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Ced 7000


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I did not wanna hijack the other CED 7000 thread (new tiny timer) so I opened a new one...

I do have a timer, but I think I should look somewhere else...

Here is the thread about my MKIV XP timer and the new one is having the same problem.

What I wanted to know about CED 7000 if it is as user friendly as the MKIV XP.

I dry fire like 6 days a week so I want a timer what can be set QUICKLY (pair time) just like my Pact.

With those 16 big buttons Pact rocks when we talk about setting a function...fast and easy.

I'm very much concerned about this feature as it can make my practise session quick or loooong.

Anybody with both? How about a quick comparison?

Appreciate your help Guys,

Edited by TheHun
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It really is simple to use. I just got done using it tonight in live-fire practice, and I love it. The only real complaint I have with my MK IV is the size of the darn thing. When I clip it onto my left front pocket and then try to shoot-n-run a simulated field course with it on, I can feel it slapping against my leg. Very annoying.

But this new timer is awesome. I have both the neck cord and the belt clip and even though it dangles freely while running .... I never knew it was there the whole night.

As for setting up pars, it's a breeze. Simple to change between instant and delay also. You can choose between Instant, Random, Fixed 3 sec delay, or Custom Delay (your choice of min/max sec.) With the pars you can set up more than one, and though you dont have numbered buttons, you use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the seconds. Easy

And finaly my favorite thing ....... Recorded History! :) Last 9 strings (shooters) are saved into memory. Just a quick push of the REVIEW button and you're now looking at your last run.

And you know how in the old days you could see your shot times, and maybe you had to hold down a secondary button to see your splits, or maybe you're used to the newer timers that show your splits & transitions, but it went something like this: Shot 1 ... Shot 2 ... Shot 3 ... Shot 4 ... Shot 5 ... Shot 6 .... Wooops went too far ....... gotta go forward through all 32 shots now ? Not anymore! ;) This little timer lets you look at Shot 1 ... Shot 2 ... Shot 3 ... Shot 4 ... then back to Shot 3 or 2 if you like.

And after charging it up last night I practiced for at least 3 hours today and never had a problem. Battery still indicated a full charge. I will continue to use it the rest of this week, and maybe even use it in SPY MODE this weekend at Targeting Ed. :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r:


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PS ............ let's not forget AUTO POWER OFF! I can't count how many 9-Volts I went through by forgetting to turn my PACT MK IV OFF! :lol:

Yeah, they fixed that in the MKIV XP <_< . So the way you adjust par times is with an up/down button on each digit?

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If you're going to use spy mode, be sure to play with the sensitivity. Once you change mode, it will set it to 8 every time. You then need to turn it down depending on the conditions. At an indoor range, 8 was picking up each shot 3 times from the echoes. Other than that, the timer is great.


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Thanks for the many replies Guys, appreciate it.

I think I'm itching to get one...

One more question:

How is the volume control?

On my MKIV XP the lowest setting (indoor-dry firing) still a little loud....

How is that on the CED 7000?

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Thanks for the many replies Guys, appreciate it.

I think I'm itching to get one...

One more question:

How is the volume control?

On my MKIV XP the lowest setting (indoor-dry firing) still a little loud....

How is that on the CED 7000?

It's almost as loud as the typical alarm clock.

Loud enough to annoy people in the next room.

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It absoluetly rocks, I just got mine this week and finished the first match using it, and it is hand down better than any other timer I've used, and I know Im just sratching the surface of what it can do.

As an ro I just hung it around my neck and the weight was nothing. I didn't misplace it once. The buttons are easy to use and the display has everything you need. I really like the just charge it and use it, I've spent so much in 9V batteries over the years.

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Used one at yesterday's match. Probably the most intuitive timer on the market aside from the usual CED gotta hit review before start "feature". Having a timer that you can slip in your pocket on your way to the next stage or while working on a prop is great. The only "problem" is that sucker is so small that you I literally would forget which pocket I put it in, which is more than a minor problem with 5.11 shorts. :P

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I spent the weekend running shooters at the Targeting Education match. We got shiny new (non-RF) CED7000s to use during the match and I am impressed. The thing works as well as my CED8000 in a much smaller package. It has all the bells 'n whistles. The only reason I haven't ordered one is I got to keep a match timer as an RO prize. WOO HOO!

This timer is very reasonably priced but don't think of it as a low end timer. Loves2shoot is right. This thing is a Cadillac packed into a Pinto chassis. It has everything and it all works.

I heard a couple ROs comment that the buttons seemed a little on the cheap side. I think that is to be expected for a 'low cost' timer. The only thing I would change would be the top buttons (REVIEW and START). They are identical in size. It took several squads before I could remember which was which without looking. It would be nice if the review button was half the size of the start button or if one was taller than the other.

The range we used has bays every 30 or so feet separated by 8' berms. I tried the spy mode monitoring shooters in the next bay (behind a berm). It worked well but I had trouble keeping it from picking up shots from other bays. I was able to dial the sensitivity down and spy on shooters in the bay across from mine (no intervening berm). It worked even when they went behind walls.

The best thing about this timer is it fits in my pocket. My home club uses pocket pros. They work great but are a pain in the butt to schlep around between shooters. If I'm able to jam one in my pocket it takes the jaws of life to get it back out. If I hang it on my belt it crashes into everything I walk past. The 7000 comes with 3 lanyards and a wrist strap. There is also a belt clip so you can carry it like a pager.

If the 7000 has a drawback it's that it might be too small. I had to get used to holding it a certain way so it wouldn't slip out of my sweaty paws (hot and MUGGY all weekend). Once I got the hang of it we were unstoppable.

What John Hurd wrote is true, the pitch of the CED7000 is much higher than a pocket pro. It sounds like a 'R U Ready Speed Timer 3000' but LOUDER! I didn't have any problems with folks not hearing it even with folks shooting all around us. I didn't need to 'double beep' anyone. A couple shooters got mixed up when they heard a timer in another bay and thought it was mine!

The only thing it lacks is an earphone connection so you won't be able to use it in the basement while the family watches TV upstairs. Setting the beep to quiet cuts the volume in half, maybe a little lower but it is still too loud to use with people in the next room. It has a 'silent' mode but that is for controlling an external flasher/light. It shuts the beep off completely.

I highly recommend this timer for practice and match use. The lack of an earphone jack won't matter to most folks. I've had my CED8000 for a year and haven't used the earphone yet.

Probably the most intuitive timer on the market aside from the usual CED gotta hit review before start "feature".

Activate AUTO-START and you don't have to hit REVIEW between shooters. This timer truly has everything!

Oh yeah, one more great feature: IT CAN COUNT TO 999.99! I know this doesn't matter for most of us but I had a scoring boo-boo at a major because of a timer that shifted the decimal after 99.99.

I turned in a score sheet with a time of 12.35 on a stage where the GMs were doing 20-30 seconds. Stats sent the RM out to ask me what happened. I remembered the shooter. He took a lot longer than 12 something to shoot the stage. We were scratching our heads until someone realized the timer had a wandering decimal point. The real time was 123.5 :P

Edited by Gary Johnson
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couple of questions for you guys using it....

1) par time ... is this like the PACT ads where you can set a par-time buzzer to go off some time after a certain shot number (like 1.8 sec after the 6th shot)?

2) the auxillary jack ... says it emits 5V DC w/ the buzzer so that doesn't sound like it'd work w/ headphones. is there some way to practice w/ headphones or something?

thanks! I'm close to ordering one but still deciding what to get. I'd like a little more flexibility than my PACT Club III offers (though it's been great getting me this far).


ps. let me ask the question another way ... what does the PACT MkIVXP have that the CED 7000 doesn't??? (not incl chrono, I already have a chrono).


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