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Squadding for 2 day match


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The choice to have some shooters shoot all 12 in a single day allows the match to accomodate an additional 6 squads (~60 shooters).

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I voted 6 and 6, but if the squads were smaller and you could really move through the match, I'd definitely go with 8 and 4. 12 doesn't seem realistic unless the stages are simple with no chance for problems with movers, shakers and swingers....

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I voted 8 and 4 but I was thinking 3 gun. 12 in a day pistol is still a long day even if one is a chrono. BUT that still gives shooters the choice to beat feet home or spend the night and socialize and head home the next mng.

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I voted for 12 in one day for basically the same reasons Jake mentions. My second choice, if single day wasn't a choice, would be 8 & 4 with a goal of getting squadded so that the 4 was in the morning leaving extra time for travel in the afternoon. I'll add that I travel a good bit for my job so a lot of my goals are to get in and out then back home ASAP (if all I'm doing is shooting).

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Having tried a couple 12 in 1 day matches, I voted for 6 & 6. It is already an out of town match so you probably get there a day early unless someone is helping with the driving, then there is the drive home tired after the match. An 8 & 4 is nice if you are in the squad that starts shooting the morning of the second day. Throw in the squad matrix from Area 1 & a 12 stage match over 3 days becomes 2 days, with first off in the morning & after noon or 4th squad in the morning & afternoon or don't even shoot the first day. I finished on the second day & didn't stay for trophys to be presented in the afternoon of the 3rd day and I managed to make it home in 14 hours non stop except gas & pit stops.

All this is relative to the fact that I am retired & don't have to answer to anyone coming or going. Sayings that fit "Grip it & rip it" or "Just do it".

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Thanks for the feedback folks. :)

Got a couple PMs about this so I'll let a bit of the feline out of the bag. We are working up a Level II that will be held in Area 1 next Spring and playing with squadding models. Once we have the rest of the details worked out and firmed up I'll post a match announcement in the proper place.

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ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D So how long DO we get to pick on Floyd for the Area 1 squad matrix anyway? I wasn't there but it made my head ache just to look at it. :wacko:

This poll grew out of a discussion the MD and I were having about squadding and how we could accomodate the maximum number of shooters allowing for a variety of scheduling needs (on the part of the shooters).

The original take on this was to have 6 x 6 for 12 squads and 6 squads shooting 12 x 1. The fear was that we would not fill the 12 x 1 slots. Given the poll results it looks like we might have been worrying about the wrong thing.

The squad matrix is still being discussed but the info from this poll has been very useful. Keep it coming!

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I use a mixed squad schedule each year I have done the Area 6. It gives shooters the option to shoot it all in one day or mix it up. I would be happy to send you my schedule in Excel format if you will PM me at 'cgnoyes@bellsouth.net'. Good luck with your match!


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The MD, being the numbers wiz he is, has come up with a squad model that will be an 8x4 format and still handle the number of shooters we want.

Hopefully we can make a formal announcement of the match within the next month or so. We are still nailing down some details and so can't announce anything quite yet. But it will be fun!!!

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12 in one day is a survival contest...... All you youngsters will have the upper hand as us old Seniors will be DRAGGING...and then... Try to take off and drive all the way home to save a few bucks on a motel...? Not a good recipe me thinks... :blink:

I agree, but we old guys now how to pace ourselves :rolleyes:

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Here's another way to handle the issue. Divide the first day shooters into two groups. The AM guys will likely be local guys or other who prefer to shoot AM's. The PM guys may well be out-of-towners, who either got in late the evening before or drove in that morning.

Run the AM guys through 6-8 stages and send them on back to hotel, sight-see or whatever after they eat lunch. Run the PM guys (the other half the shooters) starting about 1 PM through same # of stages. Yes, there will be a lunch break time for staff to eat in a civilized fashion; all shooters socialize togather over the food tables. The shooters aren't waiting around or otherwise getting tired and grouchy.

Day #2 everyone shoots AM. It works well.

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