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Leaving all the politics out of this discussion and just addressing the technical aspects. Is the technology available to do this micro stamping thing and what are the ramifications for the casual reloader. Reading about this thing has made me go, Hmmm. Sorry Mods if I have strayed into the land of the forbidden but this has me curious.

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I think we can keep the discussion to the technical... :unsure:

I read an article about the previous bill which was defeated. In that article they said the technology was to have the tip of the firing pin engraved such that the primer strike would stamp the brass/primer. However, I guess only having one method of stamping was deemed insufficient. Therefore the new bill requires 2 simultaneous methods of stamping??? :blink:

Therefore I suspect the technology will be a mixture of the firing pin stamp as well as something unknown to me.

From a reloading standpoint I guess it would be ok to have the primer stamped as that is replaced when reloading, ie brass is unaffected.

I would be very interested in the technology behind this. Not because I like it, but just to see if any of my other ideas on how to do it are "correct". (what can I say, I'm an engineer, I solve poblems... ;)


PS google knows all... ;)Wikipedia article

Edited by iweiny
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"Oh dear, I seem to have broken my firing pin, I shall order a box of ten from (insert part supplier/s here) just in case it happens again."

"Oops, this gun I stole and plain old forgot to register has dropped some cases at the (insert favourite crime scene) never mind I will just go and tell the investigating officer who I am." NOT


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As I understand it, the two marks are:

1. From the firing pin. Microengraved info on pin tip, stamped into the primer when

it hits.

2. From the breechface. A small area is microengraved with the required information,

and when the gun is fired the case extrudes into the engraving leaving a mark. Not

sure how well this one will work with a low pressure cartridge like maybe 45 ACP.


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Well if they can’t, no new hand gun sales in California

Arnold signed the legislation. Assembly Bill 1471

In talking with someone from CA I guess there is a provision about the technology that is currently patented having to be free to all manufacturers and functional. I guess that means no once fired brass in CA :)

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Sounds goofy.

Polishing your breachface or FP will probably ruin it and is that going to be a crime? Criminal doesn't care and I guess they could alter a gun in what 3 seconds?

No way is it going to work everytime.

Lets see I get my sworn mortal enemy's FP, put it in my gun, go OJ on somebody and volla, Framed.

I repeat,

Sounds goofy.

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I've always wondered the same stuff about "normal" ballistics stuff from a law-enforcement perspective.

I mean, how many times have we see the gun-babe on CSI-Miami match up bullet striations with a gun, right?

I've wondered about what would happen if you ran a steel brush full of JB bore paste (or whatever) through a barrel - wouldn't that change the stria enough to make it really tough to match?



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The technology for this is not yet ready for commercial use but is in development. There is a provision in the cali bill (1471) that requires that the technology be available from at least 2 independant sources and be completely unencumbered by patents for it to be implemented. Could be 15 years or more for this to happen. My understanding is that there a version that actually imprints the case from the chamber wall as well. Our esteemed Mr. Kennedy has drafted an identical bill which will be introduced at the national level ASAP. This will quickly become everyone's issue to fight. Welcome to the war on gunowners.

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