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Chris Keen's Range Diary

Chris Keen

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I really never intended to start a range diary. Don't keep one on paper. Don't make many notes at all. But I had a moment of clarity while practicing tonight (isn't that what got Jerry Maguire into trouble ? :lol: ) and just felt like writing some of it down ....... just writing something down.

Feel free to add / contribute / comment or whatever.


I really don't like dry-firing ................ but I have learned to tolerate it to some extent lately. Enough that I have done it 30 minutes a day, every day for the last 5 days. And for me ... that is monumental. (not just mental) <_<

But I still hate it. I get so bored. I need new and different drills to keep me interested. I have Steve's 1st book. Maybe I need to get his newer book.

And like I said .... I don't keep track, or write much of anything down. Hell I can't even remember which rep I am on when I'm half way through a set. zzzzzzzzzzzzz ( I feel like if I focus on the rep. count, then I'm not focusing on the shooting )

But I dry-fire now because I know that switching guns in the middle of the season is NOT the best thing for your game.

Can't help it. I earned a slot to the Production Nationals (my first Nats) and then promptly shot a new STI Open gun I had built for most of 2007. But I don't want to shoot Production, and I was still lacking a LTD gun. So I recently had a new Limited blaster built and I couldn't be happier. I am officially now a 'former Glock shooter' (Hi my name is Chris & I used to shoot Glocks) Sorry ..... I'm spoiled now. :D Blame BSeevers & his gunsmith Buddy Runner ! That man does some excellent work. Almost all of it by hand!


I love this new gun so much more than any gun I've ever owned. And I don't mean the look, or the color, or the feel of the gun. I mean I like those things too ...... but I mean I draw more consistently with this gun. My grip is more consistent with this gun. I acquire a clean sight picture more consistently with this gun. My natural point of aim ... (is that the right term ?) maybe I mean my natural draw / sight picture just seems to come .... well, naturally. It just flows out of me. During the draw as well as after a reload. I just come right back onto that A zone like the sights never left it. I DO still need work on my reloads. Especially since Limited shooters reload on almost every stage. But thankfully not 3 ~ 4 times a stage like I used to do :huh::D:D

I just can't get over how much I like this new gun. I shot it for the first time in a local club match last Sunday and I came in 2nd overall (out of 44 shooters) finishing 95% of the top Open shooter. What I'm trying to say is I shoot this gun almost as fast as I shoot my Open gun ! Imagine if I didn't have to reload.

Soooooo ....... My plan is to try and stay focused on this new found groove & dry fire daily up until Nationals. Don't know if I can live up to the Pharaoh's standards :P but I'm gonna try to anyway. I have nothing to lose and a VERY BIG TROPHY to gain!


Only 6 more weeks until Nationals.

I am ready B)

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I'm glad that you decided to create your own range diary, and that your new blaster is exceeding your expectations!

Really looking forward to cleaning up the rest of the season with ya!

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Congrats Chris. I noticed the change in your signature but didn't think you jumped from Open to Limited. Glad to have you in the Division and it gives me someone else to shoot with and measure progress.

Looked forward to shooting with you and your new blaster in the future.

Edited by Brazos SC Shooter
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Went to the range Sunday with a couple of bags of different 40 loads. Basically all the 40 ammo I had left. Not much really ..... maybe 150 -180's ... 50 - 155's ... and maybe 150 - 135 grain 40's that I used to load when I shot an Open Glock 40. The most important thing was that I had no mechanincal issues with the new gun, but I also got to experiance the difference in the timing of these different loads through a Limited gun.

The 180's at first seemed quite sluggish. The slide was very slow to return and this could be felt through the gun while shooting it. The muzzle seemed to jump up and down more than other loads, and the sights also returned to the target allot slower. I didnt really have enough of the 155's to make an informed decision on that load. I really like the 135 grain loads. Even though they are made with a slower burning powder (Unique) they seemed to be very snappy and the recoil was more even, and straight back. Kind of a 'in my face' kick instead of a muzzle flip experience. And after shooting an Open gun for the last 6 months ..... I kinda like that.

Hard to find 135 grain bullets in 40 though .......... only ones I know of are Rainiers from Midway. And right now everybdy seems to be out of bullets. I had placed an order for bullets a week ago hoping they would be here by now (along with Pharoh Bender's order) but I am told they are in a slow-down of production lately, so I don't know what to do for this weekend's Area 8 match.


Edited by CHRIS KEEN
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Dryfire won't get me through the chrono at AREA 8 this weekend ! :blink:

People leave thier range bags laying around.. things get lost all the time. hehehe

Or you could set up a donation jar. I am sure you would get all sorts of interesting loads to try out in your gun.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, the bullet order fiasco is over and done. Got about 4K 165's and really like the quick sharp recoil. In fact while I was down to having almost no bullets I went to Wal-Mart and bought a 100 round Value Pack of Winchesters 165 grain .40's & found that they chrono right about the same power factor as my handloads. And they feel remarkably similar to them as well.

So at the suggestion of a very good friend I went ahead and bought 500 more to use at the LTD Nats coming up in a couple weeks. I figure if they chrono the same & function fine out of my gun, why not go shoot the Nationals with ammo that I have no doubts about. Not worrying about primers, or drop-checking bullets, or how much powder is in each of those ? ........... nothing to worry about there.

My gun is running like a "scolded pup" to boot. I've had it now for a little less than a month and I've shot approx. 4 club matches & 1 area match with it & have had only 2 jams ... and they were both weak-wristed in some way. The extractor seems to be running great, and I will stop by my gun-smiths house later this week to have my trigger touched up before we go and shoot the Ohio sectional & then Nationals the week after that.

I have 4 STI mags with Grams guts & Dawson +1 pads that will all hold 19 easily, but I have one that if necessary ... I can squeeze 20 + 1 into, and then I have my 126 mag that came with it that I have been using for a dropper mag when shooting classifiers and such. It will hold and run approx. 15 rounds just fine. But it sure would be nice to have a couple more .... I mean come on, this is the Nationals. 4 1/2 mags are about the bare minimum with which to go to the Nationals. I had hoped to borrow a few from some friends at the club level, but many of them have not been shooting as of late. I'll have to make some phone calls this week.

The shooting itself has been phenomenal lately. I have been 'seeing' more stuff sub-consciously while letting "the shooting just happen". It's really great shooting iron-sights again after a 6 month stint shooting open. I love shooting open, but being good with irons is a real hoot. :) It's really cool to shoot a stage and see what targets you needed to shoot with a hard sight picture (steady and accurate) and which targets you can get away with a soft sight picture, or heck .... even point shooting!

I shot a stage today where we had to move 10 feet or so from the start box to get to the first port, and I remember during that 2 second period after the beep, but before my first shot ... time kinda got real slow ... I remember hearing my holster click as the gun came up out of the Ghost, and I remember hearing my support hand come up and slap the gun as I made the grip .... and I remember hearing my safety as it was disengaged .... and then I just remember seeing lots of sight pictures (Alphas) as I cleaned the rest of the stage. I think I had 1 C & 1 D. I didn't want to risk running the entire stage with just 1 mag (21 round stage) so I planned a reload in there, and still shot it 0.04 faster than another local master who didn't reload. :) It was a good feeling ..... Lots of Alphas ... out far too. But I think I need to work on shooting more steel. I often find myself taking big popers for granted since they are so big. I need to focus more closely on poppers, or just take another .1 to be absolutely sure. It is still faster to shoot steel smoothly, than it is to shoot even one make-up shot.

I have only iron sights on this Limited gun. No red fiber-optic this time. I like the traditional "Bomar" sight picture. It is crisp and clean. It looks good ... even at 50 yards. I shot the classifier Area 5 Standards last weekend and did really well. Although I think I should get some sight black or something ... I haven't had a problem yet, but I fear the Nationals is not the place to find out. I should just buy some just in case. I mean what are we talking $5 - 10 ? But I definately want to start practicing more at long distances. I normally practice at 15 yards, but for the next two weeks, I will practice at the 25 yards range and work on steel plates (poppers) and focus on what it takes to shoot A's at that distance, and what it takes to hit a partial target at 25 yards as well. I mean if I can hit a plate at 25 yards .... I should be fine with the A-zone.

I think I'm doing just fine with transitioning to Limited this late in the season. I have the same grip on both guns, and shooting open with a new high-dollar gun really opened my eyes as to what I am capable of. Foot speed, quicker transitions & splits, and even my reloads have become 2nd nature with this gun. I literally shoot this new gun about as fast as I was shooting my open blaster ..... which in turn, makes me wonder what I'm capable of next year when I go back to open. B)

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Practiced tonight after work. Shot about 200 rounds. First and foremost I shot 100 rounds of Winchester White Box .40 because if I'm gonna use it at Nationals I'd like to get more familiar with it. I shot it both near and far. I wanted to see how it cycled at 4 feet as well as how accurate it was at 40 yards. Nationals is right around the corner. The gun ran great, and the WWB is just as accurate as my reloads. Same power factor ....... I'm thinking of using this weekend at the Ohio Sect. just to get a good feel for it in a match environment.

Practice was good tonight. I found out how much (more like how little) work it takes to hit Alphas at 25 yards ...... I was shooting consistantly 2 A .... if not 2 A, at least A / C maybe about 1/3 of the time. I found myself at first doing everything in a more conscious effort kind of way ... classic grip, sight picture, trigger control ... and then when I did it a few times and saw how easy it is when you aim hard like that ... and started finding ways to do it just as good ... only faster.

Did some table draws but not too many, worked on shooting partials while on the move, and of course worked on shooting groups. New mags are working great, but only have 4. Still need to borrow a couple from someone before this weekend so I can try em in my gun before the match.

Need to work a little on shooting prone before the nationals next weekend. Just to get a feel for that with the new LTD gun. I really havent shot prone for about 4 ~ 5 months.

Came home and cleaned it tonight so I can take it over to my smiths house tomorrow for a little trigger check-up. B);)

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Shot the Ohio Sectional today and won A Class LTD. I really don't know how I managed to pull it off, because I don't feel like I shot that good. I had 5 mikes & 2 jams spread out over 10 stages. Everything else felt like it was right on cue, but I can't keep missing like that ... no matter HOW FAST I shoot the stage. I saw it in the results, on a couple of field course today where a single miss just crushed me. Gotta work on really really focusing on the rear sight (alignment) more. I am still shooting this new LTD gun like it's some sort of lighter open gun, with less rounds in the mag. I will work on this in practice this week.

1 week to Nationals. B)

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks guys :) It feels good when hard work and dedication finally pay off.

I owe a great deal of thanks and praise to my friend and mentor Bill Seevers. I have learned so much shooting with him. He emphasizes not only the basic shooting skill sets, but also the mental / psychological side of winning matches.

He recently quoted another forum member who said something I will not soon forget:

"Competition, is a crucial part of the process, in the mastery of a

chosen art. Its a demonstration, by the practitioner, that his path,

his way in the journey of that mastery was either correct, or in need

of further refinement.

Classes are fine, their purpose is to suggest the way, through the

shared experience of a master. They indicate right direction, encourage

discipline, and a process to practice. But in the case of arms, in the

end you must take what you see, what you hear, what you read, and what

you experience and turn it into your own way. It is ultimately your

endeavor, and to stand in the arena before others, and demonstrate your

way reveals to all and mainly yourself whether you put your faith in

the truth or just a facade of smoke.

To deny yourself the opportunity to experience such an aspect of the

journey is a mistake."

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  • 3 weeks later...



Shot the Florida Central Section a couple of days ago, and boy did it feel good! Yes, I won ... but that's not what I mean. For the last 3 years I have been shooting club matches & major matches alongside a very good friend who has been more of a trainer to me. A teacher if you will. A mentor. But this weekend I got on a plane and flew down to sunny Florida and shot this match solo. No guidance ... no companionship ... no looking to someone else to show me "the way" as I spoke of in my last post. I shot this match all by myself (although I did have some great guys on my squad who were open to share their ideas with me).

I have finally "stood in the arena before others" and demonstrated to myself that it is truly I who puts all that training to work. It is I who recalls all the past lessons learned. It is I who lines up all the pieces of information stored in my mind and makes my body follow it's direction. My path towords the mastery of my chosen art is well worn. It is not yet complete. But it is clear.

During this match I felt like my moves were automatic. My sights were crisp. My shots were well aimed. My reloads were natural & smooth - almost invisible. When I wasnt shooting I was running - hard. My stage plans were deeply rehearsed. They came out just the way I planned them. I never over-ran any of my shooting positions. I felt good about everything. There was only one thing that bothered me at this match - I had 1 mike on a target hidden behind a piece of real hard cover exposing only half of the A-zone!

I think I had something like 7 D's and 1 Mike which is allot more than I am willing to accept. In future matches I would like those numbers to be allot lower (3 or less D's and NO MIKES). In the last 5 major matches I have had 12 MIKES. But as I look back I notice that I did not have any at the last major (W.PA) which makes me feel MUCH BETTER about myself. Even though I won 4 of the last 5 there is no excuse for missing. None. I need to devote some time to figureing out why I am accepting misses from time to time.

This winter I need to develop a training program that is realistic. Something that I can ease into, ramp up slowly, but more importantly .... be honest with myself about. Otherwise I tend to shrug off training during the winter because I dont see any "immediate pay value" (to quote Steve Anderson). I dont get to see the results in match wins (or losses). I get what I call the Winter Blahs. AKA BEING LAZY! :D

So I am going to set some reasonable goals for myself. I will focus on improving my shot calling (or is this better named visual patience ?) I will lose 20 pounds (one way or another) <_< And I will dry fire 2 days a week. Tuesday & Thursday for 30 minutes each.

My new motto for the off season - NO EXCUSES!

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Chris you did a great job, congratulations and keep it up.

On the first stage we shot I was asking who is this guy? And thinking "A class my butt". Ive said that alot lately.

You quickly had a solid plan on each stage knowing the difference between what would be fastest for limited and what was smartest for the overall game. Was fun bouncing ideas off you about stage breakdowns.

Time to get on a super squad like at the Open with Eric, Shannon and the other GM's that show up and play.

DVC, Matt

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  • 5 months later...

It's been a long cold Winter, but Summer is right around the corner. :)

Like I said in my very 1st post ... I am not much of a journalist. I don't generally put my thoughts down on paper very often. I am much more of a free-thinking type of guy. But the last 4 times I've been to the range have been nothing short of amazing! I've had such wonderful visual clarity that I haven't shot a single Delta. Seriously. I've only shot a few local matches with the LTD gun so far this year but it feels like my rhythm is right on track, not having missed a beat since the end of last season.

Saturday I shot with Pharaoh Bender, Bseevers, and some other forum members in Circleville and didn't fare so well. I had a couple of mikes & 1 NS. Had 1 make up shot on a popper I didn't need, and another 1 on paper not needed. I did however try some great new stuff with "Close-Target" focus versus "Front Sight" focus. No problems with the gun or mags. Stage breakdown was good at best. NEEDLESS to say I didn't bring my "A" game.

Then another match on Sunday at Oxford, Ohio allowed me to recover my ego a bit. The results that just came in show me winning HOA shooting LTD. That's always an exciting thing to see when you're shooting LTD. I had a much better match than the day before. I started on a simple little 26 round stage with all open targets. No movement, just lots of shooting between and around barrels. Great stage ... just watched the front sight the whole time. Next was Steeler Standards that I shot -5 points in about 15 sec. Turned out to be a great run. Next was a simple stage with paper & steel - 3 strings - Freestyle, Strong, and Weak handed shooting at plates and poppers is always fun. Then finally a turn & run stage with lots of open targets. Great match, I felt very focused when it was needed. The gun ran flawlessly and looks even better. ;)


Then finally on Monday night I shot at my home club Miamisburg on the indoor range. I got there a little late and didn't have a whole lot of time to see the stage, ended up going first and unknowingly won that match shooting LTD too. Again my focus was dead on. Not just my target / sight focus but also my visual "attention" to what I am doing right now, and what I need to do "next". That old saying that "the only thing that matters is the shot you are taking right now" is great and I couldn't agree more. But I also believe that my mind is always focused on that "NOW" shot, as well as "...whatever comes next". It might be another target, or a piece of steel, or maybe it's a reload. But they all just happen, because I have that movement programmed into my stage run.

Went to the range yesterday and chrono'd as well as practiced. Chrono showed new load to be about 173~175. I think that sounds like a great place to be. Practice felt great. I worked on some table draws and I'll tell you what the lighter slide really makes a difference when picking the gun up as well as racking the slide. IMO it's lighter and easier to pull the slide back.

Did some accuracy drills since I couldn't work on my speed component. I made sure I know my zero at 25 yards. Believe me it's dead on when I do the hard part. Hold 'er steady!

Been working out more this year than I did last season as I want to be ready to go to an Area and make a serious play at winning my class. I've been trying to lose some weight (approx. 30-40 pounds) and even though I lost about 10-11 pounds so far this year I just can't figure out how to lose the other 20 pounds. Maybe more rigid food guidelines are needed. I have to push myself to workout & dryfire, so maybe this is simply one more area of my life I need to focus hard on and push myself to achieve my desired goals.

1 week to go until I win my class at AREA 6. ;)

Edited by CHRIS KEEN
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I started this thread when I got my new Limited gun last year, and I posted some pics of that gun to show it off. Well, it seems only right that since I've had lots of work done to it since then that I post some new pics to keep up with the times. B)




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