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Micah's Range Diary


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-one hour of cardio

-two dryfire sessions

I really like the new challenge of dryfiring early in the morning before work, and in the evening when I get home. Both sessions have their own challenges: I am still a bit tired in the morning, even after my jog, but I am fatigued from work when I get home. Both simulate the different mental and physical climates that I feel during a long major match.

One more major, than the "off season" will set in. I already know how I will be spending that time ;)

On stage 4, could you have shoot the first target, then reloaded for the next 3-10 target arrays?

I could have, but it is a better technique (at least for me) to reload when I can be moving to my next position. If I had shot the first target then reloaded, it would have been a standing reload...something that is costly.

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Micha, I just wanted to thank you. for giving me the match on next to the last stage. I had a few stupid blunders and possibly partied a little too much. For most of this match there was a good solid lead ( not in my favor) I pulled out a couple of good stages and burnt one still reaping rewards with 1 mike. .... my best draw in a match ever .87 :-D

lesson learned never start a stage with an unloaded gun... when it calls for a loaded one.

other lesson don't beat down a barn with a sledge hammer the night before a match.. it makes closing your hands hard the next day!!

good shootin with ya man! you have really come a long way!

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On stage 4, could you have shoot the first target, then reloaded for the next 3-10 target arrays?

I could have, but it is a better technique (at least for me) to reload when I can be moving to my next position. If I had shot the first target then reloaded, it would have been a standing reload...something that is costly.

Bob and I (and probably Moneypenny) both gave that some thought too. It wouldn't have been a standing reload, I don't think.

- Shoot the draw target

- Reload while moving up to the left corner of the low wall at the front...

- ...to be in a position to take the two low-boy targets over the wall, the partial, and the two stacked targets right next door from one (somewhat static) position.

- Reload going to the wall with the diagonal slot. Take three targets through the slot

- Get the one target in the awkward opening on the right

- Take the right paper as you go down range.

- Reload coming into the left paper

- Three steel plates, snap over to the three poppers.

- If you are clean for that mag (or only one make-up) then hustle around the corner for the paper target tucked in behind the left wall. If you shot more than one extra shot in that last mag, grab a reload as you go for that last paper.

(I shot the same basic plan that you did.)

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Sorry guys, I was thinking of Stage 1 (the first vid that I posted from the OH match).

Yes, shooting the first target and reloading would have been another strategy. I just liked the Feng Sui of how I shot it. Neither approach is wrong however.

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y'all are messed up. I shot an amazing draw then stuck the reload. yup, 2 rounds and reload... then shot 10 reloaded going into the diagional port took the two akward shots around the corner reloaded coming out and ran like hell. shot the target on the right, one on left 3 poppers reloaded 3 plates and close target at the end.

I had a miss on the low target there in the beginning, just left way too early on it. I would have quoted times but USPSA is screwed up AGAIN!

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It just looked like it would have flowed smoother if you reloaded right after the draw and enough time and steps to get to that diagonal port.

I know it's always easier to be a Monday morning quarterback and say that's how I would have shot it.

Keep the videos coming, I like watching them and analyzing how you shoot.

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  • 2 weeks later...


-one hourof cardio

-full dryfire session

I haven't missed a day of dryfire yet, although I have been a bit under the weather since Sunday...I actually went to a match...and left before shooting, I really felt like arse that day.

Dryfire has been awesome since I have moved into the new house. I am maintaining the same par times and drills (now) but at a simulated distance of 65+ feet. I also have been working with SA's barricade drills, as well as his livefire movement drills since I completed my barricade project. My barricades are a 4x2 boxes made from 2x4's(ironic...isn't it?) with target sticks holding up cardboard as vision barriers. I went this route to same more money on ammo. If your club is ever having a prop building day...NO NOT INVITE ME!!!!!!!!!!! I am the worlds worst carpenter.

That being said...they do an excellent job as training tools, and I look forward to refining my technique throughout the "off season".

Los Barricades:


Ready on the left?


Ready on the right?


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LOL! I guess it all depends on where your priorities (or savings can afford ;) )

Looks like I will be joining you at the PA Sectional Thomas. ***I had pithy comments to add, but non apply since you shoot Open***

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  • 2 weeks later...


-Match @ Milford

I don't honestly have alot of positive things to say about my preformance today...ergo I don't have much to say about the videos of today either. I will just remember the things that I did right, and look to the next match.

A few thoughts though:

1) Don't f*#king make up shots on Virginia count classifers...you end up marring your great run with the Extra Shot/Extra Hit dynamic duo

2) "If you can't lose in this sport, you can't win." -Bill Seevers

3) "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball." -Patches O'Houlihan





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-one hour of cardio

-full dryfire session

-Monday night league


-one hour of cardio

-full dryfire session (after work, once I get my belt back from the range today ;) )

I really needed the Monday gig. LINK After feeling crappy about Sunday's performance, I felt honest and happy about my goofball errors in the link provided. I enjoyed the shooting, and being able to laugh at myself helped me recharge my batteries...so to speak. Now that I am a member of Miamisburg, I look forward to practicing livefire drills once a week to round out my skill set. I've been loading 300 rounds a day, and have about 10,000 in cans ready to roll. I know that I I have a lot of work to do to reach my 08 goals and be a contender in Master at major matches, and look forward to these new challenges to push me all the more.

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It's good that we can laugh at ourself ever now and then. :lol:

I am no where close to being in most of you guys league, if I lost my sense of humor I'd quit. BE says somethings about failure as a motivator to keep us from getting complacent, very true. I think I learn more from 5th place than 1st place most of the time. What do you practice for if you are perfect? The better you get the harder it seems to get better. To you guys who have made master I say :bow: even on a bad day!


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BE says something about failure as a motivator to keep us from getting complacent, very true. I think I learn more from 5th place than 1st place most of the time.


I really like that Robin. It does keep me motivated. I may not win High Overall at the Nationals in my lifetime .... but I'll never kick myself for not trying ;)

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-lots o' cardio

-lots o' dryfiring

-LOTS o' livefire

I truly made the most of my day off today...right down to fixing the kitchen sink and mowing the lawn...and I could not have asked for a more beautiful day to do it in.

For the past two weeks, I have been dryfiring without pars...just a start beep just to see what else there is for me to see. Today I shot around 500 rounds working on weak hand, barricade movement, and SOTM, and saw more than I ever have to date.

Maintaining intensity will be paramount during the off season for me. How can I possibly gain ground on someone who has been in this sport 1,5,10 years before me? Practice when they practice...practice when they don't...practice when they sleep.

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-full dryfire session

-1 hour of cardio

In between working 10-10 today, I spent 3 hours in a meeting at Wright State University discussing the next phase in my graduate work. It looks like my time outside of work and school will be cut further...this is infinately better than the alternative though.

Had a match this past Sunday, and like a goofball failed to check my scoresheets before leaving. Looks like I shot one of the stages so fast there was no time to record ;)


No chance of winning the match after zeroing that stage, (again, it is MY responsibility to check the scoresheets after I shoot) but I still had a great time. Here's a little video


This next stage was funky...best 4 hits on paper to score ;)


PA match this weekend...hopefull I will have many more majors to look forward to in the future!

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Dude, I totally miss you.


Give 'em (it, everything) hell.

Burn the barn down, take a leak on it to put it out, rebuild it, then burn it down again.

You've got the G.o.D., and the GM code prevents me from declining a shoot-off challenge...

What are your terms?

(Time to get back between the berms.)

Thanks for the inspiration...

Right back atcha...


(don't curse the carpenter for your barricades, use 'em to get better)

(you are more than a man, you're a shiny golden god)

Edited by Steve Anderson
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