin though). It works. Its cheap. It takes some of the pain out of lost brass matches.

Steel Wolf .45 and .223 cases - also boxer and reloadable.

Everyon noticed by now that primers are about $120 per 5K when you can even find them? I don't pay that. Fact is, the Wolf primers are less than $100 and they are BETTER than all but the Federal primers. Put aside the snobbery & realize the Russians KNOW how to build good stuff when they want; noticed who wins all the Olympic gold metals in shooting?

FInally - bulk. Get organized. If enough guys get together, there should be some savings there

If this all seems a bit too much stinginess, then quickly calculate your price for reloads or factory ammo if you bought TODAY vs. 2 or 3 years ago. I bet your costs have doubled. Mine certainly have.

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Several of us got a group buy from Valiant. He delivered to us yesterday and we tried to get another order. He said that the price of lead did come down but now the sources are "drying up". He said he was currently 6 mos. behind. That damn supply and demand thing again......

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Only if there becomes a surplus, will the price come back down...and then, probably not back to 2005 prices.


If the Dems win the election and take us out of Iraq, based upon current production, there will be a major surplus.

Rangerat... Where were you born? What's your Dad's name? We seem to bear a rather striking resemblance to each other...Could you be my long lost.........

Naw.... ;)

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"If the Dems win the election and take us out of Iraq, based upon current production, there will be a major surplus."

Don't look for that to happen. Hillary has actually backed off on getting out now because she knows she won't be allowed to do so. They have to go into IRAN first. Clinton depleated the military for so long that they will be building up for years and then there is the IRAN thing...

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I used to be worried about the price increases in ammo components so I stocked 'em deep as I could afford...but now that I just received a notice of a 40 percent :surprise: price increase in my medical insurance, I have other things to worry about :sick:

As Woodie Guthrie rightly noted, in a song from an earlier time, "How can a poor man stand such times and live?"

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