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Area 4 @ Double Tap Ranch?

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What do yall think about asking Robert Porter and Ken Hicks about moving the Area 4 match to the Double Tap Ranch? It would be a more central location and there would be way less humidity!! Robert, what do you think? I know Wichita Falls has plenty of hotel rooms.

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What do yall think about asking Robert Porter and Ken Hicks about moving the Area 4 match to the Double Tap Ranch? It would be a more central location and there would be way less humidity!! Robert, what do you think? I know Wichita Falls has plenty of hotel rooms.

I hope they move it somewhere - and soon too. :huh:

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DoubleTapRanch would certainly be an option for Area 4......but hey, if we are gonna dream big, why not go with Tulsa? :)

Tulsa sounds great, do you think that they will be to busy with trying to get their range finished for Nationals to take on any other major event this year?

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DoubleTapRanch would certainly be an option for Area 4......but hey, if we are gonna dream big, why not go with Tulsa? :)

Tulsa sounds great, do you think that they will be to busy with trying to get their range finished for Nationals to take on any other major event this year?

:blink: ?What range in Tulsa? :unsure:

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I hope Tulsa can get there range done before the nationals. As far as DTR it's nice but I think moving Area4 right now would not be the best thing to do. I just hope we have Area4!

On my first post I should have said I hope they SHOOT it somewhere... I would hope it does not have to be moved in location - just rescheduled - and soon.

I think the lack of hotel rooms was a temporary thing caused by a huge meeting of a religious group, not something ongoing or permanent. I really like the Clark range and staff.

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I think the issue is also related to the fact that there is no IPSC club at the clark range so there is no one to MD and no one to set up. We have more than enough talent for stage design and certainly no shortage of RO's or a RM (hello Troy!). But setup is kinda' an important part. At another range, space for parking and the MD position are kinda paramount. We had a number of A4's at Texarkana. Anyone know if that range is still available and shooting IPSC? Granted there was no wind and the heat index hit 127 one year, but if the match is held in the fall, it wouldn't be an issue.

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We could Host it. the Double Tap Championship in March this year was just about as big as area 4 last year. Would Need LOTS of helpputting it together. Don't know if ken has staff lined up or anything, We Got plenty of hotels (1500+ rooms ) and a casino down the road too! we are planting grass to cut the dirt down

Edited by scorch
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[hiding under a rock mode ON]

What is the issue with the current (if there is one) Area 4 venue?

[hurm /OFF]

Its not that there is a big issue normally at the current range, and home to Area 4 for the last several years, its just that THIS year the match got postponed do to poor planning/scheduling due to lack of hotel space for that weekend, and conflicting matches. And some people in the far Western/Northern part of the Area have complained that its currently to far east in the Area.

My first Area 4 was at Texarkana, and wouldn't mind seeing one there again.... or as long as we're moving it, somewhere more central (or even more west) to the Area would be a nice change of pace. Make those LA guys drive west for a change! :P Tulsa, Doubletap, heck I bet even San Angelo would love to try it out for a year and see how it goes....

not to mention, thinking back on the last few years of rain & ankle deep water, maybe somewhere drier would be a nice change. ;)

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Some history, and a few comments.

San Angelo bid a 18-stage "turn key" (San Angelo would have completely set up the match, ready on match day for the ROs to show up and run it) match a few years ago for (as it turns out) not much more than what the Clark Range was charging just to USE their range for one week.

Ken Hicks turned San Angelo's proposal down because San Angelo was "too far away."

Even though a local San Angelo supra-genius figured out using the evil power of mathmatics that San Angelo was less than twenty miles further away from the various Area 4 population centers than...the Clark Range... :P

Funny how things work out.

Ken offered the 2006 Area 4 to me (I turned him down, as I was heading out to the Middle East) and Fred (who turned him down, as Fred was looking forward to his first stint as match director (sucker!) for the 4th Annual Texas State 3-Gun in May). Perhaps Bill Powe will chime in here, now that through general lack of planning and ability the "Hicks/Clark Range" Area 4 has failed, and let us know if Central Texas Section and San Angelo will consider Area 4 this fall.


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Some history, and a few comments.

San Angelo bid a 18-stage "turn key" (San Angelo would have completely set up the match, ready on match day for the ROs to show up and run it) match a few years ago for (as it turns out) not much more than what the Clark Range was charging just to USE their range for one week.

Ken Hicks turned San Angelo's proposal down because San Angelo was "too far away."

Even though a local San Angelo supra-genius figured out using the evil power of mathmatics that San Angelo was less than twenty miles further away from the various Area 4 population centers than...the Clark Range... :P

Funny how things work out.

Ken offered the 2006 Area 4 to me (I turned him down, as I was heading out to the Middle East) and Fred (who turned him down, as Fred was looking forward to his first stint as match director (sucker!) for the 4th Annual Texas State 3-Gun in May). Perhaps Bill Powe will chime in here, now that through general lack of planning and ability the "Hicks/Clark Range" Area 4 has failed, and let us know if Central Texas Section and San Angelo will consider Area 4 this fall.


If moving the match is favored and a possiblilty it looks like there are several great alternatives. Robert and his crew have proven that they know how to put on a top notch match. I know for many being able to shoot tbe Area 4 match anywhere this year would be great.

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Might be good for some to have to match in a different part of A4 for a change. Although we would shoot that match no matter where it would be, my preference would be to keep it in Shreveport just because theres so much to do.

I've been to too many matches where the only thing to do is shoot and go back to the motel.

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my preference would be to keep it in Shreveport just because theres so much to do.

I've been to too many matches where the only thing to do is shoot and go back to the motel.

Lets see, major towns in Area 4, near ranges of some type, where there are "things to do":

New Orleans




OK City


Little Rock

My apologies for missing some others, for sure.

And many countless other smaller towns with at least decent food, bars, and movie theatres. I like the Clark range, shot there for years, but I'd be all for a semi-rotating venue, to make the match more accessible to everyone - if not every year, at least periodically.

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I'm INSULTED!!! No "things to do" in San Angelo, indeed! Why there's wet paint drying all over town just begging for watchers! I've heard that there are even a few sprigs of grass growing that could be watched...


All joking aside, I've always enjoyed shooting at the Clark range even though I seldom shoot well there. I'd vote to stay there or maybe Tulsa if those guys agree. If Ken offers us the Match, we would have to have some serious discussion among the few remaining workers here. We currently have only 13 pistol bays and 3 rifle ranges.

my preference would be to keep it in Shreveport just because theres so much to do.

I've been to too many matches where the only thing to do is shoot and go back to the motel.

Lets see, major towns in Area 4, near ranges of some type, where there are "things to do":

New Orleans




OK City


Little Rock

My apologies for missing some others, for sure.

And many countless other smaller towns with at least decent food, bars, and movie theatres. I like the Clark range, shot there for years, but I'd be all for a semi-rotating venue, to make the match more accessible to everyone - if not every year, at least periodically.

Edited by bpowe
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I'm INSULTED!!! No "things to do" in San Angelo, indeed! Why there's wet paint drying all over town just begging for watchers! I've heard that there are even a few sprigs of grass growing that could be watched...


All joking aside, I've always enjoyed shooting at the Clark range even though I seldom shoot well there. I'd vote to stay there or maybe Tulsa if those guys agree. If Ken offers us the Match, we would have to have some serious discussion among the few remaining workers here. We currently have only 13 pistol bays and 3 rifle ranges.

my preference would be to keep it in Shreveport just because theres so much to do.

I've been to too many matches where the only thing to do is shoot and go back to the motel.

Lets see, major towns in Area 4, near ranges of some type, where there are "things to do":

New Orleans




OK City


Little Rock

My apologies for missing some others, for sure.

And many countless other smaller towns with at least decent food, bars, and movie theatres. I like the Clark range, shot there for years, but I'd be all for a semi-rotating venue, to make the match more accessible to everyone - if not every year, at least periodically.

How long does it take to plan Area 4?

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