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I would have to say the same thing for those who are supposed to be protecting your systems from such people for not doing their jobs.

And if you don't have any such measures in place, than include the bosses as well...in fact they go to the front of the line

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No offense Ivan, but if they got in, then you don't have state of the art and I would be making the computer guy reload it all.

I have been tasked for such things in many jobs and never had a single attack. I gave several good hackers information to try and get into my home systems and they could not do it and I don't spend top dollar protecting my systems.

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I would mostly have to agree with AZ38super.

It is all to easy to tout “state of the art” as a solution (might be hardware or software) and still leave huge holes in the system. The answer is rarely another application or device but a through knowledge of the vulnerabilities of your OS, NOS and firmware. That is a full time job for several people which most outfits don’t have.

All of the above is mostly looking OUT and forgetting the threats from inside the organization. I took over a network where the former Admin had given the entire organization rights to the root directory so that he would not have to deal with password issues! How many “accidental” folder deletions have happened in your company? Is anyone in your outfit carrying a USB flash drive on their key chain?

There are lots of ways to get “hacked” and the perp might be in the cubicle next door.

David C ;)

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As somebody that has done and in some ways still does network security, I'll say that it ain't easy defending a network.

You're resources are limited, but attackers' resources are unlimitted (a large number of attackers with unlimited amounts of time).

Many companies do not take security seriously, because security and productivity are at opposite ends of the scale (until a breakin happens anyway).

Add zero-day attacks into the mix, and "security administrator" becomes a job title that most people wouldn't want. You're only secure as the weakest link in the chain.

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My computer guy said it was like a paint ball Splatting in my computer! The protection that we are using is F-Prot.


F-Prot is a anti-virus program and not my choice of products, please tell me you have more security than that in place. I would have to look and see if they offer more than just anti-virus.

I don't now what kind of work you do but the impression I get of your computer guy scares me, but this is only based on the couple comments you have made...I might be wrong.

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It is really a choice that is up to you company and computer staff. There are a few products gaining popularity but I have used Symantec (Norton) standard and corporate versions for many years with not one single "splatter" getting through.

Now this will raise lots of comments and other recommendations as Symantec is getting to be a lot like Microsoft. Either you love them or you hate them because they are the big guy.

But you need more than a good antivirus program, there is a firewall, proper network and security setups, especially if your company is running a domain which it should be if it is more than a handful of people.

To provide a bit of background...

I started back in the world of DOS operating AutoCAD and networks and evolved into the world of windows and so on from there. (first cad machine was a 25mhz with a 40mb hard drive) After over 12 years of CAD, I stepped into the realm of web development/computer programing and have enjoyed it for over 10 years now.

I have worked with small to mid-sized businesses to state governments and have been part of or the only computer guy each step of the way. While I am not the know-it-all I have held my own.

What type of work do you do Ivan?

Edited by AZ38super
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I am the sales Manager for Armscor Precision. I talked to my computer guy about Norton. He described it as a light house beacon. When it is shining over there..... Any hacker that is any good can slip in behind it. The system that we have caught and stopped it from doing further damage. Just not soon enough.


Let me tell you this SUCKS!!!


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I have talked with many people who represent Armscor in some fasion, in fact I was just given a nice Armscor polo shirt at the Dust Devil but it is a little small for me.

As I said people will have their opinions on different products but Norton and F-Prot are only antivirus programs which is only a small part of the protection. Well Norton offers other products but F-Prot does not I looked.

You need more for security than just that. As I said I know of many very large companies and several state governments running Norton without problems. But any system needs to be maintained and watched to be effective.

If what you are using worked it would have stopped it before ANY damage was done, and this is what I would tell your computer guy anyway. It failed and there is a bigger problem hiding there to blow up at the worst moment.

I hope you get this fixed now and for down the road.

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Glenn gave you the shirt. I will give him some S$%T. I'm not sure of the protection that we have on our server. I was standing over his shoulder BITCHING the whole time. It seems that you can spend a whole lot of $$$$, But you are still not completely protected!


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Ivan and I have been doing some online ad-design business and communicating frequently, and suddenly I wasn't getting his e-mails any more. He mentioned something here online about the spam attack or other 'splatter' and I knew something serious was up... My ISP's zealous (thankfully) filters are still culling out Ivan's e-mails as spam-contaminated and placing them, I see, in my "caught spam" quarantine area on the server at the ISP. I suspect something is still lurking on his system that needs further dredging. We're temporarily working around this by emailing or PM-ing thru this forum where his messages don't need quarantining.

I made some routine recommendations for crap-be-gone free software (works great for me) and maybe those could help if he doesn't have them installed yet. I don't trust Norton and McAfee any farther than I can throw them... for example.

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Kill all the hackers and let God sort them out....naw...just kill them. God doesn't need to waste his time.

FWIW, Norton is absolutely worthless. I just bought the high-zoot version and I'm still having all kinds of virus nightmares. It won't even detect a lot of what's out there and it updates at least once a day.

What's the right choice for personal anti-virus these days? McAfee?

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Grisoft's AVG Free. Or their subscription version at some modest cost. AVG keeps me (and my friends) clean. There are others, of course, but this one works for me. And a terrific ISP with killer filters and such. .

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Just this past fall I spent 7 non-productive days cleaning up a new server and several computers that a very experienced computer person left improperly protected. Then they installed F-Prot to try and clean up the mess.

F-Prot said the system was clean and I checked it with Norton and found 118 known viruses, so that is why I don't care much for that program.

A couple of the computers were so messed up I ended up with total rebuilds, they now have learned the importance of keeping systems up to date.

As I said everyone has their thoughts on different programs but after switching to Norton nine years ago I have never had one single virus get thru when others I know have with different programs.

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I've used Symantec Corporate Edition, McAffee, and currently deployed Trend Micro throughout my company last summer. I settled on Trend because McAfee and Symantec failed to find a virus that Trend's FREE online scanner found and cleaned. I also install Spyware Blaster, and SpyBot on all the desktops.

If this is a small-office type of environment, there are so many solutions out there. You don't need a huge budget for good gear.

A decent hardware firewall that does SPI (Stateful Packet Inspection) can be had for a reasonable price. If you are using a DSL connection, you can probably lock down the DSL modem, especially the Netbios ports. Get a decent a/v program that updates automatically. At home I use Symantec and a ftp script that grabs the daily a/v definitions at 7PM every night. Use the built-in XP firewall. Be sure to disable system restore when you clean virii off a XP box, because you will probably restore the virus if you use system restore. Try the Spybot, and Spyware Blaster programs to innoculate your system against malware. There is another application I've used called Hijack This. I personally loathe AdAware, so to each their own.

Also, get yourself some type of backup device. Go to Fry's (I'm assuming you are in Las Vegas), get a 250GB hard drive and an external USB 2.0 enclosure. If you can remove the grips from a 1911, you can build your own external storage solution.

I've got some good apps for M$ Outlook too, like Attachment Options, and Spam Bayes.

Microsoft's Malicious Software Removal tool works really well too, its usually updated every month with new signature files.

There is no single solution, layered defenses and eternal vigilance are the best practices.

If you need help, let me know.

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The brand of anti-virus has less to do with the level of protection than the timing of your updates and the propagation of variants in the wild. The sheer numbers that we are seeing should tell you that no one thing will be 100% effective.

We have many thousands of users behind Norton Corporate edition and I have hundreds in my OU protected by the same product. If your confidence in anti-virus product “X” has been shaken by an event, by all means jump out there and get AVG, or McAfee or something else and get it up and running.

Anti-virus is only part of the package. Others here have made some excellent recommendations about firewalls, other software and vigilance. Finding and closing all the holes in your OS, NOS and ISP requires knowledge, research and cooperation with a variety of support personnel and venues. That work should be done before you plug back into the world.

If your IT guy is overwhelmed by this he probably needs some help. There are lots of brains on the road out there. Hire one or two for 30 or 60 days. A good consultant can save you considerable time and heartache.

For an excellent source of tools try this link:


If you want to talk about this is more detail PM or e-mail me.

Good luck,

David C

Edited by geezer-lock
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Update on my circus!

My computer guy was here to day. Checked the server. Seems that one of our monkeys, Was working directly off the server. Everything he down loaded went to all the computers in the office. So far mine was the only one that got trashed.


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Kill all the hackers and let God sort them out....naw...just kill them. God doesn't need to waste his time.

FWIW, Norton is absolutely worthless. I just bought the high-zoot version and I'm still having all kinds of virus nightmares. It won't even detect a lot of what's out there and it updates at least once a day.

What's the right choice for personal anti-virus these days? McAfee?


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