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MRPC today...not my best match...not my worst. I paid the price on changing my plans on the third stage...originally I was going to shoot all the steel and come back to the swinger...but the swinger was activating MUCH faster for the other 13 shooters on my squad (minor included) so I decided to play it safe and wait for it. For me it was not so much in the fast department...and the wait cost me a boatload of time.

Live and learn.


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MRPC today...not my best match...not my worst. I paid the price on changing my plans on the third stage...originally I was going to shoot all the steel and come back to the swinger...but the swinger was activating MUCH faster for the other 13 shooters on my squad (minor included) so I decided to play it safe and wait for it. For me it was not so much in the fast department...and the wait cost me a boatload of time.

Live and learn.


Nice shirt.

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Nice shirt.

And where were you an you cool shirt? needed someone to tesitfy that my CZ ran yesterday...as it didn't today.

PB - good shootin' with ya today!

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Just a few weeks to go until I walk down the aisle with my Master degree! I am glad for two reasons:

1) It takes me one step closer to my Doctorate in Education

2) It means that I can get paid again for teaching!

Working for free has proven to dramatically restrict how I practice right now. Fortunately I loaded up enough ammo for matches this season, but the downside is that I have just enough for club and major matches...and not so much for livefire practice. This has caused me to dramatically step up my dryfire.

Dryfire continues in my "dojo" (garage). With the barricades and ports that I have created, much of the practice consists of movement. Rarely do we draw and shoot from the same location, so it seems ludicrous to practice that skill into the ground. Tons of movement, sotm, etc. It is getting hot here in Ohio, and to simulate what I encounter on the range, I close the window and shoot. By the end of my practice, I am dripping with sweat...double bonus for simulating a real match and getting in an additional workout.

My first major of the season is in 10 days...and I'm ready to shoot at the top of my ability. There is nothing more that I can demand of myself.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Club match Saturday, Indiana Sectional today. Lots of shooting...some high and low points. I shot the Indi match clean, which is good, but made ding-dong errors that probably cost me 8 seconds in the ten stage match.

I could not have asked for a better squad though! Thomas Moore, Chris, Bill, Mike Beam...and for the first time ever Tony Hawkins. I have heard groovy things about Tony, and it was a true pleasure shooting with such a skilled and amiable gent.

What else...I chrono'd at 140pf...oh, and on one of the stages there were two poppers...one activated a Max trap, the other a dp. After discussing it with Tony, I opted to skip the dp. I called the hit and went on...lo and behold the popper was still standing and SCAH with a clear hit placed on it. With 40 pts in penalties on the line, I called for a calibration call. Crapping my pants, the RM came, loaded up, and took aim. *PING* The popper wobbled but never fell. This was the first time that I have called for...and subsequently won a calibration challenge.

I'm pooped, but may get some video up later this evening. The match overall was terrific, and big kudos to the IN staff for putting together a challenging and well run match :)

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Club match Saturday, Indiana Sectional today. Lots of shooting...some high and low points. I shot the Indi match clean, which is good, but made ding-dong errors that probably cost me 8 seconds in the ten stage match.

I could not have asked for a better squad though! Thomas Moore, Chris, Bill, Mike Beam...and for the first time ever Tony Hawkins. I have heard groovy things about Tony, and it was a true pleasure shooting with such a skilled and amiable gent.

What else...I chrono'd at 140pf...oh, and on one of the stages there were two poppers...one activated a Max trap, the other a dp. After discussing it with Tony, I opted to skip the dp. I called the hit and went on...lo and behold the popper was still standing and SCAH with a clear hit placed on it. With 40 pts in penalties on the line, I called for a calibration call. Crapping my pants, the RM came, loaded up, and took aim. *PING* The popper wobbled but never fell. This was the first time that I have called for...and subsequently won a calibration challenge.

I'm pooped, but may get some video up later this evening. The match overall was terrific, and big kudos to the IN staff for putting together a challenging and well run match :)


I had the same thing happen to me on that popper and did NOT think to call for a calibration. I did the same as you, called the hit ( it moved enough to activate the turner), shot the truner and trap. Now I know...

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Apparently the score sheets for my squad are missing :unsure:

....As it stands now I took a major pounding at today's match :lol:

I am practicing sotm more than ever now and pushed myself to keep my feet moving today.

I could have moved more...but I moved more today than I did a month ago ;)

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Getting all of my funk packed up for Area 5...I'm trying something new and multitasking the trip with visiting with some family up north (should prove to be interesting).

This is my first area match as a GM, and although last week I got myself all worked up, I reached the conclusion that the only thing that has really changed is that I am a better competitor through training. Instead of worrying about Sevigny and Cheely beating the (James) tar out of me.

How fortunate am I to be able to shoot an area match! And with more school districts wanting to meet with me, I know that there will be many more to come. There is nothing left for me to do...no cramming for the final. The game that I have is the game that I will shoot on Sunday.

To perpetuate the groovy vibes, I've loaded up my mp3 player with a few cuts that never fail to put me in the mood to jive:

Love Gun

One Slip

Rock N' Roll Train

Let's dance baby :lol:

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Back from Area 5.

It is always a pleasure seeing friends that I only get a chance to rub elbows with once or twice a year, and meeting new people that recognize the BE shirt.

I started the match off well, but my momentum begain to grind to a halt after I had a perf breaking noshoot on a totem target. I feel that I did a good job putting the bad vibes aside, but then on the next stage I had another perf breaking noshoot on another totem target. THEN on the next stage I had mike/noshoot (big barricade). I cannot recall shooting 3 noshoots a season...let alone 3 in one match.

Other errors that I made include:

-taking a makeup shot after doing a reload (stage with the slow swinger)...this effectively turned my reload on the move into a standing reload

-for the first time EVER only having 4 rounds in a mag and creating an unneeded standing reload (touching chair stage)

-missing the activator on my first shot and blowing my plan (3 poppers and 1 big popper behind steel hardcover stage)

*sigh* 10th place is not where I wanted to end up.

Although I find it difficult to see through the fog of errors, I am doing more things correctly/better this time around. I'm reminded of what Bill told me after getting my skull crushed at a major two years ago: "You've got three options: Stay the same and continue to lose, get better through more training, or quit." I was kicking around the idea of shooting Limited(minor) for a while just to change things up...this will give me a different look at breaking down stages and will perhaps lend itself to more opportunities for me to practice sotm.

I had the opportunity to chat with the GM's in Prod at the match...all are an excellent and classy bunch, but Ben S had to shoot and scoot on Friday. I'll meet that guy one o' these days.

Video will be up later today from the match.

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Here's the vid. The nice thing about having video of yourself shooting is that you are able to identify what you did well on...and what needed work. I labeled the top 6 "Whoops" moments of the match.


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PB, I was noticing that on the house clearing stage we hit the exact same no shoot. I couldn't believe I hit the damn thing either. It was right in front of my face and I still managed to hit it. I ended the day with 5 (2 on one stage). I was not very happy with the no shoots but the rest of the match (times, movement etc.) I was happy with. I guess I need to work on some accuracy. Thanks for walking the stages with me. I learned a little better how to look at these stages.

See you Sunday.

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Shot a fun match yesterday at MRPC! Originally I was going to load up the big stick and shoot Open, but was talked into going back to Production...and I'm glad I did. My shooting felt okay during the match...one trigger freeze but other than that I flowed better than at A5 (although there were obviously fewer opportunities to sotm). On the stage where I could actually sotm I found myself already at my final position before my last reload, which indicated one of two things:

1) I walked too fast

C) I shot too slow

I believe the c's have it.

Good squad....I am always glad to see the Kentucky gents make the shlep over to Ohio :) Corey, they told me about your "itis"...I hope it doesn't flair up next month ;)

Here's the video from the match:


Please feel free to post thoughts/opinions/comments! As clearly indicated from the Area 5 results there is a mountain of improvement to be made, and I always appreciate a fresh set of eyes to evaluate each match.

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Were you intending to end the array and arrive at the final position at the same time? If so, why? I would think that it's better to arrive early than finish shooting and still have a yard or two to go. It's probably better to reload while standing (since you didn't have to be anywhere else), than reload on the move, right?

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