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Getting Home to Find a St. of AL Uniform Traffic Ticket


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OK, here is the vid of where it ALL happened. The ticket came at the end of the video after crossing the intersection of Hwy 280 and Co. Rd 43 at the redlight.


Co. Rd. 43 runs North/South. At the first of the video is the site picture you have sitting at the intersection with the 55 mph sign looking at you. Then I drove north about 1.3 miles till I found a posted sign on the South bound lane, it too is posted 55. You then come up to the intersection of 280 and continue across on 43 until it ends on old 280. There is NOT another posted limit on 43 after the 55mph. My question is since it intersects with 280 does that mean the 55 mph limit ends there or does it carry onto the remaining part of 43, NOTE HOW CURVY AND DANGEROUS the road is.......NOT. I am just wondering you know trying to get the brownie points, YOU WERE RIGHT HONEY!! A GREAT MISJUSTICE HAS BEFALLEN YOU!! I will probably just pay it but dang, after looking at it from her view point I think the judge would have to agree with her. It is not jus about paying the $155 ticket but using good judgement by the so called "Protector of the Public"

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Around these here parts, you can pretty much count on a citation as soon as you are more than 10 over. Of course, in some states 10 over is plumb acceptable and won't get you more than a dirty look and a shaking index finger. FWIW, don't waive back. Especially with one finger.

I remember when I was working in good old Medicine Bow, WY. The local Highway Patrolman (before gender equity was an issue and we switched to Trooper) was just plain tired of warning the Municipal Court judge to slow down, so he finally wrote her a ticket. Writing a judge a ticket takes some cajones, especially when she is your wife.

It appears some of you folks are LEOs so you might appreciate this one. A friend of mine was ripping along on an all but abandoned rural highway East of Shoshoni, WY early one morning when was lit up from behind, (no comments). My friend was 15 over the limit, but at those early hours he stood a 50/50 chance of a warning. The Trooper happened to notice a shovel covered with blood and traces of hair in the back of his pickup. The driver had accidentally backed over the family pet the day before right in front of his wife and kids and the shovel was used to relocate the dog to it's final resting place. The Trooper made an assumption which led to the question, "What did you kill with the shovel?" This of course was met with a somewhat snotty reply, "A State Trooper." That was one expensive ticket.

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Today was my wifes court date for her speeding ticket and it seems like the court system has changed siince I was last there in 1991 for my speeding ticket. I armed her with the attached diagram to give to the judge. I had to be in a meeting and was not able to accompany her but told her what to say and if he agreed and threw out the ticket GREAT if not pay the fine and move on but at least we would be heard. She calls me and states there are about 200 people in the court room and the just reads them their miranda rights and preceeds to tell everyone the only thing he wants to hear is "INNOCENT" or "GUILTY". I you plead innocent he would set a trial date BUT IF YOU ARE FOUND GUILTY YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY THE FINE AND HE WOULD ALSO SENTENCE YOU TO 24 HOURS IN THE COUTY JAIL, WTF!!!! I told her to just pay the fine and get the hell out because even if he agreed the limit was 55 she was still speeding and would have to spend a day in JAIL FOR A FREEKIN SPEEDING TICKET!! I have NEVER heard of this, was the JUDGE just being LAZY and trying to keep his docket down? She did say about 75% stood up and pleaded Guilty and paid the fine. No you can't even be heard without risking going to JAIL, that SUCKS!!


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I then asked "Did you not try flirting with him?" I got NO reply so I figured I would help. I told her tonight that she could work on her "getting out of a traffic ticket" routine on ME :devil: Needless to say that really didn't help things.

I always wondered if a cop was gay would he get even more annoyed when a lady flirted with him.... just a possibility.

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Today was my wifes court date for her speeding ticket and it seems like the court system has changed siince I was last there in 1991 for my speeding ticket. I armed her with the attached diagram to give to the judge. I had to be in a meeting and was not able to accompany her but told her what to say and if he agreed and threw out the ticket GREAT if not pay the fine and move on but at least we would be heard. She calls me and states there are about 200 people in the court room and the just reads them their miranda rights and preceeds to tell everyone the only thing he wants to hear is "INNOCENT" or "GUILTY". I you plead innocent he would set a trial date BUT IF YOU ARE FOUND GUILTY YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY THE FINE AND HE WOULD ALSO SENTENCE YOU TO 24 HOURS IN THE COUTY JAIL, WTF!!!! I told her to just pay the fine and get the hell out because even if he agreed the limit was 55 she was still speeding and would have to spend a day in JAIL FOR A FREEKIN SPEEDING TICKET!! I have NEVER heard of this, was the JUDGE just being LAZY and trying to keep his docket down? She did say about 75% stood up and pleaded Guilty and paid the fine. No you can't even be heard without risking going to JAIL, that SUCKS!!

A clear violation of your wife's constitutional right to due process. They cannot threaten a harsher punishment just because she wants to exercise her right to trial.

I'd file a complaint with the State. That is BS. Heck, I'd call the ACLU and get them involved. Seriously, I would.

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