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Mikel Moooooor

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Has anyone seen his new documentary?

Mickel Moure was on Larry King Live last night. This documentary hits close to home. I will see it soon, and I am wondering what others here think about it.

Like him or not, this documentary could do some good. I found it interesting what happened when I typed in the correct spelling of his name.

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Has anyone seen his new documentary?

Mickel Moure was on Larry King Live last night. This documentary hits close to home. I will see it soon, and I am wondering what others here think about it.

Like him or not, this documentary could do some good. I found it interesting what happened when I typed in the correct spelling of his name.

I think anything that tub of lard does is a lie. Better health care in Cuba?? How can anybody buy this load of C__P! Sure you can see a doctor for free but there is nothing he can do for you because he has no medicine, no equipment, no resources, nada! Thats the truth not shown in tubby's little documentary. Sure the people he took down there got the royal treatment. What did you expect when you have an american with a camera on you. Ask the man on the street what the quality of his healthcare is. Just make sure you ask him once he is out of the country because he will never tell you the truth while in Cuba where the Govt. can torture his family or throw him in jail for showing dissent.

We have the finest healthcare available anywhere in the world and anybody can get it. Period. If you can't afford health insurance, work harder until you can. For God's sake even Illegal Immigrants get healthcare in this country.

Arrrrghhh!!! I'm off the box now.


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If you can't afford health insurance, work harder until you can. For God's sake even Illegal Immigrants get healthcare in this country.


You are out of touch with reality.......


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Ok, I'm going to tentatively dip my toes into this ickiness....

First let me say that I have seen socialised medicine, I lived in UK for over 30 years. The healthcare system is not free and it's broken. Every worker in UK pays National Insurance Premiums mine equated to about 6.3 percent of my salary for single coverage. The healthcare system in UK is completely broken, cancer and heart problems require months on waiting lists before treatment even begins. It has become a bloated bureaucracy of incompetence, the doctors and nurses are great but the buildings are falling apart and diseases within the hospital kill more people than their original problems. My grandfather was one of them and my uncle was also infected whilst in hospital.

The medical treatment in USA is superb and is far superior, but it costs much more. The reasons for the higher cost are complicated. The cost of hiring employees in USA is higher, Social security costs, healthcare premiums, cost of living is generally higher in USA, so the same service in USA will cost higher than other countries. Add to this mix the higher cost of litigation and this pushes the costs higher.

Add into this the fact that no person can be denied emergency treatment even if they have no insurance, the hospitals have to recoup that cost somehow and this is reflected in the higher prices that they charge to the insurance companies to get some of that money back. This drives up the cost of health insurance. If for example the 20 million illegal immigrants in this country were to leave there would be a significant reduction in the cost of medical insurance, more people would then be able to afford insurance, this would further drive down the cost so even more would be able to afford it. Someone did a study on this a while back and estimated that costs could do down by 30% or more.

Full insurance for everyone is possible but not with government involvement, there is one certainty in life, no matter how bad a situation is, involvement by the government (any government) will only make matters worse.

Edited by BritinUSA
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If you can't afford health insurance, work harder until you can. For God's sake even Illegal Immigrants get healthcare in this country.


You are out of touch with reality.......

No I'm actually not. I remember very clearly not having much of anything when my single parent mom was raising me. Now I have pretty much anything I want. That didn't come through anybody handing me anything. I worked for it. I wasn't born with an education, I earned it. That got me the career I wanted. That got me the quality of life I wanted. It's a simple equation thats always been available to anybody in this country. Is it easy? Hell No, but it can be done by anybody. I did it from the less than friendly streets of New York. I'm sure it can be done in Texas too Merlin.


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I haven't seen the documentary yet. I kind of wish somebody besides Mikle Moooooore had made it.

A Med, Mooooore did say that doctors aren't the problem. Was that a lie too?

No Doctors are not the problem, but they are not innocent either. Healthcare in this country is expensive for many reasons, some legitimate, some not. It's a complex debate which I don't think we should make a megathread on in this forum because it is too close to being a political debate which will get locked by the Mods anyway. I will just say that IMO the cost is driven mostly by the fact that it is available to everyone, when they need it, whether they can pay or not. In my facility close to 20% of the care given last year was Indigent care. Thats low compared to some national figures. In some urban centers it approaches 30-40%. What other business do you know of gives away 30-40% of their product for free every year?


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A few years back I got a large piece of steel stuck in my eye....it fricken HURT!!!

About six hours of waiting in the emergency room while dozens of folks who dont speak english...got thier sniffles checked...I was seen by the doc.

And I have insurance..and still had to pay on top of it.!!!

If we get hilary care....we are really @#$&ed....NO GOV in health care!!!!!


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Lots of here on this board I'm sure have improved ourselves and worked very hard to get to our current quality of life, and enjoy the benefits derived from a stable work environment, such as medical care. To say if we are unhappy with our medical care, just work harder, earn more, is naive.

The quality of care is very good in the U.S., no argument.... its the cost that hurts, even if you have very good insurance. (and even if you are poor or illegal, there is STILL a cost, just someone else pays it)

The frustrating thing is that I pay a large amount of money every month for my health care, and still have large deductibles and copays - having a child 2 years ago cost me almost $5000 out of pocket all said and done, AFTER medical insurance. The total billed amount all the doctors and hospitals requested up front, before insurance, was $28,000. To have one child.

An illegal immigrant comes into the country, hits the maternity ward, pops out a baby, and guess how much she pays for that? $0. Guess how much each one of those births costs U.S. taxpayers? I'd argue at least the $28,000 above, and I've heard much, much more. There are whole maternity wards set up in many Texas hospitals JUST to have illegal immigrant babies, and they make big big money. Off you and me.

I work for a Fortune 500 company that is touted as having some of the best benefits available. I'm all for paying my share, but this is getting ridiculous. The system is beyond broken.

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Lots of here on this board I'm sure have improved ourselves and worked very hard to get to our current quality of life, and enjoy the benefits derived from a stable work environment, such as medical care. To say if we are unhappy with our medical care, just work harder, earn more, is naive.

The quality of care is very good in the U.S., no argument.... its the cost that hurts, even if you have very good insurance. (and even if you are poor or illegal, there is STILL a cost, just someone else pays it)

The frustrating thing is that I pay a large amount of money every month for my health care, and still have large deductibles and copays - having a child 2 years ago cost me almost $5000 out of pocket all said and done, AFTER medical insurance. The total billed amount all the doctors and hospitals requested up front, before insurance, was $28,000. To have one child.

An illegal immigrant comes into the country, hits the maternity ward, pops out a baby, and guess how much she pays for that? $0. Guess how much each one of those births costs U.S. taxpayers? I'd argue at least the $28,000 above, and I've heard much, much more. There are whole maternity wards set up in many Texas hospitals JUST to have illegal immigrant babies, and they make big big money. Off you and me.

I work for a Fortune 500 company that is touted as having some of the best benefits available. I'm all for paying my share, but this is getting ridiculous. The system is beyond broken.

You've described exactly my point. The fact that all those babies born to illegals get cared for at no cost to them makes it more expensive for you and me. I don't think its naive to think you can work harder though if you want more.

The truth is, like most issues of this nature, you're either in one camp or the other. One group believes that access to healthcare is a right, the other believes its a privilege. Its hard to get people to merge those feelings in the middle somewhere. I'll end my part in this discussion by saying that I'll take this system over any other out there for now. Perfect???... no of course not, but still the best. One thing I will say to all those asking for drastic change in our system. Be careful what you ask for. So back to the original point of the thread, I think Michael Mooooore is a scam. Lets see if he asks to be taken to Cuba when he needs medical care.


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