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Fowel Mouthed Kids


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If you hear the word A&& H%le, You can either, Hear the word! Or you can assume they are talking to you! The point is the YOU The I or the ME. ;) I realize that is tough for a youngster, Trust me!, My son is now 26. He would come home with the same feelings! This is what I would tell him. " You are responsible for your own feelings", No One can make you feel anything! You make you feel that way, So why waste your time?


Edited by blackdragon
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Are you suggesting "Take" without "returning?"

That would be illegal, so I would never suggest that. :ph34r:

That's about as funny what a cop told me when I thought I was having an identity theft problem:

"Well, it won't be a problem anymore if there's only *one* of you."


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Is there a lewd in public law or something to that affect? There was that guy that got fined for cursing up a storm by falling out of a boat. He offendedsome people on the river he was on and they had him arrestedfor the cussing. Do what ever it takes to keep yourself happy. I hate disrespectful kids too.

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His parent(s) most likely only paid attention to him when he was mis-behaving. As a consequence of that he behaves badly so that they will pay attention to him. His parents no longer even do this so he seeks that attention elsewhere.

Speaking to the child politely and asking them about their day and what things they like to do may work, show them that they don't need to behave badly to attract attention.

A word of caution though; Children can be vicious, they can claim that you swore at them or harmed them in some way to get that attention that they after. Only talk to the child when there are other adults in the vicinity, just in case.

By all means talk to the school and follow up with a letter - builds a paper trail - to ensure that they are aware of what is going on and perhaps they can bring some pressure to bear on the parents.

If no-one does anything this kid will end up in jail or hospital. One day he will treat someone badly and they will respond with violence or he will turn to violent behaviour himself.

Good luck

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Find a bigger kid in the area to beat the crap of him. Oh crap I am only thinking this!!! Why are my fingers typing?

We had the same thing happening in our neighborhood with a little Charles Manson across the street. There was no turning back for this kid he was a Demon! The 12 year old beat his Mom in the front yard! I am sorry to say we ran the family off!

You are going to have to get the law involved!!!! No other choice! I still like finding the biggest kid in the neighborhood to kick his butt!

I wish I was more help! I kept Shea away from him as much as I could.

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I'm really liking the idea of finding a bigger kid to kick his butt repeatedly. If you find the right kid they may do it for free!!! lol...

If you'd really like to help the little maggot and not just evict him from your area you might consider contacting a Big Brother organization. I've never dealt with them, but in theory they would provide exactly what he needs. Someone that cares that he can respect.

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Mark S is the only one here with the right idea.

I am crying a river for this kid since he is from a broken home and everyone hates him and he has no friends and the world is out to get him. BOO F****** WHOO!!!


This is why our society is fulla punk ass people (not just kids). "Let's not resort to violence, lets reason with the child, lets talk this out, lets all make nice and hug." Shit on that noise!! This kid is past the point of conversation, kick his ass and the sooner and harder, the better.

I am 23 years old, and can still recall the whoopin I got for talking back to any adult. I woulda got tarred and feathered for calling a grown woman a "ho".

Find the biggest fat kid in the area, pay him in cookies or doughnuts to beat this kids ass. Every time the little bastard starts talkin smack, whip up another batch of cookies and put a down payment on another ass beating. I bet you a shiny new Open gun, that little kid wont be running his mouth a whole lot longer. It is truly amazing the effect 2 or 3 savage ass beatings has on a kid's attitude.

Respect is a vital part of our society, if you refuse to show respect to others, dont ever expect it in return. Have the fat kid that doles out the beatings tell this little animal why he is getting beaten. All he has to do is shut his mouth.

Anyone else a better person now because of an ass beating they got as a kid?

Sorry, as I realize the irony of swearing in a post that is against swearing.

Edited by Kimberkid
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And here I thought the younger generation had nothing going on....KimberKid, give yourself a hand...my thoughts exactly.. I am of the idea of lets be nice if we can and exhaust every other opportunity before we do anything violent, but violence begets violence and when it deteriorates to that point, the guy with the biggest stick wins...Kind of like war...sometimes that is all that people understand...I can't be bothered personally if he has been abused, ignored, has bipolar disability or whatever...if they keep screwing with me personally, eventually, it will become physical if the authorities can't/won't do anything....and then...I feel sure that old age and trechery will bet youth and exhuberance...99% of the time..LOL :lol:

I know that this is not what you wanted to hear...but you have to remember that you are dealing with lots of guys here...some of which are a bit old school...like me..that is the way things got handled in my generation...and it generally worked out ok...

Being that this is the 21st century and not the Dark Ages when I grew up...perhaps you should try some of the modern child interaction methods first...LOL...give him a Time Out, call his mom..call the principal, call the cops...then whup up on him..

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Parents always look at me funny when I asked them if they ever spanked their children or used other types of last ditch behavior modifications that are now considered "taboo" in society thanks to the liberal and feminists with their 11-17 year old kids that are mouthy, have no respect, and are out of control. I then have to tell them that the time to correct the children's behavior was when they were 5 or so. Then when they acted up they got warned, and then spanked with no threats, just reality. If they mouthed off and didnt listen, after warnings they get pipped on the mouth so they know that the parents are the boss and they will do what they are told. Kids have to know that the parents are boss.

It just slays me all the people that say that "that was they way they were raised and they would never be that hard on their own children...." I then gently remind them why they are talking to me for advice and ask them how they got where they are in life........Usually a lot of silence and some times recognition in their eyes.....but most are too selfish or scared to start doing the right thing.......That makes me worry about our country...... :huh:

Oh yeah, have a nice day...... ;)


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I found out through trial and error that the world and it's occupants can't be beaten into submission. Believe me, I've tried.

Having some other kid beat the crap out of him will land your butt in jail faster than fast.

I spank my boys when they misbehave and they are very well mannered and respect and love me but I sure as hell am not going to try to discipline other peoples kids.

With that said, I have gone to the fathers of other unruly brats and informed them that if they didn't discipline their brat I would discipline them (the dad) and it has had desired results. Would I do that today? NO!!

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My first reaction is to beat the crap out of him myself. I feel that a child should be spanked when they are being bad. My husband and I both came from homes that did way more than just a spank on the rump. It was more like getting the hell beat out of you. I try not to take it to that level with my kids. I have been told by alot of people that my kids are the most polite and wonderful kids they have seen in a long time. I guess we are doing something right. My kids would never talk to us or any other adult that way or there is hell to pay. I could never talk to my mom like a child should talk to her mom but my oldest seems to be able to talk to me about any thing. It makes me feel like I am on the right track. I still worry though as she starts to head to the teen years, but I feel if I can just keep her talking to me she will never end up like this kid.

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My first reaction is to beat the crap out of him myself. I feel that a child should be spanked when they are being bad. My husband and I both came from homes that did way more than just a spank on the rump. It was more like getting the hell beat out of you. I try not to take it to that level with my kids. I have been told by alot of people that my kids are the most polite and wonderful kids they have seen in a long time. I guess we are doing something right. My kids would never talk to us or any other adult that way or there is hell to pay. I could never talk to my mom like a child should talk to her mom but my oldest seems to be able to talk to me about any thing. It makes me feel like I am on the right track. I still worry though as she starts to head to the teen years, but I feel if I can just keep her talking to me she will never end up like this kid.

Opps. I forgot to log my husband out and I don't know how to change this over to me. :P:lol:

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The brat just needs a good spanking... or three or four.

I vote for whoop-ass. I don't even care at this point who does it.

The kid needs a whooping until he gets the message.

He's piled up too much bad karma. It's payback time.

Sig Lady has spoken. :ph34r::angry:

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With all respect to previous posters, world history is made up of people being beaten into submission.

Child abuse is a terrible thing and there is never any excuse for it, however, that being said, not all physical punishment is abuse. Virtually everyone old enough to post here came from a generation where a swat, slap or spanking was standard protocol for misbehavior. I would guess most of us grew up just fine. Those that suffered at the hands or an abusive parent, my heart goes out to, but that doesnt mean all physical punishment is a bad idea.

Next time this kid starts running his jaw, keep walking at him. Call his bluff. Keep walkin to him, then get in his face, yell at him, shove his punk ass in the dirt and see if he keeps it up. A lot of people think they are badass until they have to prove it. Make him wear your shoes, and you fill his. Yes, it is childish and you are stooping to his level, but his level appears to be winning this game.

After meeting you 2 at the WIIT, it is plain to see that you are soft spoken, kind, considerate, gentle people. This is very admirable and I respect you a great deal for this, however, sometimes you gotta shelve that shit and kick some ass. You deserve a safe and peaceful neighborhood, and if this kid wont let you have that, maybe it is time you TOOK it. If you cant do this, let me know and I'll drive north and do it myself. I dot no problem picking a fight with someone half my age. It'll cost you some cookies though....

Anyone, any age that is a sorry enough human being to torment an 11 yr old girl, deserves whatever they get for it.

You don't have to respect other people, but you must SHOW them respect.

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Step 1: I'd try to become his friend and explain in a friendly manner how much I dislike the way he expresses himself, specially around my kids or me. :)

Step 2: Befriending didn't work, I'd still politely tell him "You know I won't take this kind of beahvior from you anymore. Don't make me address you about it again." :(

Step 3: I'd get on his face and indexing my trigger finger at that little space between his eyebrows, and with my best rabid dog face on, emphatically tell him "Listen to me you little son of a bitch, you wanna hear swearing around, I have a full repertoire but it usually comes together with some ass whooping! Next time I want to hear your voice again is when you come by to respectfully show me your college diploma. So, until then, make sure when you walk by my kids, my house, my dead relatives and myself you keep your fu(<ing little mouth shut, or you're going to need a construction worker with a neumatic hammer to pull my shoe out of your ass! Do you understand?!" :angry:

Disclaimer: Step 3 is not original. I copied it from my parents child psycology text book. ;)

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