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Classifier Times


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My most recent classifer was ESP, my score was 92.35.  Missed master by around 3 sec, Aaack.....

Shoulda shot SSP, but that's another story.

Darn those missed shots huh Matt????

Sandbagger........ :P:lol:

OOPS, my best was 84.?? in practice, have yet to make Master on a Classifier when it counts.

Larry P

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I'm stoked, shot it yesterday with my ESP gun, 1911 in 9mm and shot it in 70.21.

It is a non issue as I am already classified Master IDPA ESP, but it was my personal best and beat my best time by almost 5 seconds.

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I shot it this weekend in ESP 118 and a 102.

Then shot it in CDP 106 and 107.

How can I shoot this 20 seconds faster?

Does anybody have any break downs of there times?

Stage 1

string 1-2.46

string 2-2.40

string 3-2.45

Thats all I have right now I will post the rest when I get my score sheet.


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My most recent classifer was ESP, my score was 92.35.  Missed master by around 3 sec, Aaack.....

Shoulda shot SSP, but that's another story.

Darn those missed shots huh Matt????

Sandbagger........ :P:lol:

OOPS, my best was 84.?? in practice, have yet to make Master on a Classifier when it counts.

Larry P

Alright Larry, you've hammered me in forums, emails, and in person. TV and radio next?!?!??!?!?!?! :P

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Well, if I remember correctly, the last time we discussed this issue, someone chimed in with the time that Matt Burkett shot the last time he fired up the classifier. Seems like it was 57++ seconds. Get a grip on that.

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Few of us are talented enough to obtain a full time sponsor, or are rich enough or retire early enough to find out what the extent of our talent really is. The Book is correct when it says that to shoot for a "number" either time or points is very limiting. I shot my best times when my mind was free of obstructions or torment, and I could see (both literally and figuratively) the sights and targets better, faster, more easily. The body only knows the limits imposed by the mind upon it. If we can free the mind to let the body work like it is able, we usually do much better than expected.

Almost all of us has had a time when we were in the "zone" and we pretty much let our bodies do the job without interference from the mind. It is great when it happens. The problem we all face is having it happen when we want it to, and as often as we would like.

Relax and let it happen, don't become obsessed with making a number.

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Does anybody have any break downs of there times?

Stage 1

string 1-2.46

string 2-2.40

string 3-2.45

Stage 1

string 1 1.85/0

string 2 1.93/0

string 3 2.03/0

string 4 4.21/0

string 5 3.08/0

string 6 6.57/0

string 7 5.69/0

Stage Total: 25.36

Stage 2

string 1 3.72/0

string 2 3.73/0

string 3 8.59/0

string 4 6.13/0

Stage Total 22.16

Stage 3

string 1 15.29/3

string 2 16.50/1

string 3 6.39/0

Stage Total: 38.18 + 2 points=40.19

Grand Total: 87.70

Shot with a Glock 17 on 1/2/03.

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  • 1 month later...
...The Book is correct when it says that to shoot for a "number" either time or points is very limiting. I shot my best times when my mind was free of obstructions or torment, and I could see (both literally and figuratively) the sights and targets better, faster, more easily. The body only knows the limits imposed by the mind upon it. If we can free the mind to let the body work like it is able, we usually do much better than expected.

Almost all of us has had a time when we were in the "zone" and we pretty much let our bodies do the job without interference from the mind. It is great when it happens. The problem we all face is having it happen when we want it to, and as often as we would like.

Relax and let it happen, don't become obsessed with making a number.

Man, that is right where I'm at with GSSF. My two best matches were after I couldn't practice for a month, and I went there thinking, "I haven't practiced, so I'm not going to worry about trying to win. I'm just going to go do my best and have fun." Matches where I think I'm all tuned in and ready to win, I just fall apart.

I know I can shoot sub-70 second times, because I've done it in a match. I know I can nail the A ring at 25 yards full speed, because I've done it in practice. How do I transfer that to 'on demand?'

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mcginnes do you mean sub 70 in the classifier?

I think i miss understand your question, A Zone at 25 yards full speed is impossible. no one can shoot as fast w/ hits at 25 as they can at 5-7 yds, that being full speed.

Consistancy is key, to get that up there, practice practice beign consistant. don't practice 1.6 failure to stop drills practice 1.9 failure to stop drills without ever missing untill your so b ored with hitting the spot you want you misss just to see if you still can!

I shot an ESP classifier with my SSP gun ( Para P16 LDA) to get classified, i ran it in 86.## had bad reloads on both El Prez style drills. had 1 down on stage 1, 4 down on stage 2 and too many on stage 3 ( i forget the number)

on the moving on stage 2 (string one) i dropped one point on each target, i just wasn't dialed in when the buzzer went off. time was too long too, somewhere in the 4's

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The Sub-70 was not on the IDPA classifier, I was talking about a GSSF match. I know it's a lot of thread drift, but what tightloop said was just resonated with my GSSF shooting.

By "full speed" I mean seeing the sight picture is what it needs to be, and releasing the shot without hesitation. I'm talking maybe .4-.5 second splits, not .15-.25 or 1-2 second splits.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Dang-o. I've been doing this for about 7 months, and just shot the classifier for the first time. I shot 152.53 and thought I was doing good.

Sigh. But I guess it's good to have something to shoot for, so to speak.

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I was shooting the classifier today.

Something happened on my third string, and I got a "do over" from the beginning.

Except, my first two targets on stage #1 were perfect and I was shooting well. The restart threw me off and I sucked the rest of the match, both in accuracy and by being slow.

I don't know my time yet, but I'll still be a marksman. Heh . . . had I kept going the way I started, sharpshooter would have been inevitable . . . maybe even expert.

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