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-One hour on the elliptical

-Extra long dryfire session

21 days until the SC Sectional was my first thought this morning. Having an excellent workout to the first hour of V For Vendetta, I visualized all of the positive things that are to come in 3 weeks: Winning my division, shooting at my top level, and having a great time with my friends.

Dryfire was smooth and methodical...it's humid here today, and sweat continued to pour off me throughout the session. Again special attention was placed on getting my weak hand to the gun more quickly, visual patience, and smooth, precise reloads. After all of the daily drills were completed, I spent additional time working on popper arrays (specifically shooting them right to left and left to right), wide transitions, table draws, and SOTM.

The match application is posted for Area 8...I'll have it in the mail tomorrow morning. The rough draft of the stage diagrams are also posted for the Indiana Sectional. I printed them off and placed them in my stage diagram book (so far, it has IN, Summer Blast, A6, and SC Sectional). I'm not burning them into my memory per se, rather familiarizing myself on the overall stage themes and practicing accordingly. Although I know that on match day the stages will look much different, there still will be an air of familiarity.

Edited by Pharaoh Bender
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They were hiding it from YOU on purpose, 'cause they knew you would dry-fire all 9 stages for 1 hour every day from now until ................

by the way it really is there ........... click on the teeny tiny target at the bottom of the page ... under the match staff credits

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-One hour on the elliptical

-Full dryfire session

The weather is bright and humid today, and I couldn't be happier! The elevated temp gives me a harder workout, which I enjoyed today while watching the 2nd hour of V For Vendetta. My ankles were a little crampy this morning...more than likely due to my abbreviated stretching beforehand.

Dryfire today was smooth...I visualized each drill as being a stage at a major match...allowed myself to feel a little match pressure, then relaxed my mind and allowed the drills to flow. Dryfire, club match, Nationals, it's all the same. I am trying to continually program my perception to hold this true in my mind.

Unbelievably so, after a good shower/shave, I'm off to do some livefire stuff! Club match tomorrow and a major in less than three weeks... I am thoroughly looking forward to putting my skills to the test.

Edited by Pharaoh Bender
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Club match tomorrow and a major in less than three weeks... I am thoroughly exited to put my skills to the test.

So whats the match looking like tomorrow??? Have you heard how many stages??? My planned changed today so I might be able to make it tomorrow. I'm wanting to drive down but its about 2hr drive. Haven't decided yet.


Edited by Flyin40
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3/24/07 cont....

-Live fire

I replaced my recoil spring as I was finding that after performing a reload my gun wouldn't always be in battery. (I feel quite fortunate that I discovered this tonight and not tomorrow) My accuracy was in sync with what I am practicing at home, although my reloads need more polish. SOTM during livefire was excellent...I hope to have a chance to utilize it in tomorrows match.

Flyin40, I believe there will be 5-6 stages tomorrow...you should come out and play if you have the opportunity!

Edited by Pharaoh Bender
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-Full dryfire session

The weather for the match today in Milford Ohio could not have been better! Sunny, warm, breezy...it was just fantastic. The MRPC set up a nice 5 stage match for us today as I found myself squadded with Flyin40, BSeevers, KEEN, Sunuva, Shootergrrl, etc.

Here are my takeaways from today’s match:

1) Flyin40 mentioned after the match that I am still very negative on myself when something doesn't go right (another prime example is in the video below). I need to reprogram all of that negativity and find the capacity to walk away from a bad stage, and remember just the A's.

2) Run what you programmed. On this stage here, I was not going to engage the disappearing target, rather shoot left to right, then pick up the other two poppers. This would have saved me a reload, and plenty of time...unfortunately I didn't follow my plan


3) Run what you programmed!!! I can appreciate the desire to reload while moving, but the additional reload after hitting the popper just wasn't needed...


4) Reload, reload, reload. Although they were not horrible, I feel that my reloads could have been much smoother.

I am very fortunate to have had the ability to shoot today’s match. I had a great time with my friends, and feel that I learned much about my shooting and what I need to continue to work on.


Edited by Pharaoh Bender
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I'm glad that the video captured it and you really got to see it first hand. You only got to see the very end of the video, actually for about the next 5 mins or more on this stage and a few others you were getting on yourself bad. This is something that is built into our personality because we have been doing it so long that we don't realize we do it. Its something I have been working on changing.

This is one habit thats very hard to break. "With Winning in Mind" was the biggest help getting over it.

And yes, that was a fun match. I love running and gunning. That 1st stage at the bottom of the hill had me laughing afterward. I can't remember how many points I dropped, I'm thinking 5 or 6 and it should give me a 13 or 14hf on the stage.


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PB, I feel your pain. I had a plan going into stage 4 as well. Then the timer went off and everything went out my rear. That stage killed me for the rest of the match. I too get upset at myself when this happens. I had this problem last year. I plan and plan. Go over it and over it. Then the timer goes off and all the sudden. BLANK! Any of your books say anything on how to keep this from happening or is it that I have short term memory loss? I would really hate to keep doing this.

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Looked pretty good there Micah. Where'd you find the shoes?

Spray paint homie :D

I'm glad that the video captured it and you really got to see it first hand. You only got to see the very end of the video, actually for about the next 5 mins or more on this stage and a few others you were getting on yourself bad...

40, I really do appreciate your honesty on this matter. I am thinking up a mission statement for this problem, and will implement it starting today's practice.

PB, I feel your pain. I had a plan going into stage 4 as well. Then the timer went off and everything went out my rear. That stage killed me for the rest of the match. I too get upset at myself when this happens. I had this problem last year. I plan and plan. Go over it and over it. Then the timer goes off and all the sudden. BLANK! Any of your books say anything on how to keep this from happening or is it that I have short term memory loss? I would really hate to keep doing this.

Although I have a problem kicking myself, eventually I am able to block out a bad run and focus on the next (I will work on making this transition much sooner). The key is mental rehearsal of your plan only when you have decided what your plan is. Before you shoot, you should be able to run the stage in your mind perfectly. One thing that I do is avoid watching the up and on deck people shoot the stage. I already have my plan, and do not wish to see something that I had not considered doing before...this would only muddle my strategy.

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PB, I feel your pain. I had a plan going into stage 4 as well. Then the timer went off and everything went out my rear. That stage killed me for the rest of the match. I too get upset at myself when this happens. I had this problem last year. I plan and plan. Go over it and over it. Then the timer goes off and all the sudden. BLANK! Any of your books say anything on how to keep this from happening or is it that I have short term memory loss? I would really hate to keep doing this.

I really think that it's the anxiety of doing well and not failing. When I do it I'm thinking in the box before the buzzer goes off, I need to do this and I need to do that. Bla Bla Bla and all that stuff. Just relax, see and shoot. You already know what to do. When I do that I shoot my best stages and it feels smooth. Doing it every time is the hard part but we'll get better at it in time.

Chris C.

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HOLY CRAP! blue shoes.... i think this poor boy got too much sun!!! micha tiem for a had or dew rag.. or tinfoil over your head man something !!

Our society is an amazingly negative shitty place to be. We are constantly pointing out the negative. Don't believe me look at the news... wait to see good news.... you could be forever! one reason i don't watch the news. It's hard enough to stay positive without negative influence.

this isn't to say we don't rip on each other some, or constructively say "what could i do better" you need to get in a habbit of not thinking bad things. they tend to be self fufilling profecies.

and I am now thinking of that silly guy that ran in the olympics with gold shoes on..... what's next from micha... i'm affraid to know ;)

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Haven't read much of this, but you a re reming me of ...er... me a couple years ago and it's inpsiring!!!

Coupla quick thoughts.

In periods of intense training, it's very important to just shoot at the match. This is tough when training hard but it's very important.

A mental program that is based on alphas helps this quite a bit. If alphas are your only goal, the subconscious has all it's power available to give your goal.

Work hard in practice, work easy at the match!


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-One hour on the elliptical

-Full dryfire session

I feel much more focused today than I have in a while. Now that I am more aware of my subconscious negative talk, I was able to catch myself today. Instead of swearing about a reload, I used reinforcing self talk. To assist me further, I am taking Lanny's book to work today. By the end of the day, I will have a restructured mission statement and renewed pay-value.

Thanks Moneypenny & Anderson for the GM tips. I do need to get back to what it really is all about...getting some damn sun and enjoying the shooting :D

Edited by Pharaoh Bender
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You know, I failed to mention one very important aspect of yesterdays match...


Counting the three complete reshoots of the Miamisburg matches, I have shot 8 consecutive matches penalty free :D

Baby steps.......baby steps.....

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