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Holster Position On Belt


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I have searched but could not find the answer. How far back on the belt can you wear your holster? The rulebook says no “small of the back holsters”. In am concerned with shooters carrying their gun behind the center line (over their back pocket). When they draw it would be easy to break the 180. At our last match a shooter stated IDPA allowed the holster anywhere for concealment reasons. This local match is not IDPA or IPSC but leans toward IDPA. At the level most shooters in this match are at it could become an unsafe position. I am not the match director, so I can tell him no. But if I could point to some rule on paper it would help. Any ideas?

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page 33 paragraph J states: Must be positioned on the belt in a location that will keep the center of the trigger pad behind the centerline of the body.

I assume HQ is concerned how far foward the rig is but not how far back it is.

I'd say it should be up to the MD to decide if it is acceptable or not.

If the rig is "printing", i wouldn't consider it concealed hence a FTDR ;)

page 11 E2 B states: Concealable-All equipment will be so placed that, when wearing an open concealment garment with your arms extended to your sides and parallel to the ground, it can NOT be seen from the front, rear or sides.

Technincally you can't "SEE" the rig but you know its there especially if its printing.

But don't take advice from me who lives in the grey area of the rules. :D

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Since your club is not an IDPA club, than your MD can make the holster position rules. Also, since IDPA does not have a 180 rule, then he can establish one for your matches.

I am a co-MD for our club and I will not allow a shooter to draw from a holster over the back pocket. Yes, I know it is a very popular carry location (I carry mine there), but I feel that there could be issues with drawing and holstering. Especially if the shooter is not very experienced. As an SO, you have to be concerned for everyone's safety.

If your MD allows the shooters to use this holster, then the SO's must constantly watch how the shooter draws and holsters to ensure he does not sweep himself or others. If he does, then a match DQ.

Just my .02$

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I think I'm agreeing. The "rule" that is to be enforced is the safety rule. He either sweeps himself or you or the audience and he's gone.

FWIW, in a similar setting (not IDPA or USPSA), we had a guest firearm. It was a pocket snubby .357 and had to be carried in a pocket holster. One shooter's pocket was so far back, that I instructed the user to turn backside towards the targets before drawing... so, that might be another way to ensure safety?

Edited by kdmoore
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If the rig is "printing", i wouldn't consider it concealed hence a FTDR ;)

page 11 E2 B states: Concealable-All equipment will be so placed that, when wearing an open concealment garment with your arms extended to your sides and parallel to the ground, it can NOT be seen from the front, rear or sides.

Technincally you can't "SEE" the rig but you know its there especially if its printing.

Wow "printing" that is an extreme interpretation of the rules. :unsure:

Suppose I get a FTDR for even showing up with a SVI at your club :P

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as long as you let me use it :lol: for the ESP class.

its a club match so use whatever you feel like using.

hell if i had the funds i'd build a double stack SVI/STI in 9mm with a unique slide (no long dust cover of course ;) ) for the ESP class.

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There is nothing in the IDPA rule book about printing. This was clarified years ago by IDPA. What they are saying is you can't see the gun. Has nothing to do with printing.

Some competitors were wearing mesh/see through vests. The gun was visible through the mesh.

BTW the "hot" set up for ESP is a STI in .45ACP loaded to a 128-130pf. Mine is just about ready.

Edited by Duane Thomas
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Joe D: copy on the mesh, see thru vests and rules. As for your "hot" setup, the 45 acp loaded to 128-130 Pf sounds interesting. I'll have to make some loads up and see how they feel compared to a 9mm in the same PF range.

Off topic but I remember you posting a while back you were gonna get your hand fixed. Hows the healing process coming along?

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Thanks for asking. The surgery went fine. A few days before the operation I jammed that same finger. That has not healed yet. Talk about being frustrated!!!!! :angry:

I shot a local IPSC match 2 weeks ago with my G35 in Limited. I had some good stages and some not so good stages. On the bad stages I lost my grip.

I tested some light .45ACP loads in my Kimber. It is really soft shooting. Those .45 SWC bullets make real big holes. I made some 9 round mags that would fit into the box. A single stack with 10 + 9 is not bad.

On the + side I have been working on my fitness level. Dropped 12 lbs so far. 8 more to go. Even started running again. I came to the realization that I had allowed myself to fall out of shape. This caused a slow but steady decline in my match scores.

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OT but...

I have been working on a .45 Minor ESP project like Joe's. I borrowed some of his 9-round single stack Box compliant magazines to test and copy and had several made up similar.

Fun to shoot, it just goes bloop, bloop and doesn't move the gun around much at all. The big holes are occasionally worth a point on a close hit. I have saved three points in a couple of matches that way, Joe says he gained six one day. Hasn't cost me a NT hit yet, though.

I strained my back earlier this week and am not shooting today, dang it. I will likely go to a rifle match tomorrow, I can get down into prone carefully, shoot my string, and get up slowly.

Edited by Jim Watson
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Joe and Jim: Hope you guys have a speedy and proper recovery. I broke my wrist a while back and I'm not sure it healed properly. Maybe I should have went to the physical therapy sessions.... :mellow: oh well.

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it's like my neighbors son's ,third cousin ,divorced for the 6th times bumper sticker said on his truck...".it a suthern thing ,,yew wont understand".......seems like after 50 everything starts to break.........wait...i'm not 50 yet. B)

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