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Para Is It Legal?in Ssp


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I can't think of any unless you have made any prohibited modifications and it fits in the box. Keep in mind that the weights that Para list on their site are without magazine and IDPA weights are with magazine, this usually adds 2.5 - 3.5 oz. Weight limit for SSP is 39 oz.

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Para's new Tac-Five 9 mm weighs in at 37.5 oz. Not sure what a 10 round mag weighs but it should make it. I've been looking for one but haven't seen one yet. The LDA's have intrigued me for a long time - might have to come up with one just for grins.

I think Para's weight includes an empty mag. If it does, that Tac-5 would be the ticket.

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A few months ago I weighed a Para P18 - basically the LDA 9mm but in single action. I would expect the weights betwen the P18 and LDA 9 to be very, very close. I'll have to look up the actual weight, but staring back into dim memory it was in the low 40s, thus I would not expect the LDA 9m to be legal for SSP.

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I emailed Para a while back to ask and it seemed like they said the weight was with the mag in the gun, but I can't find the email to verify. I tried calling them but they're closed down until after the 1st.

I just checked their website and they list the P14-45 at 40 Oz. I wighed mine with a standard 14-round mag and it weighed 41.3 oz, so maybe their weights are without a mag. If they are then the mag only added 1.3 oz which would still put the Tac-5 in at 38.8 with a mag.


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Okay, we're talking apples and oranges. Para lists the P18 at 40 oz and it has adjustable sights and a spur hammer. The Tac-5 lists at 37.5 oz and has fixed sights and a spurless hammer. Is that enough to shed 2.5 oz? I don't know but I do know that it should make the weight particularly if you use the 10-round mags.

If it makes the weight, it's good to go. End of discussion

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Geez, you guys are really going to make me get a Tac-5 article sample piece and throw it on a postal scale, aren't you? :o

Yes please get one and settle this. Since your P18 was advertised at 40oz but actually came in at 41.6oz, I guess you'll just have to buy one to find out. I think someone said the high cap mags weigh less than the 10 rounders but just buy both to be sure. :D

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Duane, If you're tied up, you could always have them send it to me in St Louis. I'd even be willing to take a couple vacation days to really put it through some tests... We even have a postal scale at work I could weigh it on :)


Edited by COF
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The word from Para...

Dear Chuck:

We acknowledge receipt of your e-mail and take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in Para-Ordnance products.

All of our pistols weights include one magazine empty.


Caroline Crawford

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The weight varies a little from pistol to pistol, but I've not found a 5-inch barrel model that gets down to 39 ounces or less. The 4.25-inch models make it with weight to spare.

-- jwp


John Pierce


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