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Friday Flamer: 18-apr-03

SiG Lady

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I hate being forced to leave Texas just to please the inane whims of a crazed general officer...who can't seem to think logically.

"Hmmm...we don't have enough instructors to teach the current number of students. So...lets increase the number of students by 400% AND force all the instructors to leave! Of course that makes sense, I'm a general, I always make sense..."

I also hate being lectured that "everyone must go overseas at least once during their career." Although I like pointing out to the mental midget (whilst said mental midget is in full tirade) that I have had, in fact, 5 overseas tours in the first nine years of my career. Usually there is some wide-eyed blinking, and then the favorite line "just because."


I also hate volunteering for yet another overseas tour and being denied, although the folks who are going overseas don't want to go...the rule seems to be "if you want to go, you can't go."

Happy? Happiness isn't an issue item.

I really liked Texas, too.


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I HATE PLASTIC GUNS............. I had my fill of them when I was a kid. EVEN THEN, I liked the METAL ONES, not the cheapie plastic ones....... still only like guns made of metal......... the way they SHOULD BE!!!!!!! :blink:


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Welcome to Eugene, where the weekends are ALWAYS perversely crappy and the weekdays glorious. It happens like clockwork. Been watching it for ten years!!!!! Hardly EVER a "nice" weekend. Especially Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and so forth. AAAAAaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggghhhhh!!!!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

PS--All MY childhood shootin' irons were metal, too. Could not CONCEIVE of a plastic gun even then. (Except water pistols! God, were they fun or what??!!)

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I hate being beaten to the punch/flame by my husband!!! Cannot believe they are forcing me to leave!!!!


I cannot believe some general officer who only comes to visit twice a year can decide with the swipe of a pen what will happen to my career. ARRRRGGGHHH!!!

OOOOOOO...Life sure sucks sometimes!!!


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Ok, I've been saving up for several Fridays, and there are a few things I need to get off my chest:

1. Has anyone noticed that medical insurance premiums and prescription drug prices are becoming astronomical, but TV and other media are flooded with advertisements for drugs and hospitals? They probably want everyone to believe these are public service advertisements, but they are not. They don’t promote better health care. They promote the drug or hospital involved. Sometimes I can’t even tell what the heck the drug is actually for, but it’s out there and your doctor can give it to you. The big question is could we eliminate all the advertising and reduce drug costs, and hospital costs? Even a little would help.

2. Has anyone noticed that Kelly Osborne can’t sing and Ozzy Osborne can’t even talk? Why are our kids role models people like this instead of people like the President or Colin Powell? Has our collective IQ been reduced that much?

3. Has anyone noticed that the liberal anti war stars like Susan Sarandon and recently the Dixie Chicks are more than willing to share their views under the cover of “freedom of speech” but don’t want me to exercise my freedom to not buy their artistic product. Why do I have to listen to them? I thought it was my right not to, but they keep showing up on the TV.

4. Has anyone noticed that gasoline prices go up Friday night and come down Monday morning? All kinds of stations are involved. I guess that weekend gas must cost more that the weekday gas. There couldn’t be price gouging. Isn’t that immoral? There couldn’t be price fixing. Isn’t that illegal?

5. Has anyone noticed the reporting of the Iraq war was one sided. As I watched each morning you would have believed the war was all but lost and the U.S. command structure were war criminals. This was right up to the time we pulled into Baghdad and most Iraqis seemed to be pretty happy. I’m also sure that we spent the lives of some of our brave soldiers to reduce civilian casualties. Who are these reporters?

I feel much better now.

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