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Stage Doping

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I call it cheating because if your competition is working and you are supposed to be and aren't, well, you are cheating or gaining an unfair advantage in my book. That's why you can be called for Unsportsmanlike Conduct, isn't it? At the very least it is failing to obey a RO. We all know we are expected to stay with our squad and work.

Now for a new or uninformed person I always believe you should let them know their responsibilities before passing judgement but for those who know better, I stand firm.

Edited by BSeevers
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I assume the feeling is the same when a squad waiting to shoot - takes the liberty of walking though a stage while another squad is still on the stage. (And I don't mean the final reset for last shooter)

Unsportsmanlike Conduct ??

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I assume the feeling is the same when a squad waiting to shoot - takes the liberty of walking though a stage while another squad is still on the stage. (And I don't mean the final reset for last shooter)

Unsportsmanlike Conduct ??

Clyde, I've never seen that....then again if they did that while we where on the stage they are likely to get turned in to a umm....moving target :angry:

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I assume the feeling is the same when a squad waiting to shoot - takes the liberty of walking though a stage while another squad is still on the stage. (And I don't mean the final reset for last shooter)

Unsportsmanlike Conduct ??

When I shot the '06 DoubleTap w/ the Super Squad on Friday (Dave and Manny), we had shooters who were shooting over the weekend walking through our last couple of stages, getting in the way of the shooter about to shoot, etc. I had to run folks off several times. None of them even had the common decency to pick up a box of pasters and start helping - they just wanted to be in the way....

This behavior is just as bad as people leaving the squad to go check out other stages.... flat out rude....

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Man you gotta love this forum! Yeah I think I would bring to the RO. I am really new to this however I do remember reading in the first pages of that little "green" book about how all need to help out. I mean what stones! Some unpaid club member/shooter took time and effort to set up stages and you won't even help your squad tape/pick/reset %$#@&&^%##@!!!!!!!!!!!! you! opps....Paratrooper coming out in me again :devil:

Ok the slow deep breaths are helping. Ahh yeah, go to the RO before the a$$monkeys set you off.

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Getting honked off is more than likely not going to help you shoot better.

I actually shoot pretty good when I am pissed


I have noticed this also. Not PISSED off, but eyebrow-raising perturbed. My husband teases me before every match that he needs to pick a fight with me to get me "ready".

As for SD, in watching the goings-ons at local matches here, I don't see that anyone actually gains any advantage. I have seen guys cut off the next shooter up to practice turning in the box (I know, I don't get it either . . . ) and then BLOW the stage when they were up.

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I assume the feeling is the same when a squad waiting to shoot - takes the liberty of walking though a stage while another squad is still on the stage. (And I don't mean the final reset for last shooter)

Unsportsmanlike Conduct ??

Unless they have the CRO's permission, they qualify for a match DQ.

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I assume the feeling is the same when a squad waiting to shoot - takes the liberty of walking though a stage while another squad is still on the stage. (And I don't mean the final reset for last shooter)

Unsportsmanlike Conduct ??

This bugs me to no end. I have seen this happen on a few occasions and I just cant see how these guys justify their actions. They will have as much time as they need to walk through the stage when their squad gets their turn not to mention the time the shooter gets before his/her turn. Sometimes I wish I could stay behind and do it to them while they are walking through the stage before they start to see if they like it. Ive been doing USPSA for about 9 months so I am still learning but reading about this Unsportsmanlike Conduct rule makes it easier to feel confident about speaking up when I see this happen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ugh. Sounds alot like one of the big matches i just went to this august. Entire squad did nothing to very little. Even helped themselves to my chair.


Ass hats+Ass monkeys= pet peeve

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  • 3 weeks later...
Even helped themselves to my chair.


Ass hats+Ass monkeys= pet peeve

Doesn't that just chap your hiney? You turn around & the chair you have carried all day has someone sitting in it & it ain't you! I usually go stand in their face until they get up. If you want to sit, bring a chair or at least ask, anyway. I really don't mind if they are sitting in it while I'm shooting but get up when I'm done. I like to load/clean mags sitting down--in my chair! :blink: MLM

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