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Inconsiderate Neighbors


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Living out in the country, one would think he would be free of living next to scumbags. This was true for me and my family for almost 14 years. When we bought this land (17 acres) and built our house we had one neighbor (older couple) and their the type that would do anything to help you out. There was 12 acres beside where we built that was for sale but it was in a very low spot and the owner wanted a ridiculas amount for it. The rest of the surrounding land was owned by the Forestry Service so I knew no one could buy around me unless they bought the over priced 12 acres of swamp land next to me and I just didn't see that happening.

Well, after 14 years our quite peaceful living has turned in to "Nightmare on Elm St." Someone bought the 12 acres and I have to say they are the loudest most inconsiderate POS neighbors anyone could have. I've already had to run him off my property once for trying to deer hunt on it and their kids have been run off numerous times for riding their four wheelers on my property. The dumba$$ accidently burnt about 2 acres of my property when he neglected to watch over his trash burning. Oh... and they have about 5 dogs (hunting dogs I assume) that never shut up. They bark constantly 24 hours a day. I want even get in to their late night drunken pool parties. :angry2:

We are now in the process of finding another place to move before I lose my sanity and do something stupid. And yes I have beat myself up for not buying the 12 acres just to keep trash like this out.

If you have nice considerate neighbors, be thankful. If you have the trashy scumbags like what we have now then I feel your pain.

Edited by unclez
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Most of what you have described is criminal activity, How many police reports have you filed ? Did you call game warden during Deer hunting trespass ? did you sue for the fire ? Filed nuisance dog barking report ? I am a live and let live guy but key to that is the "Let Live" works both ways. There are laws which protect you from this type of behavior in most areas, ans knowing what I do of rural Law enforcement, they generally side with the long time resident and will come down quicker and harder on a newcomer.

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Joe, I haven't filed any reports. Guess I'm a little "old school" and have always thought the neighbors should work things out amongst themselves although I have come to the conclusion that they could care less what their neighbors think or say. I did call the Sherrif's Dept. one night when they were having one of their parties. That helped for a couple of weeks then it was right back to the same old stuff.

I could cope with most of the stuff they do, it's just them damn non stop barking dogs thats getting to me. Theres lots of nights our kids can't sleep because of the dogs barking. Guess I need to check in to some noise ordnance laws but I doubt there is any out here in the country.

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I feel your pain about the dogs parking. We built in a new subdivision and didn't have any neighbors for the first 2 years we lived here. Last year a house went up behind us. Each house is on a 1/2 acre lot so they're plenty close. When the new neighbors moved in, we quickly found out they have 3 full size dobermin and one mini dobermin. This normally wouldn't be a problem except they let them out at 0530~0600 and they bark non-stop. Have had incidents of them barking at 0100 in the morning also. We checked into the local noise ordinances and the county doesn't have any. We talked to the neighbors and it stopped for about a month. Now it's back to the same.

Luckly for me the military is moving me again so I'll be leaving soon anyway. Just have to tolerate for a few more months.

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I understand the not wanna make waves thought. I lived in a suburban house and everyone around me had a dog if you went out side dogs would come up to fence bark a few times, sniff a little then wonder off when they figured you wernt coming in their yard, till next door got some kinda little worthless mut that had a very irratating high pitched yap and never shut up, I mentioned it a few times but finally called the cops, dog was in the window yapping it's head off, normal procedure in Oneida NY is if dog is yapping when Law shows up the owner gets a warning, second time they get a citation, third time dog is confiscated, whether or not Law specifies dog barking every where has disturbing the peace laws, Something my new Brigade Commander said yesterday applies to you, If you ignore and dont correct substandard conduct you have just created a new standard. By not sueing for the fire damage, filing police reports for the noise, filing charges for trespassing you have just created a standard that it is ok to do those things. It sucks that it has to come to that but I wouldnt let it run me off my land.

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I too understand where you are coming from. My Father bought 40 acres out in B.F.E. to "get away from it all". He has seen several scum bags move in over the years, although none as bad as the folks you described. Best thing you can do is contact the police when this stuff happens and before long you will have built relationship with the deputies in your area. Knowing or having a lawyer on retainer sure doesn't hurt either. If you can keep them in their place for a while I've noticed most of these people end up defaulting on their property and abandoning or selling soon enough.

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Maybe this is not the most constructive or mature suggestion, but have you considered starting up your own USPSA/practice range on your land right along the property line w/ his property? You could even do low-light/night shoots (it would be a shame if you kept the poor guy up). Better yet, invite the local LEO's to train there for free and encourage them to bring their SMGs and .50 BMG precision rifles (who could he complain to then?). Maybe then HE will be the one looking to move (and you could simply wear ear plugs to bed). Seriously though, sad to hear of your situation & best of luck at the new homestead.

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Back in 1962 when my range bought their initial 60 acres, they changed the buy laws, to require the club to purchase any land going up fpr sale adjacent to their property. Buying land in the sticks --- the same approach might be wise....

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Haha... that sounds like a good idea Carlos. I have actually thought about when we sell to sell the house and 10 acres then sell the remaining 7 acres (back part) in 1/2 acre lots for a trailer park. See how they like that. <_<

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It really sucks that all the fun things that would straighten folks like this out are all highly illegal :ph34r:

I think you should have gotten the police, game warden, courts involved as much as possible and let them be the ones who felt the need to move.

Still......setting up a practice range would be something I'd just have to do. I think I'd buy a .300 Mag just for late night and early morning practice.

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I learned a long time ago that when it comes to bad neighbors, there are only bad choices. The least-bad is to sic the authorities on them, early, hard and often. Then make sure all your stuff is locked up, and at the first sign of any kind of retaliation, increase the phone calls and written reports.

Moving is often a bad choice, as how much money can you get when the interested parties find out what kind of neighbors they're moving next to?

And we're seriously drifting to a debate/discussion, so;

I hate asshat neighbors!

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If you're dead set on MOVING, you'd better do it in a hurry before the low-life neighbors fully trash the place and make a sale really difficult. You'll need to make up a fake excuse for moving if the prospective buyer asks why....... "job transfer" is a good generic reason. White lies are OK in some instances. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I lived in Frostburg we had some minor annoyances. Needless to say the noise ordnance runs from 10 P.M. to 6 A.M. So I decided to take 6 as the literal time. At 6:01 I opened up with 5 full mags out of the open gun at full speed into the bank. The nice thing is we were just outside city limits so no firearm discharge regs. I claimed I needed to practice every morning for a match.

After about a week of this. We had no more young kid riding motor bike on the property. No more neighbors in our yard.

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  • 1 month later...

Seeking the assistance of the law would be the best route to take. I wouldn't consider making the move, unless it is something you were planning to do anyway! Use your roof as a sniper hide, and strategically place targets on your property to gain his attention.

Next time his dogs come on your property, gather them up, and return them to him, and explain it should not be allowed to happen again. If it does, take them to the pound!

Late night parties...snipers hide time...hit the targets in your own yard, scare them, but don't threaten them in any way!

Ohh yah, and get a video camera to document all your problems! Take it to your lawyer or show it to the PoPo!

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Yea, moving was sorta in the plans anyway as we have about outgrown the house now that we have two daughters.

I haven't seen him nor his kids back over here after I ran them off (in a not so polite way) the first time. They still have their pool parties but have been shutting down around 10pm. Right now the dogs have become more of a nuisance than they are. What I have been doing is when they bark at night, I go out right next to their property line as close as I can get to their house while remaining on my property and bust off a 3" Magnum 00 buckshot into a creek bank. That usually shuts them up for the night anyway :)

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