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Two Outstanding Days Of Training With Manny Bragg

XD Niner

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Yesterday I completed a two-day practical shooting course taught by Manny Bragg at Frank Garcia’s Universal Shooting Academy. It was a terrific learning experience and we had an absolute hoot to boot! I know my fellow students (Linda, Jill, Dana, Peter and Lon) also had a great time and learned in a couple of days what it would have taken us years to discover ourselves.

I’m sure most of you know that Manny is an outstanding shooter and a GM but you may not be aware of just how good a teacher he is too. This is a rare combination to find. His teaching style brings his personal experience to the students on a very understandable level. He is always positive and an excellent coach. He is also friendly and humorous and the time with him flies by quickly. Our group ranged in shooting experience from less than six months to about two years. All but one of us was an USPSA and/or IDPA shooter. Not one of us felt intimidated by a GM due to Manny’s strong interpersonal skills and unassuming personality.

This was billed as an intermediate/advanced class but it really focused primarily on the fundamentals. This is a concept that I fully endorse because a good foundation is critical to any building effort including developing practical shooting skills.

The first day was focused on accuracy with stance, grip and above all good trigger control being emphasized. By lunch we were all shooting much smaller groups than we could have done at the start of the day. Dana won the smallest group contest by a hair. The afternoon was spent on plate racks clear out to 25 yards. I doubt any of us will be intimidated by a plate rack again!

The second day again started on the plate racks where we added some movement. We then went onto shooting at a horizontal moving 10-inch plate that Frank has installed. Everyone enjoyed the challenge and I suspect the six of us put close to a thousand rounds down range on just that one drill. B)

We then shot three typical USPSA stages incorporating all that we had learned. We wrapped up the session with a shoot-off on the resetting popper course installed in one of the bays. Jill and her high priced, red dot optic Open blaster narrowly beat out yours truly with his Production XD-9 for the title (any hint of bruised male ego you might sense here is purely your imagination.) <_<

By the time I headed for home yesterday evening I had shot almost 1700 rounds over the two days. I had band aids around two finger tips as souvenirs. I also had several pages of notes, some new drills and much more knowledge of what I need to work on and how to achieve my shooting goals. Most importantly, I had a big smile on my face for the whole drive home.

Manny has equipped me with the knowledge and basic skills needed to advance to at least the next level. Now it is up to me to practice them and increase my own competency.

The four of us from Gainesville are now hoping to take the advanced course from Manny the week before the Florida Open. I can hardly wait. Thanks again Manny! :)

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I took a two day with him and agree 100%. The biggest thing for me was movement, the HOW and WHY of movement were two things I may not have ever figured out on my own or picked out of the books we read.

I can't recommend a couple days with Manny highly enough, well worth the price of admission plus!!

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Probably the funniest moment, and there were many, occured at the end of the second day. Jill won the shootout so she challenged Manny to see what he could do against her. Manny was shooting a single stack so it seemed like it would help even the playing field. The stage mandated a reaload but it could be accomplished any time after the first piece of steel fell and before the last one fell.

At the buzzer Manny fired off his first shot at near the speed of light. He ejected his mag and went for his second mag to reload. Unbenown to Manny though, Peter had removed both extra mags from Manny's mag pouch when he was distracted. When Manny reached down to find there was no mag, he started flapping his arm like a one winged chicken and then broke out laughing. Jill cleaned his clock handily. :lol:

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would you guys recommend the 2 day or the 3 day course? whats covered in the 2 and 3 day course respectively? would you say with the 2 day course you will zip thur a few subjects while if you were to take the 3 day course, subjects would be covered at a bit more of a slower pace? or would it be 1st day basics, 2nd day intermidiate and 3rd day advanced?


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XD Niner,

What is the best way to get information on Manny's training sessions, schedule and cost. I assume he only trains in Fl.

I also wonder if any guys from SW Ohio would be interested in getting a group together to drive to FL to lock in a training session with Manny. Shared expenses might help ease the travel burden.


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Put together a class of 6 to 8 people and Manny will also come to you. You can contact Dr. Bragg at: eb-at-protechco.com

You'll pay for the class in the ammo you won't waste doing stupid stuff. To me, it's an absolute no-brainer to train with Manny.

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You can also PM Manny here. He goes by "DaBlaster".

Whether you come to Florida, head for Missouri or get him to visit your local range, you'll be amazed at how much you'll learn in just a couple of days.

Yoshidaex, I can't answer your question because I don't know what the content of a three day course would be. I wasn't aware one was even offered.

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  • 3 months later...

I just returned from a 2 day Intermediate class with Manny Bragg at Universal Shooting Academy - March 10-11, 2007. I had a great time and I really benefited from the class. XD Niner's description at the beginning of this thread is an accurate description of the class.

I shot USPSA for several years then became inactive a few years ago. I am returning to the sport and wanted to use the Manny class to kick start my return to pistol competition. His emphasis on fundamentals - grip and trigger control - was exactly what I needed. He constantly stresses accuracy - that is exactly what I need as I cannot miss fast enough to win! I also got some great tips and drills on the second day to help with transitions and shooting on the move.

He is thoroughly professional, highly skilled, and a gifted instructor. He tailored his comments to reinforce the strengths and improve the weaknesses of each shooter in the class - we had 5 students.

I shot 1800 rounds of factory 9mm through my Glock 34 in the two days. The G34 was basically stock except for a Vanek drop-in trigger kit and a brass Seattle Slug grip weight.

Surprisingly, all five shooters used Production class 9mm pistols and gear - 3 G34s, one SIG226, and one XD.

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