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Our Dog Is Sick


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One of our dogs got sick a few days ago and we had to take her to the vet hospital yesterday morning after she had been unable to keep food down for a couple of days. They think it is a bad case of pancreatitis and they had to keep her last night. I went to see her in the doggy ICU and she looked so depressed, locked in a small crate with an IV. I had a real hard time getting through the day yesterday. We're waiting for an update on her condition this morning. Wife and I haven't got much sleep the past several days and not having Lucy home last night for the first time in the 5 years we've had her made emotional wrecks of the both of us. Our other dog, Chloe, is beside herself as well. Nobody got much sleep last night. I hate this and I hope she gets well quickly and can come home to us soon. Our dogs are our children. I'm feeling guilty that I've been so busy with work and school that I haven't gotten to spend much time with them lately. I always try to play ball with them a little each day, but it's hard to find time. I'd say the hell with work for a day and spend it in a park with our dogs if we could get her back today! I'll definitely skip shooting a match this weekend if Lucy can come home and be with us.

Lucy is on the left.


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Prayers on the way.

Hang in there, they can bounce back fast.

The medical web site says:

There are two forms of pancreatitis. The acute form occurs suddenly and may be a severe, life-threatening illness with many complications. Usually, the patient recovers completely.

Hope it happens.

Edited by bountyhunter
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Thanks ya'll. I just visited Lucy and her fever has come down, so it looks like she is getting better. They said they want to keep her on a fluid and antibiotic IV for a couple more days and she can't have anything orally yet. I hope we will get to bring her home this weekend if she continues to improve. Poor thing is so scared there, just sits there and quivers in her little crate. She's used to having a king sized bed all to herself! It is SO tough to go home and not have her there to greet me at night! I'm not sure if the separation is tougher on Lucy or my wife and I! :(

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Well, one of mine is not feeling so hot, either (and hasn't for about a week, now...). He's headed to the vet tomorrow, it sounds like (I'm out of town, and so can't go... :( ). Ugh.

Any update, Mike?? How's she doing today?

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Went and saw her this afternoon and she seems to be improving, but they thought she was in some pain because she was panting a lot, so they gave her a shot of pain killer. She seemed rather zombie-like, so hopefully it’s just the medicine. Still on IV, but they are offering water to her now and they will try food tonight or tomorrow. As long as the fever doesn’t come back and she can hold down food and water, we might get her back tomorrow evening.

Hope yours feels better, Dave. It's so hard to see our little ones suffer! :(

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Thanks everyone for thinking about little Lucy. She came home last night! She is a bit groggy from pain meds that she is on. She has to take anti-biotics for a few days and is on a restricted diet. Definitely not quite herself yet, but she is coming around. It's great to have her back home! :wub: While she was in the hospital, I promised her I'd buy her a plush new bed that she's had her eye on, if she came home this weekend. She kept her end of the bargain, so I kept mine. She was going to get it for Christmas, but she deserves a soft place to relax after a very rough week. Hard to see her in it. She got in to it at the store and I thought I was going to have to carry her to the car in it! :lol:


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hey mike, i just saw your post, glad to hear she's ok and back home where she belongs. i know how i felt when i had to leave scout behind when i went to greece, its the longest we had been apart(2 weeks).

Love 'em while you got 'em, everybody should have at least one GOOD dog in their lifetime.

Trapr & Scout

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Glad she's doing good, man ;) Leave it to the dog to pick out a bed that looks just like her :D

Winston is apparently doing super, so thanks for the good thoughts. He just decided to be over it yesterday... after a week of feeling like crap, he just magically gets better :rolleyes:

Edited by XRe
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Thanks everyone for thinking about little Lucy. She came home last night! She is a bit groggy from pain meds that she is on. She has to take anti-biotics for a few days and is on a restricted diet. Definitely not quite herself yet, but she is coming around. It's great to have her back home! :wub: While she was in the hospital, I promised her I'd buy her a plush new bed that she's had her eye on, if she came home this weekend. She kept her end of the bargain, so I kept mine. She was going to get it for Christmas, but she deserves a soft place to relax after a very rough week.

My wife had a large bay window installed in the "dog room" and bought a furcovered step ramp so the dog can climb up into it to nap in the sun.

Our dog almost died from a very serious illness a while back. I think all counted we have spent more money on her than I paid for my last car.... but it's worth it.

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