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Thomas Moore "if Possible"

Thomas Moore

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3 miles on the treadmill at 4.6mph. I started at 4.1mph and I'm working my way up the ladder.

30-40 Minutes on upper body weights with the wife.

I weighed myself on the same scale at the same time as I did on 9/6/06 (222lbs) now I'm proud to say I've lost 6lbs and they're staying off!

BTW has anyone tried these new protein drinks called "Muscle Milk"?

-goal to be below 200lbs by the end of the year and keep it off.

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Finished Lanny Basham's book "With Winning in Mind", I will definitely read this book more than once. I'm starting Saul's book "Thinking Practical Shooting".

Can't wait to see Jane's winter Do Jo, I'm sure it will inspire me and a few others on this forum to clean out their basements and get to work for the next season of shooting.

Thomas...I haven't read all of your diary...but I wanted to tell you to GO THOMAS GO!!!! I love reading that you and your wife are working out together! It's awesome! Having a healthy, fit lifestyle will reward you beyond your shooting goals!! Again...GO THOMAS GO!! You're doing great.

As far as the "winter Do Jo" goes there is another motivation besides beating the Bender....Cleaning out that basement and having a garage sell is going to give me the match fee's I need for the Florida Open in February! ;) I had Jackson take before pictures today. It's going to be quite a transformation. The process of transformation is glorious! I'm so happy you are getting a taste of it as you diligently work for your physical fitness goals. :cheers:

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Thanks for all the encouragement everyone. I am determined to meet my short term goal and I do have more lined up. One of my goals this year was to be #1 master in the country. I made it to #2 a few months ago but because I didn't have another goal set I believe a relaxed and faded back a bit. I will meet my goal and go beyond!


I shot, what the locals call a Caboodle shoot today. You can use you USPSA gear but it's scored IDPA style. After shooting this match which had tons of steel, which I missed repeatedly, I know what I need to practice.

If Micha could help me post some vids, I might just show how bad I stunk up the range today. Good news is there is another USPSA match tomorrow at LGC and I will redeem myself.

-goal to be below 200lbs by the end of the year and keep it off.

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3 miles on the treadmill at 4.6mph. I started at 4.1mph and I'm working my way up the ladder.

30-40 Minutes on upper body weights with the wife.

I weighed myself on the same scale at the same time as I did on 9/6/06 (222lbs) now I'm proud to say I've lost 6lbs and they're staying off!

BTW has anyone tried these new protein drinks called "Muscle Milk"?

-goal to be below 200lbs by the end of the year and keep it off.

Yes, muscle milk is great stuff. I'm doing something else with vitamin water and it works for me. THE WATER WORKS!!!! Turns man into machine. Use it at you next match instead of water or Gatorade. No corn syrup or sugar. I like the energy and the revieve type myself.

Chris C.

Edited by Chris Conley
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Testing an uploaded video for the first time. I hope it works.


What the hell happened to the sound? This video was filmed at 30fps, maybe the website crunched it down and removed the sound. The next videos I record will be at 10fps, hopefully they will come out better.

Until then...

Edited by Thomas Moore if posible
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Today was rough, I thought I could increase the speed of the treadmill to 4.7mph after starting at 4.2mph only two weeks ago. I only made it to 2.75 miles before my lungs couldn't take anymore air. So what I didn't after that was some sprint training. Once I caught my breath I would increase to 8.5mph and run for 20 seconds and slow down to walking. I did this for three sets and I tell you it put a burnin in your lungs. We completed our gym day with about 30 minutes of upper body free weights, they're a little different the machine weights.

-goal to be below 200lbs by the end of the year and keep it off.

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If you want to lose weight, diet is more important than excercise.

Decide what you're going to eat before you decide what to eat.

Take the emotion out of it. Take the pleasure out of it.

Food is Gasoline.

And, when you get to your target, you can have small qtys of whatever you want.

You could also start smoking and introduce huge amounts of stress into your life, but I don't recommend it. :)

(I quit smoking cigs on 7.31.07 after an idiotic 2 year swim in those waters...)


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Here is my usual daily intake of food.


1/2 protein bar and a banana with 20oz of water. Or a bowl of Trail Grape Nuts and a banana with 20oz of water.


Chicken or a 6in Sub or a hamburger and Med fries usually my lunch will be my heaviest meal.


either an apple or some kind of nuts


Salad with or without chicken or some type of fish.


Protien shake consisting of

6 ice cubes

1/4 cup non-fat plain yogurt

1/2 cup 1/2% milk

5 to 6 large strawberries

1 Tlbs of natural peanut butter

2 scoops of vanilla protein powder

Edited by Thomas Moore if posible
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To figure out what kind of nutrition you need, the first step is determining your resting metabolic rate which is the amount of calories your body burns every day regardless of what you do - natural functions and stuff. Chances are a kinesiologist or athletic center can do this for you. At that point you can figure out exactly how many calories you are burning every day and set up your nutrition so that you are operating with a caloric deficit every day - the only way to lose weight.

I would say for about the next 2 weeks you will continue seeing really good results then it will start to level off. That's not anything that is your fault, the same thing happens to me. At that point is when your diet becomes even more crucial. I love that you're doing this though, I always thought it would make a huge difference.

It could also be a good idea to get hydro statically weighed to determine your exact percentage of body fat. This will definitely help you out in terms of goal setting and finding a workout that is the most effective for your body composition.

Just a few suggestions that will make a difference if you decide to do them.

Good luck again, see you this weekend.

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Pick your poison: More exercise, or less food. In the end it's all calories in < calories out to loose weight. 3500 calories = 1 pound of fat.

D@mn I got 770000 calories in me now....I better start getting in shape.

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I don't disagree with Jake, but I more agree with Cheely.

Biggest trap in weight loss is "I'm working out so I can eat more"

El Wrongo.

Also, you won't results for awhile, then one day your pants will fall off. That's a happy day.

Bear in mind, this is strictly about dropping pounds. Not building muscle or being more healthy or anything else.

Tom, I think your current plan is great. I would ditch the fries and the pm shake unless you're gonna work out after. IF you want a faster result.

Good luck bro, it's fun to be skinny.


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I've always worked out and trained people with the intent of building muscle while losing fat. The reason for this is muscle absolutely cannibalizes fat faster than anything else. I forget the exact numbers but I believe you burn an extra 50 calories per day (even if you sit on your ass all day) per pound of muscle you have.

Bottom line is if you want to lose weight and keep it off, train to be stronger.

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I've always worked out and trained people with the intent of building muscle while losing fat. The reason for this is muscle absolutely cannibalizes fat faster than anything else. I forget the exact numbers but I believe you burn an extra 50 calories per day (even if you sit on your ass all day) per pound of muscle you have.

Bottom line is if you want to lose weight and keep it off, train to be stronger.


Chris C.

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Not that I disagree with anyone's thoughts, but here are my own on training and weight loss coming from my own cycling experience.

When an individual is 40%+ body fat, what is our immediate goal? Loss of fat, ie: greater calorie burn than intake.

Aerobic exercise (riding a bike at a moderate effort) allows us to push the body for longer, without damaging muscle. This allows for more frequent and longer exercise, leading to greater calories expended.

Once you start lifting weights or pushing the body past its lactic threshold (burning sensation in the muscles), you are into an anaerobic type of exercise which fills the muscles with lactic acid, leading to sore muscles that aren't able to repeat the exercise the next day, poor morale because you feel bad, and less overall effort because you can't do it everyday, which is less total calories expended.

Now I am all for overall body health, and yes the more lean mass you have, the higher your metabolic rate. But if I only burn 50 calories for an extra pound of muscle, why not burn an extra 250 a day by riding for an extra 20 minutes? All the while never feeling tired or sore from the previous day.

You can easily ride the bike for an hour every day. But can you life weights 7 days a week?

Easy to moderate aerobic exercise in quantity is going to drop weight much faster than weight lifting, and when you first start trying to loose weight, this is going to keep the morale up, while building a base for later high intensity exercise.

Keep it up Tom. If you want to go out on the bike, just let me know :cheers:

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Keep it coming everyone, I'm soaking it all in and by spring I should be ready to go.

What I ate today


1/2 protein bar and a banana


6in sub from Subway


apple and a handful of nuts and the other half of the protein bar


egg salad sandwich and a beer (i know but it sure tasted good)

I also drank 100oz of water

-goal to be below 200lbs by the end of the year and keep it off.

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I'm not arguing against aerobic exercise, I think that should be a portion for sure.

The reason why it is better to build muscle then just burn off calories is because you have to actually do something to burn off the calories. If I put 10 pounds of muscle on I'm burning an extra 500 calories a day every day by doing nothing extra. That is also on top of any aerobic exercise I do. It also makes for a healthier body all the way around.

I do agree with you though. My current schedule consists of an equal amount of strength building and cardiovascular building work outs.

I may be in the minority but I think the soreness afterwards is the best part.

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keep up the hard work, it's tough but worth it in the long run. Matt can tell you that I'm a fitness maniac, when he was here learning gunsmithing he even came to the gym with me a couple times. I eat 5-6 small meals a day and 2 protein shakes. I workout 5 days a week and alternate weight training with cardio and when it gets boring I get out the mountain bike and hit that hard for a while. Make sure you're eating enough to keep you going, it's not really that you have to eat less but if you eat the right foods you can almost eat as much as you want. Next summer we'll be calling you "Thomas Swartzenegger if Possible", did I spell that right?

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Not that I disagree with anyone's thoughts, but here are my own on training and weight loss coming from my own cycling experience.

When an individual is 40%+ body fat, what is our immediate goal? Loss of fat, ie: greater calorie burn than intake.

Aerobic exercise (riding a bike at a moderate effort) allows us to push the body for longer, without damaging muscle. This allows for more frequent and longer exercise, leading to greater calories expended.

Once you start lifting weights or pushing the body past its lactic threshold (burning sensation in the muscles), you are into an anaerobic type of exercise which fills the muscles with lactic acid, leading to sore muscles that aren't able to repeat the exercise the next day, poor morale because you feel bad, and less overall effort because you can't do it everyday, which is less total calories expended.

Now I am all for overall body health, and yes the more lean mass you have, the higher your metabolic rate. But if I only burn 50 calories for an extra pound of muscle, why not burn an extra 250 a day by riding for an extra 20 minutes? All the while never feeling tired or sore from the previous day.

You can easily ride the bike for an hour every day. But can you life weights 7 days a week?

Easy to moderate aerobic exercise in quantity is going to drop weight much faster than weight lifting, and when you first start trying to loose weight, this is going to keep the morale up, while building a base for later high intensity exercise.

Keep it up Tom. If you want to go out on the bike, just let me know :cheers:

Once you start lifting weights or pushing the body past its lactic threshold (burning sensation in the muscles), you are into an anaerobic type of exercise which fills the muscles with lactic acid, leading to sore muscles that aren't able to repeat the exercise the next day, poor morale because you feel bad, and less overall effort because you can't do it everyday, which is less total calories expended.


Excellent Post Matt!

I've been throught this same thing before.

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Hey Tom,

I can't help with the shootin stuff, but I can help with the nutrion side. Keep up the awesome work in the gym, if you can just keep doing what you are currently doing 5 days a week. You are winning, don't worry too much about pushing for that extra .1 mph. Just train, and if you are sweating a lot, that's an excellent sign.

Diet, needs serious work. My 2 cents so take it for what it's worth. The sooner you get tuned into how much of a deal diet is wether it's trying to gain, or lose (I"m a hard gainer, and I don't eat enough).

Some ideas to get thinking about, your metabolism is just like shooting practice. It needs consitency to work properly. You can train your metabolism quite easily, and it's amazing how fast it comes together. I'm not sure what time you get up and have breakfast in the morning or what time you go to the gym. Ideally, you want to eat every 3 hours. 6am, 9am, noon, 3pm, and 6pm no carbs in the evening after the 6pm meal. the 3 hour part is the important part, wether it's starting a 6am, 7am, or 8am doesn't matter. Consistency does. After about 10 days of this, if you are 15 minutes late for a meal, you won't have to look at your watch, your tummy will be saying. "Tom, what the hell is going ON! I'm HUNGRY" The good part about this, we have the metabolism going all the time burning, and at the same time we are feeding those muscles we wanna keep/grow.

From your video, you allready have decent muscle tone, just some belly that needs burning off. You can do it.

What to eat??


2 eggs (good protein) oatmeal (excellent carb) yogurt (excellent carb) if you are gonna put something on the oatmeal, use honey. no sugars. You can throw a couple strawberries or something like that in there as well.

9am snack-

protein shake, with a banana and yogurt.

noon lunch

You need a good protein of some kind of meat, and a good carb (potatoe salad, pasta salad, rice, nothing fried)

3pm snack

Protein shake with a banana and yogurt.

6pm dinner

Good protein (steak, chicken, fish, pork chop) and a good carb. (Pasta, rice, potatoes)

Do's and don'ts

Drink more water, you should have a glass or bottle of water with you all day long. Hydrated is better for everything. Muscles like it, metabolism likes it. Don't eat fruit by itself, it spikes insulin levels, it's a sugar (yes it's good for you but, not what we are looking for). If you are going to eat fruit, eat it with something, and preferably in the morning so your metabolism has all day to work on it. Don't be scare of good carbs. Carbs is the fuel your body burns through the day. Processed Sugar is bad, honest it really is. So is beer or any kind of alcohol, you won't believe how far out that window that throws everything. Just have a glass of water instead.

If you can get to the level you have risen to in shooting, you can do this easy.


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Awesome stuff Mark and that goes for everybody else with great information.

I'm a late riser so breakfast is around 8am. My plan is to eat 5 times a day (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, snack). My workout doesn't happen until I get home from work. I'm currently working out three nights a week and after Area 2 I'm going to try five nights a week.

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