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Thomas Moore "if Possible"

Thomas Moore

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The road to GM might come easy for some but I've climed my way up from C class shooter in 2001 to M class today. I shot my first 100% classifer last month at a local club.

In order for me to make my goals I'm going to have to practice more than I am currently.

Today at a local match I realized I need to practice getting into a prone position faster than a snail.

I would also like to loose some weight so I've made a little bet with Joe Robinson. The winner with the most percentage of weight loss by the end of April will have his bag carried at their match of choice.

I will be posting shooting and weight loss/fitness updates to this diary.

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This is going to be fun :) . We get to push each other towards our individual goals you GM and for me to catch you :D . The best part of the bet is your dignity that is on the line not money, that will you push you that much harder.

Went to the Gym today to weigh my self :o Ouch

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A drill I like to do that might help you with both loosing weight, and getting into prone positions faster.

Put two cones 30 yrds. apart. You will be doing 30 yrd. sprints between the cones. Start your stop watch, run to far cone, drop and do one pushup. Get up, sprint back to first cone, drop and do two pushups. And so on, until you have gone all the way up to 10 pushups. Running to the other cone for each higher repetition of the pushup.

By the time you are done you will have sprinted 300 yrds. in 30 yrd. increments, and done 55 pushups.

Great fun :angry: . I would put in a puking icon but don't have one.

Please be advised that this will give even a conditioned athlete a heart attack if you aren't careful.

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Eat breakfast, eat a HIGH FIBER breakfast. If you change nothing else the weight will slowly start to come off. Down 10 pounds in the last 6 weeks with this as the ONLY change I have made. I went from no breakfast at all to a breakfast of a bowl of raisin bran or grape nuts with a couple scoops of yogurt over it, and weight is coming off. Combine this with a reasonable cardio program and you can shed quite a few pounds in a short period of time while maintaining your health. Combine both with a good solid diet spread over 5 or 6 small meals each day and the results are fantastic, about the fastest way to lose weight possible without losing your health in the process.

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  • 2 weeks later...

for christmas i received a heart rate monitor and a scale that not only weighs you but will also display your body fat and water percentages.

so here is the first weigh in.


42.6% body fat

my year end goal is to get below 200lbs

my overall goal is 165lbs

i'll post either on a bi-weekly or monthly. i'll also post my cardio and weight training exercises. along with the occasional firearms practice.

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  • 5 months later...

It's been six months since I posted on the diary section.

The first few months of the year were a little scary, I wasn't sure I was going to have a job after February. So Joe was kind enough to postpone our little wager. I'm happy to say I started with a new contract house performing the same job I've been asigned for the last three years, network support for Ford Motor Company.

I gained a little weight due to the nerves of not knowing about my job situation. So now I'm in hyper-drive to meet my year end goals. I was up to 221lbs last week and have been hitting the walking and biking hard for the last week and seem to have lost 5lbs!

My goals here on out are eat healthy meals, try to either bike, walk or someday jog after dinner. Then split the rest of time up with weights and dry fire practice.

Today's activities.

breakfast; banana and coffee

lunch; 2.5 enchiladas and ice tea

snack; coke(it was free) and an apple

dinner; chicken salad

walked 1.5 hours

weights 20 minutes

dry fire 15 minutes

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Thomas, great meeting you this past weekend. One of the most laid back guys I have ever shot with. Learned things from you also. Like I said, how bad do you want it? Any goal can be had with the right mind set. You can do it, if you get the weight down man you're fast. Now everybody better watch out because Thomas M. is coming!!!!


No fast food

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Thomas, great meeting you this past weekend. One of the most laid back guys I have ever shot with. Learned things from you also. Like I said, how bad do you want it? Any goal can be had with the right mind set. You can do it, man your blazin fast anyway. If you shead some pounds.......? Now everybody better watch out because Thomas M. is coming!!!!


Ride that bike in high gear all the time.........

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Glad to hear it Thomas, if you starting to hit it hard I better step it up some. I took alittle time off(1 week) after Indiana and starting to think I should have kept at it. Seeing your post made me go to the gym today and I'm about to dryfire tonight.

I was also thinking about hitting that new club, United Conservation??? Maybe you could bring Matt, Joe and Mike down with you and we can squad up and get some grub and a cold drink afterward.


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I had a quick work out tonight, still sore from yesterday.

20min of upper body dumbell work and some lite dri fire.

John, I wouldn't mind getting a group together and showing up for the match. When and where?

Edited by Thomas Moore if possible
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With the dog going missing over the weekend I was able to log at least 4 hours on the bike, some jogging around the neighborhood with the Lab and a few hours of walking.

Yesterday I went for bike rides in the morning and in the evening. Chris if you're reading this I've been riding in high gear most of the time, however, here in the Ann Arbor area we have many hills so I'll toggle between 4th and 7th gear but keep it in the highest main gear.

I slacked a little in the weight lifting department just because I was so exhausted searching for our dog on the bike. I plan on hitting the weights tonight. I should get a pretty good workout today seeing how me and a good friend are going to pour a concrete foundation for a shed today.

until next time...

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High gear is good. Pretty flat here where I live but you have to contend with the wind everyday. Went to the range everyday last week and ended up with about 1200 more rounds added on to what I shot the weekend before. I'm sending Matt a Multigun video tomorrow from this past weekend. See if he'll let you borrow it. I think I ended up 4th in tactical with some mistakes that I'll learn from. I make the vid's for the guys in the squad for fun and as a learning tool. They enjoy them so I guess that counts for something. New AR worked out great now if I can just load the shotgun faster...... Pistol is getting better, I learned alot. Have alot of work to do but I'm up to the task. Working out 4 days a week again and in between sets I use a 5 lbs. weight to work on my foot movement to build up the shoulders better. Start a wind sprint workout next week I'll pm you with the info. I might have to start a 3 gun range diary here.


Edited by Chris Conley
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Well after pouring a shed foundation 10.5 by 12.5 by 4in yesterday I'm pretty whipped today. My arm are killing me because we had to wheelbarrow the concrete from the driveway to behind the house about 70ft. The U-cart concrete didn't pour out like it was supposed to so we had to shovel it out, holy crap is that stuff heavy.

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  • 2 months later...

Well now I've gone and done it. My wife and I joined a local Powerhouse Gym. Now that I'm paying for a gym I'll have to go because I don't like to waste money. My plan is to work out Monday, Wednesday and Friday with dry fire on Tuesday and Thrusday. Now I have to find a dry fire routine that will fit in to my basement.

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This was my first cardio workout in a long time. It felt good to get on the treadmill and sweat a little. Once I get familiar with all the equipment I'll try and do 30 min cardio and 30 min of weight training.

Tomorrow I'll be in the basement trying to figure out a dryfire routine. Micah, if you have any suggestions for a dryfire routine in a space of 20' by 10' would be helpful.

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