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Us Mult-gun Round Counts And Stage Info

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Small squads, could be no problem. At 5-7 minutes a shooter with only 8 per squad it is workable.

Anyone know what the policy on chamber flags is as far as bolt position goes. Bolt must be open, bolt can be closed on one?

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01 ZO6,

Cool. Maybe you have a hand or input in the stage designs this year?

When I was referencing above, that there were targets being engaged but not being "seriously" shot at at Reno, the stages were actually designed by you.

For the Tactical shooters:

Pistol Stage 5

1 BUTLER, TARAN 95 GM Tactical 135 30 45.69 2.2981

I'm not 100% on this but I was told that Taran either engaged only (and not seriously go after) or just outright skipped the 300+ yard target on this stage. Maybe you can confirm with Taran the next time you see him?

Rifle Stage 3

1 HILL, BENNY 176 M Tactical 142 0 31.12 4.5630 150.0000 100.00%

2 LUND, ERIK 72 GM Tactical 122 20 26.53 3.8447 126.3872 84.26%

3 BUTLER, TARAN 95 GM Tactical 140 0 39.31 3.5614 117.0743 78.05%

I'm 100% sure that #1 (Note: the penalties were entered wrong for #1) and #2 engaged the plates (not far away but you had to engage them standing or sitting) but did not hit them.

Those 5-point plates at Reno were not worth engaging AND hitting. The stage winning scores bear this out.

Depending on what the size of the plates are, the stage props and ports, the wind, etc. those 5-point plates at Albany may also not be worth engaging AND hitting.

If the 300+yards plates on Albany require you to shoot them while there is a 10 MPH crosswind, off of a rickety barricade while squating, etc. they may not be worth the 15 points you get for hitting them.

If you take a look at the scores for Rifle Stage 3 if the plates were worth 10 points they would have been worth engaging and hitting. Misses become 20 points (04 IPSC Rifle 9.4.4) so taking Lund's and Butler's scores:

Butler: (5 additional points per plate)

(140 + 5 + 5)/39.31 = 3.82 HF

Lund: (20 point penalties for mikes)

(122 - 20 - 20)/26.53 = 3.09 HF

Making those plates worth 10+ points almost assures that they NEED to be hit and not just engaged.

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Small squads, could be no problem. At 5-7 minutes a shooter with only 8 per squad it is workable.

I think it will be a problem.

Getting all your three gun shjt together and moving to the next stage: 5+ minutes (assuming your next stage isn't across the range)

RO reading the stage description and questions: 3+ minutes

Squad walk thru: 5+ minutes

=> ~4 minutes per shooter.

I think that matrix was for a pistol only match.

I don't think it takes into account that the shooter's have to carry more shjt, we have to change out our belts and gear, we have to pre-load our shotguns (takes out 1-2 shooter's from taping and resetting), the stages are longer time-wise (i.e. long range rifle stages), etc.

It would be nice if they changed it to 60 minutes. There's a lot of dead time (no squad shooting a stage) in the current matrix.

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I'm gonna' stay optimistic on the schedule not being a bad scene.

I have spent the last couple weeks reducing my gear load and refining my between stage prep routine to bring more efficient stage time management to my game. Lets see if a simpler match approach can lower my bozoed stage index this year in the face of a potentially harried shooting schedule ;-)

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Looks like we get 11 in our squad and still only 45 minutes per stage. Now I am getting pessimistic about our chances of not being in a terrible rush to shoot, or being behind schedule, or both.

I am glad I didn't plan anything around the match schedule if changes are happening a week out.

Anyone know what the MOR match schedule is other than just showing up at 0-Dawn-Thirty on Thursday and getting in line?

Nice to finish with the chrono stage, not! If I'm gonna' get dinged on PF, I'd rather know before the match is done and gone. I am sure I will make it as my wimpiest rifle load is a SMK69 at 2800 and my pistol ammo PF's at 170ish wherever I have been tested before. I Just hope all my squadmates make PF too. Nasty way to finish a match if you miss factor at that point ;-/

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More like 75 minutes per squad Geoff. That should help somewhat.

MOR most probably starts at 0800 like everything else.

Hopefully we will be making use of the pre-loading rule, especially when shotguns are in the mix (MG8.3.1).

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OK Kevin, I will take your word on there actually being 75 minutes a stage in the revised schedule, but this is the PDF schedule I just downloaded from the USPSA website:


If I read this right, there are still only 45 minutes a stage schheduled. Am I missing something here?

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Ah, theres the new one. Thanks.

The old one is still being proffered here:


What kinda' sucks hind teat is that my wife and I had been planning some time off for sightseeing and her to do some shooting with her camera (she is a pro photog) with the morning and afternoons off that were previously scheduled. It looks like we will now be getting a rental car for her to get out on her own, or she may just decide to dump my sorry azz off at the range each morning.

Sheesh, what a last minute PITA this is now compared to what we had been planning on up until about 10 minutes ago :-/

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Looks like they didn't update all the links when they uploaded the new one.

Lots of interesting stuff around Albany and Philomath for a photographer...depending on her interests.

I have to agree that these continual last minute changes are not optimal.

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I have to agree that these continual last minute changes are not optimal

That is too nice a way of putting it when you pay out 1.5-2k minimum to go to one of these shindigs and plan it as far out as you possibly can to make sure it is an optimal experience for the money.

My feeling is that once you publish a schedule, you better stand by that schedule if folks are coming in from far away. In other words, don't publish until it IS a done deal. I would not have minded not getting a schedule until now because I would have PLANNED for the probability of all day at the range and gone ahead and booked a rental car for my wife.

In this case we are now pulling changeups in our plans less than a week out and even though I understand that I am there for the match, I also understand that I am paying a premium to be at the match and need some stability in schedule when we are trying to plan this trip to our satisfaction.

I do not mind at all when a client paying oodles of bux for my services starts changing things up days out from a project/event, or even during it. They are PAYING ME for my compliance. In this case, I am the customer for a decent amount to the vendor (USPSA) and have spent/will spend considerable in addition making good on my attendance.

The only thing that peeves me at all is that I am looking at this changeup real late in the game ater thinking something entirely different for almost two weeks. The cost ain't the issue on having to rent a vehicle for Robin to use, it's the planning, or more precisely, the lack of planning we are able to do for ourselves that makes this type of thing far less than "not optimal" ;-/

BTW Kev, what stage you workin' ?

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And somtimes shit happens. With only 8 or less per squad on the original matrix I had worrys that there wouldn't be enough shooters to do all of the things needed to keep the match going. And we 'programmed' dead time in case we hit a snag.

A number of people complained and I was asked by 'higher authority' to revisit the matrix to eliminate the dead time. The only way to do that was to cut down the number of squads, go to an all day shooting format, and bulk up the number of shooters to 10 per squad. By going this route we should be off of the range in the mid afternoon. There should also be plenty of time for folks to schlepp their gear and get ready for the next stage.

I don't like changing things this late in the game any more than you guys do but sometimes it has to be done. As far as the vendors go, sorry but I'm not in the business of putting on matches strictly for them. What I am trying to do is get the best possible match on the ground for the shooters, given the problems and issues that have come up at the last minute.

Tom Chambers

Range Master

US Multi-Gun Nationals

I have to agree that these continual last minute changes are not optimal

That is too nice a way of putting it when you pay out 1.5-2k minimum to go to one of these shindigs and plan it as far out as you possibly can to make sure it is an optimal experience for the money.

My feeling is that once you publish a schedule, you better stand by that schedule if folks are coming in from far away. In other words, don't publish until it IS a done deal. I would not have minded not getting a schedule until now because I would have PLANNED for the probability of all day at the range and gone ahead and booked a rental car for my wife.

In this case we are now pulling changeups in our plans less than a week out and even though I understand that I am there for the match, I also understand that I am paying a premium to be at the match and need some stability in schedule when we are trying to plan this trip to our satisfaction.

I do not mind at all when a client paying oodles of bux for my services starts changing things up days out from a project/event, or even during it. They are PAYING ME for my compliance. In this case, I am the customer for a decent amount to the vendor (USPSA) and have spent/will spend considerable in addition making good on my attendance.

The only thing that peeves me at all is that I am looking at this changeup real late in the game ater thinking something entirely different for almost two weeks. The cost ain't the issue on having to rent a vehicle for Robin to use, it's the planning, or more precisely, the lack of planning we are able to do for ourselves that makes this type of thing far less than "not optimal" ;-/

BTW Kev, what stage you workin' ?

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Anyone know what the MOR match schedule is other than just showing up at 0-Dawn-Thirty on Thursday and getting in line?

Per the USPSA Nationals web page:

7-27 MOR Registration at Range 08:00 - 09:00

7-27 MOR Match at Range 09:00 - 17:00


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Geoff - I am scheduled to be on Stage 2 as far as I know. Looks like we get your squad at the tail end of Sunday. I know that some of the previously scheduled staff have had to drop out so it won't surprise me to find out I am elsewhere. Like Tom said...stuff happens. ;)

You have some good folks on your squad. I have shot with Dustin and Lyman a number of times. Good guys.

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all day shooting a bear, but what's the option? after finding only 2 pubs in albany, i won't need all the down time afterall. one stage to shoot on sunday-the chrono. good side-don't have to clean 3 guns saturday night. plus, can get on the road early and head back to my commie state. just have to drop one day at the hotel. bad side, afternoon saturday is long range rifle-pray for no wind. of course it's been 108 here this week...

tom-yer job is tought enuf-we'll just roll with the schedule. looking forward to next week.

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A number of people complained and I was asked by 'higher authority' to revisit the matrix to eliminate the dead time.

I wonder who had problems with free time on their hands at a match?

My guess is the group of complainers have ulterior motives and these motives are not in line with my raison d'être here. My guess is also that the complainers were not a random bunch of folks with lower case m, A, B & C cards ;-/

Tom, you guys work hard and my hat is always off to ya'. I am sure the match is gonna' rock the house, I just need to get the crankkies out of my system on this one as I have an intense dislike of changeups whenever I am the customer and I have already been given a sales packet that I am happy with.

Now, where the heck am I gonna find a rental car in Albany on Wednesday evening, or Thursday morning?

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I'm with you, Geoff, last minute changes are seldom welcome and almost never have the desired result. And, if you are superstitious, how does going to 13 squads qualify as a good idea? :rolleyes: That was a brief moment of levity...

Like you, my wife and I entered early, and planned extensively. We are driving almost 5500 miles roundtrip for this match. No, changes at the last minute are not appreciated much at all. Since I am also sponsoring and was planning to set up as a vendor, it is interesting to find out that I am the red-headed stepchild (who also pays full entry into the match as a competitor). Maybe some customers are just more important than others.

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Since I am also sponsoring and was planning to set up as a vendor, it is interesting to find out that I am the red-headed stepchild (who also pays full entry into the match as a competitor). Maybe some customers are just more important than others.

USPSA messing with sponsors? At a Nationals? That never happens does it? That's old gripes though.


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Both R's of R&R Racing (a vendor and sponsor I believe...they usually are at most major matches in A1) are also listed as competitors so you aren't swimming alone in the red-headed stepchild pool Paul. :(

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I know that some of the previously scheduled staff have had to drop out so it won't surprise me to find out I am elsewhere. Like Tom said...stuff happens. ;)
Oh cool - maybe I'll get to be a CRO after all (or put with Happy Hanna or yourself or Carl! :) We'll be there Monday night Kev - when you going?
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