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Uspsa Stuff Made In China!


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So, I was putting my 2006 nationals cap today and I noticed it was made in China. Damn. So I decided I would not wear it and search for a shooting cap that was made hopefully in the US but definitely not China. 2006 Area 6 cap- made in China! Universal shooting academy- made in China! So, I switched gears and went to my college football team hats for the Univ of Miami and of course every hat was made in China! Finally I found that the 2005 USPSA nationals hat that was made in Bangladesh. I could live with that.

Why in the world does an organization like the USPSA support communist China? This trade with China will prove to be the worst thing Clinton ever did to America.

Don't shop at wal-mart!! Try hard to buy US made goods!!!!!

And for heaven sakes let’s buy US made goods for the USPSA. I did a quick Google search and found a ton of suppliers of hats and t's that are made in America.

Tim Calhoun

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I don't mind buying things from other countries (although I prefer to buy US products) as long as they are not potential enimies like China. They are communist. Way too many people have died in the name of freedom to support an oppresive government.

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I try to buy American made stuff whenever possible, but it's just not always possible. I noticed that the 1/2" oak plywood I just bought a Carter Lumber has made in china stamped on the side. I hate it, but can't really stop it either. I agree that USPSA should not buy China made goods, but nobody would be willing to buy a $42 t-shirt or cap.

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$42... I don't think so.

Bill O'Reilly sells USA Made merchandise at his web-site, all made in USA from USA materials and the caps cost $17, t-shirts at $19-22, and sweatshirts for $40.

If Bill can do it so can USPSA.

Exactly. The web sites that I visited selling USA made hats and tee shirts were no more expensive than anywhere else. And even if I had to spend an extra dollar or two.............................SO BE IT!!!!!!!!!

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China has no respect for its own water, air and so on. Therefore, little respect for the welfare of its people. It's incredibly polluted over there. In some ways, just like Russia. Careless, stupid and wasteful "use" of resources.

No respect!!!!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

Every time I shop for anything (and I do peruse the second-hand stores, which boast products from ALL manner of stores and manufacturers), the predominant point of origin on goods ("Made in...") is now China and has been for some time. And lately it's been overwhelmingly so. For a time, I was seeing a predominance of Malaysian products (and, yes, frequently Bangladesh) but no more. I can't recall when I've last seen a Made-in-USA label...... seriously. <_<

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Yeah, it's depressing. I try to avoid products made in China unless it's unavoidable. There are more choices in the internet though including some web-sites that only list USA made products.

USPSA should start supporting USA ahead of China. There is no excuse for not buying American.

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Get a load of this! Really!

When I went back for my 10 yr Air Force Academy reunion, the merchandise from the Association of Graduates (Alumni Association golf shirts) said "Made in China" .

Then after the memorial service with a 21 gun salute and missing man formation flyby, a former squadron/classmate and I hurriedly walked over to the Barry Goldwater Visitor Center to buy some AFA memorbillia. My AFA baseball cap and pullover hooded sweatshirt were made in Viet Nam. If I wasn't so pressed for time, I would have looked at the tags first and then NOT bought them. It was only after I got back to Illinois did I realize the stuff was made THERE.

Now, I couldn't tell you exactly how many AFA grads died (got shot down) in Viet Nam and/or were held prisoner in the infamous Hanoi Hilton, but I would think that Nike and the Zoo could have gotten together on those items and chose a different manufacturing location.

BTW, more remains from AFA grads and AF pilots in general are STILL being shipped back from Viet Nam, even as we speak...err...write and read this.

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Dont forget just because its made in America dosent always mean its 100% American.

Toyota: Assimbled in US with forgin and domestic parts, 100% of the profit goes back to Japan.

There are many such companies like this.

Still they are Americans assembling the vehicles, which is better than assembly in Mexico or Canada.

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I say this. First, there might need to be a spell checker or grammar checker added to this particular thread. ;):D

To get back on topic, the reality is that free trade is free trade and just because something says, "Made In The U.S.A.," doesn't mean it was made here. American made products 'tend' to be more expensive. That's the reality of it. Companies buy product, based upon a projected profit and the sale price of goods with all this factored upon what the market will bear.

So, when the discussion of 'Buy American' vs. Buy XXXXX comes up, the question is always, 'what are you willing to pay?'

Oh...as for China being Communist. It's not "really" communist. The rights of the individual to own property, cars and conduct business are much more free than ever before.


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Why is China the one that everyone hates? I don't like them either, but I don't understand why it's O.K. to buy stuff from any country other than China. It is American made or it's not. It's obviously our own cheap nature that keeps fueling them. It seems to be perfectly fine to buy guns and other things made in Japan, but didn't they do something bad to us a few years ago? Why support a country that attacked us? We shoot how many different guns from other countries, not to mention other goods like powder(Hodgdon, VV), shotgun shells, etc. ? Why should USPSA behave differently than it's members? I'm all for buying USA made goods and will whenever possible, but maybe we should all try just a little bit harder.

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I think that every USPSA hat should have to be handmade by the Board of Directors and that Mike Voigt should have to do all the embroidery himself by hand.

Ooh...and then there's the USPA knife:


Does USPSA have a certificate of origin for the plastic used to make the handle? That petroleum better not have come from an Islamic nation.

And let's not forget the poster:


Lisa Munson lives in .....GASP!.....a BLUE state!

Ummm....wait a minute...so do I. Nevermind... :huh:

Edited by EricW
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I lived and worked in China as a Production director for a Snowboard MFG. that made boards for some of the biggest, best snowboard brands in the Country. China is Not a Communist country, and aside from guns, tools, Tube amps and trucks, what does the US make worth the money? Hell my girlfriend was made in China and she's long outlasted her warranty and looks just like she did the day I met her 17 years ago! For you guys in the Military: I sold Aerospace Electronics and you would be really surprised how many Chinese relays, switches, Circuit protection, Connectors are outsourced to China for your F-16's. Do you remember who used to make your Attire? The government used to employ the blind and diabled to make your garbs. Do they still?

I'm a Jew and I will tell you nothing beats german engineering! My German cars, guns, optics, are top notch... even if they did cook my forefathers! If you Buy a Cap made in USA, Chances are it was made in a Downtown L.A Sweat shop by either Mexican illegal immigrant or laosian 9 year old. Yet you pay $10-25 dollars more. I just recently bought the coolest Chinese Dragon embroidered truckers cap by Ed Hardy the Tattoo wear clothing brand for $50! made in china. I could understand not buying stuff made in afghanistan, veit nam, etc, but Whats the problem with China? They just want the same things you and I want. They are hard working people that save us 'mericans a lot of money. What would you or your wife do without Target?

I understand that outsourcing puts a lot of people out of work here in the US, but in all honesty, its usually the jobs of illegal aliens that are most effected. I know that machinists took a huge a hit, and I think it sucks! But We Have more resources, and manufacture so many other things. We as Americans have more opportunities for success than any other country. We Should be proud of that. my .02 as I know thats about what its worth... What is an American? arent we all just a bunch of decendents of immigrants? How many Chinese Ipsc shooters are there? Don't you have chinese friends? do you like Chinese food? I dunno, maybe its the generation gap, but it just seems plain racist to boycott goods that arent made in the USA, When Our Country voted for free trade with ALL of the foreign countries we work with, why shouldnt we buy the stuff? I bet you Cigar smokers would love a real cohiba? but their communists! damn.. guess its time for a NY White owl! lol!

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China is a communist country period. I don't know how you can say it is not. We did fine before clinton normalized trade with china(we bought our relay switches for our F-16 from Japan). I don't buy guns from communist countries because you mostly can't and really wouldn't want to.

Again my beef is supporting communist countries I have no problem with fair free trade with countries participating in free democracies.

You can call me a patriot but never a racist half inch group. I have no problem with the Chinese people only their government. It is up to them to change their government.

What is an American you asked? True we are from all parts of the world but above all we treasure freedom and liberty. We would give our very lives to preserve it. And that is why I started this thread. Giving money to a country that has and is oppressing it's people is not the American way. Heaven help us!!!!!

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China is a communist country period. I don't know how you can say it is not. We did fine before clinton normalized trade with china(we bought our relay switches for our F-16 from Japan). I don't buy guns from communist countries because you mostly can't and really wouldn't want to.

Again my beef is supporting communist countries I have no problem with fair free trade with countries participating in free democracies.

You can call me a patriot but never a racist half inch group. I have no problem with the Chinese people only their government. It is up to them to change their government.

What is an American you asked? True we are from all parts of the world but above all we treasure freedom and liberty. We would give our very lives to preserve it. And that is why I started this thread. Giving money to a country that has and is oppressing it's people is not the American way. Heaven help us!!!!!

I didnt mean to make this a rebuttal, but more of just food for thought. I apologise if you think I was calling you a rascist. I was not. I commend you for your patriotism, and I really was just trying to maybe persuade you and the other contributors to this thread to open their minds. No harm no foul. I didnt mean to ruffle feathers. my apologies to all who think I was trying to start an arguement.

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Dont forget just because its made in America dosent always mean its 100% American.

Toyota: Assimbled in US with forgin and domestic parts, 100% of the profit goes back to Japan.

There are many such companies like this.

You might check the foreign parts content of the Big 3 automakers and where the auto or truck was assembled.

Hint: It's not always the USA.

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