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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

Thanks to all. I think I'm done


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Just a note to all to thanks for all the info I have gathered while spending time here.

I shot my last USPSA match away from my home club yesterday. I am taking the winter off and next year will shoot one match a month at my local club with the 6" 625 I just finished.

The project I was working on with the 25-2 will become a center fire bulls eye gun and the rest of my gear will be sold.

Yesterday proved to me that this is just not the game for me anymore.

Help me move the guns in the classified section it will be appreciated. They are in great shape and I will even clean them ;) There will be more as soon as I decide what I can not part with.

For this forum, I will be reading but that is about it.

Thanks to Brian, Flex and all the mods for maintaining a place where real people can have informed opinions, disagree, and learn. The information I have been able to absorb from here has been a big help.



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Gary, I'm sorry to hear we won't be hearing much from you anymore :(

It's a shame because you're one of the guys I really enjoy reading posts from.

OTOH, taking a break can be the best thing ever.

Just a tip FWIW: I quit shooting (and I mean really quit) in 2006 close to two years ago. I had it with shooting back then. Truly didn't see myself come back ever. I shot my revolver 6 months ago and was disgusted with my performance and that just reinforced my decision. But the bug bit again (about 3 months ago I think) at the weirdest time I could imagine.

Here's the tip: I would be careful about selling stuff that you could need again if you ever decide to take it up a notch again. I sold almost everything (except my Glock 17) and had to buy a lot of stuff again. It was an expensive two years off, despite the lack of shooting.

BTW, what exactly proved the game is not for you yesterday?

Good luck and I hope to still see you around here once in a while :)

Take care,


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Oh I wouldn't worry about not HEARING from Gary again here on the forums. Not shooting will leave him more keyboard time. :rolleyes:

Those of us who shoot in New England WILL however miss seeing his smiling face at the local matches. :(

I sure hope (and expect) him to continue in his friendly and helpful ways.


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Hi Gary.

I do hope you will stick around this place and share your insight and knowledge to us lesser mortals, even if you decide not to compete so much in the future.

And I hope your health is not the reason behind your decision, that would truly be sad.

If you still feel like you don't like to take part in the threads so much anymore, why not write down some memories from matches, about people you met, things that happened to you and others in matches and around them, and so on. We all love reading the stories and we all might learn from your experience or just have a good time reading about our favourite past time activity.

Looking forward to hear from you again.



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Don't sell any guns unless you need the money. You will want them back later.


Thanks Bill and Mark,

I am keeping a couple I know I will use if I am able to get my hands and knees back in shape enough to play. Selling is the logical thing to do with the guns I will no longer use. I plan to invest the money into a Hot Tub to help calm the arthritis after a long day at work. It is a little more important for now.

I will check in occasionally but need a physical break from the shooting and a mental break from it too. I have taken up Rim fire bulls eye and will spend the winter in a league. I am proving that you can teach an old dog new tricks. They just look at me funny shooting bulls eye from an isosceles stance :)

Thanks to all for the well wishes. Someone must need an 8 shot 627 :surprise:

Also, if anyone is looking for SL Variant loaders for K frame, send me a PM. They will go on the classifieds next.

Edited by Round_Gun_Shooter
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I am keeping a couple I know I will use if I am able to get my hands and knees back in shape enough to play. Selling is the logical thing to do with the guns I will no longer use. I plan to invest the money into a Hot Tub to help calm the arthritis after a long day at work. It is a little more important for now.

I will check in occasionally but need a physical break from the shooting and a mental break from it too. I have taken up Rim fire bulls eye and will spend the winter in a league. I am proving that you can teach an old dog new tricks. They just look at me funny shooting bulls eye from an isosceles stance :)

Thanks to all for the well wishes. Someone must need an 8 shot 627 :surprise:

Also, if anyone is looking for SL Variant loaders for K frame, send me a PM. They will go on the classifieds next.

Sorry to hear that. Good luck.

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I hope that you will continue to bench shoot with us on the forum, at least.

I always enjoy 'talking' with you, and would hate to lose that.

Hope you enjoy the new shooting style that you are 'adding' to your list of skills.

Good Luck.

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Hi Gary,

Glad you'll still be shooting. Personally, I believe I understand the majority of the frustrations that come with shooting. My only ask of you is to not quit. Change formats, like what you're proposing, but don't quit.

I'm a hypocrit with that request. I've quit, several times. And every time I get the urge to pick the blasters up I regret having ever put them down.

Shoot bullseye, shoot skeet, shoot trap, shoot ICORE, shoot whatever floats your boat. Please don't make the same mistake I did and quit all together. The game will reward you for picking the gun back up (when you do) but it will punish you for ever putting the blasters down.

I understand your need for the break. Take it. Been there. But I'd ask you not to quit, if I can be so bold as to make such a request. And please stay on these forums. I enjoy your posts.


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Years ago I bought my 625 (and some other guns) for a literal steal from a guy who told me he was getting out of shooting "for health reasons." I never asked him what those reasons were since I figured it was none of my business and if he had wanted to tell me he would. That 625 was like a Frankenstein gun with various mismatched parts but I made it work, it introduced me to serious competitive shooting and it is the single most important and useful firearm I own. So maybe you really can make another shooter's day, but if you do have such good guns I'd suggest you hold on to them.

Personally, I get tired of competitive shooting from time to time. I think we all do. My revolvers keep my alive out on the street and they put food on the table. If I can win a match from time to time, that's great too. Good guns are about a lot more than just competitive shooting.

Good luck in all you choose to do!

Dave Sinko

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I would certainly be interested in your SL Variant speedloaders and any holders for them for my Model 19. How many do you have and what do you want for them? My cell is 480-688-9673. Name is Jim.

Edited by coldchar
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Just a note to all to thanks for all the info I have gathered while spending time here.

I shot my last USPSA match away from my home club yesterday. I am taking the winter off and next year will shoot one match a month at my local club with the 6" 625 I just finished.

The project I was working on with the 25-2 will become a center fire bulls eye gun and the rest of my gear will be sold.

Yesterday proved to me that this is just not the game for me anymore.

Help me move the guns in the classified section it will be appreciated. They are in great shape and I will even clean them ;) There will be more as soon as I decide what I can not part with.

For this forum, I will be reading but that is about it.

Thanks to Brian, Flex and all the mods for maintaining a place where real people can have informed opinions, disagree, and learn. The information I have been able to absorb from here has been a big help.




you will be missed your knowlegde and experience

seeing that guy in the kilt made my matches

don't be a stranger keep on posting

if you would PM your list of guns to me I will sell them for you

Best wishes

till we meet again


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