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The New Ipsc/Uspsa Relationship


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Whoa!!!! Back up the truck folks.

NOBODY is forcing IPSC on ANYBODY. We all now have the *option*, repeat *OPTION* to conduct an IPSC match or a USPSA match.

Running USPSA and IPSC side by side in the US *PRESERVES* USPSA rules. It does not kill them. And is not intended to kill them. Of all the possible outcomes, this was truly the best, as it gives the American shooter more choices. I wish I had been the one that thought of this because there really isn't a downside.

For those who have been concerned about Production division, we now have the opportunity to perform a great experiment: run matches under IPSC Production rules in the US side by side with matches with USPSA rules. We can now see which ruleset the market will prefer with no alterations to the USPSA rulebook.

You see a glass half-full of lemons. I see a glass of lemonade.

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I think this is basically a useful idea.

I was considering a proposal that would offer three “tracks” if you will. A shooter could pursue the types of competition that they find to have the most appeal, all under the IPSC umbrella. Then sit back and let the market settle things.


Perhaps unique to the USA but likely to be very popular. Allows the use of any shape of cardboard target defined as legal, with “easy” shots at close range and may include targets or props that drop, flop, turn, bob, weave or spin, aka the TX*. No uniform necessary.


This variant will be for the devout who insist that “hard” shots on “Properly Configured” targets is the one true way and that. “Carnival” is the road to perdition. This would be the choice of the crowds that are preparing for the World Competition. Colorful uniforms optional.


A minor but important variant that likely would evolve as a sub-congregation within Religipsc. Emphasis here would not be on shooting difficulty or target choices, but on manners and maintaining “amateur” status. Spiffy uniforms mandatory.

Let the games begin,

David C :D

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+1 to tls.

I am for whatever will be good for the sport. Full stop. End of story.

People getting stuck in their own dogma and being unwilling to compromise or even to have an open mind will be this sport's downfall.

Hmm .. I somewhat disagree. If the sport becomes unrecognizable is it still the same sport? I like shooting USPSA. I like that we at least try to have some practical applications. Maybe we can become a wild success by changing some aspects of the game, but then it wouldn't be the same game anymore. It would a different type of downfall. The resulting game may be enjoyable, but it won't be the same game. I don't think we should sacrifice the practical/tactical/self-defance roots of the game just so we can get more shooters or fame. Nascar may be more popular then Rally driving, but one is going fast in a circle with a car not drivable on any street, and the other one is driving really fast on back roads with a car that has a license plate. USPSA is Rally driving. Personally, I hope it doesn't become NASCAR.

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Ameripsc :D

Religipsc :D:D

Olymipsc :D:D:D

Thats hilarious.

I just want to shoot.

You guys sort out the politics and the manners.

Just tell me when and where to show up and I'll shoot at whatever I find there.

I can't wait for the next issue of Front Sight so I can find out what the next controversy will be. :huh:


Edited by tlshores
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Can someone list a single way in which the USPSA rulebook has been changed by this? I haven't read the article.

[edited for clarity]

It hasn't. The thread has wondered off the beaten path, never to be seen again.

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Where are the IPSC matches.... :huh:

Sign me up.... ;)

Under IPSC rules...course design improves, the "carnival" targets are gone, and the classic target (with the smaller "A" zone) is the target of choice.

Almost nothing more could make me happier. :lol:

All in all...a "good' solution to a never ending problem.

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Where are the IPSC matches.... :huh:

Sign me up.... ;)

Under IPSC rules...course design improves, the "carnival" targets are gone, and the classic target (with the smaller "A" zone) is the target of choice.

Almost nothing more could make me happier. :lol:

All in all...a "good' solution to a never ending problem.

Wow, I'm shocked! The champion and defender of Limited 10 wanting IPSC? You do realize that you would be shooting Standard, against guys with 18 and 19 round mags.

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I'm sorry to break your bubble guys but it was all in jest (note the funny "faces" after the individual sentences.) I simply must work on my humor delivery.

I'm a fan of the Classic target but that's it.

Damn right defender of L10.... ;)

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I'm sorry to break your bubble guys but it was all in jest (note the funny "faces" after the individual sentences.) I simply must work on my humor delivery.

I'm a fan of the Classic target but that's it.

Damn right defender of L10.... ;)

Damn, my sarcasim detector must be broke. ;)

Evreything is still right with the world, no major changes have taken place. I thought I missed something.


Edited by GeorgeInNePa
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Wow, I'm shocked! The champion and defender of Limited 10 wanting IPSC? You do realize that you would be shooting Standard, against guys with 18 and 19 round mags.

Ha we should tell Jetro JEt Dionisio that his single stack has no chance against us hi cap guys.

But it seems that he still ends up as champion even with the 9 or 10 round 40 cal magazines that he has :blink:

Damn his awesome skills :)

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The United States Practical Shooting Association will offer and promote IPSC

competition within the United States, in accordance with IPSC rules, and in doing so

fully satisfies its obligations under the IPSC constitution and affiliation agreement.

Does this statement represent a new financial obligation to USPSA, along with their "National" matches? "will offer" doesn't sound like an option, but a mandate. How many matches are required for compliance? At what level? Where’s the supporting funds for this mandate coming from?

May I remind everyone that IPSC matches don’t recognize the USPSA classification system. You shoot for order of finish in division.

Now that IPSC has its foot in the door to win over the hearts and minds of the American competitor, it will be easier for IPSC to turn the screws when it comes to compliance, possibly leading to disaffiliation of USPSA, if things should get ugly in the future. If USPSA is disaffiliated, are you, the members, going to quit, shoot with the new IPSC-USA Region, or take up with an outlaw organization?

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I would be interested to know how we could be disaffiliated for completely complying with the IPSC rulebook, and holding completely compliant IPSC matches.

An example of holding IPSC matches are our three world shoot qualification matches to be held next year. Any club will have the opportunity to hold IPSC mataches if they wish. Anyone can hold an IPSC match, advertise it, send out applications, and see who shows up. Every club can hold an additonal IPSC match each month if they wish and see who shows up.

There are no minimum amounts of matches that are required to be held that I am aware of to maintain IPSC affiliation.


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There are no minimum amounts of matches that are required to be held that I am aware of to maintain IPSC affiliation.

Correct; UK has no handguns but they are still a member in good standing with IPSC (though they do host shotgun and rifle IPSC matches). Some regions such as Japan are not allowed guns at all and yet they are full members.

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I would be interested to know how we could be disaffiliated for completely complying with the IPSC rulebook, and holding completely compliant IPSC matches.

An example of holding IPSC matches are our three world shoot qualification matches to be held next year. Any club will have the opportunity to hold IPSC mataches if they wish. Anyone can hold an IPSC match, advertise it, send out applications, and see who shows up. Every club can hold an additonal IPSC match each month if they wish and see who shows up.

There are no minimum amounts of matches that are required to be held that I am aware of to maintain IPSC affiliation.



IPSC could decide to not grant USPSA a waiver on the rule book. What will be USPSA's next move? It could either adopt the IPSC rules in total, or be disaffiliated.

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I think you are missing a crucial point, the IPSC rulebook will be used in total, without any US rules for all IPSC matches. No waiver, no US rules, all IPSC all of the time for all IPSC matches.

So I repeat my question, how will we be disaffiliated?


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I think you are missing a crucial point, the IPSC rulebook will be used in total, without any US rules for all IPSC matches. No waiver, no US rules, all IPSC all of the time for all IPSC matches.

So I repeat my question, how will we be disaffiliated?


Check and Mate!


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I think you are missing a crucial point, the IPSC rulebook will be used in total, without any US rules for all IPSC matches. No waiver, no US rules, all IPSC all of the time for all IPSC matches.

So I repeat my question, how will we be disaffiliated?


Set aside this new idea of running IPSC style matches under the IPSC rulebook in the USA.

USPSA is grated a waiver from IPSC to run USPSA style matches under a different set of rules than IPSC. USPSA is seeking an extention of that waiver. Without that waiver, USPSA would have to use the IPSC rulebook. If USPSA refuses to do so, it could loose its affiliation.

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