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Loren Neill

Guy Neill

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For those who may be interested, my wife Loren, whom many of you know from the Bianchi Cup and Steel Challenge, has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. She will be starting chemo-therapy next week.

She has every intention of being at the Bianchi Cup in May, and the Steel Challenge in August, but this is obviously not a trivial matter. She has never missed a Bianchi Cup, having worked at all of them. She has RO'ed Round-A-Bout at the Steel Challenge for a number of years.

Logically, the odds are things will work out well enough, but emotionally, it is a time of fear. I’m certain she would appreciate any words of encouragement and support from any who would like to offer them. She is at lbneill@clarkston.com.



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Guy and Loren: I hope everthing turns out for the best. I have gone through this last year with a tumor on my colon. It hit me like a ton of bricks when I found out they had found cancer, but in my case it hadn't penitrated very far and sugery took care of it. I just have to have yearly test.

My first year at the cup was in 1985 and Loren I remember how helpful you were in helping a new shooter figure everything out.

You are both in my prayers, please keep us informed.

Gods speed.

Kim M. Beckwith

Zero Ammunition

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It was a pleasure to meet you at the Bianchi Cup this year. It also was a pleasure to have

you RO the stage that our company sponsored last year at the Steel Challenge. We look

foward to seeing you again at the matches.


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Loren and you are in our prayers...

Our family is going through the same thing now...my wife's sister was diagnosed with lung cancer and she is going through her biopsy this morning as I type...lots of fear of the unknown...

all I can say is faith and support...

bless you and your wife...

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Latest Update:

Loren was in the hospital Friday to have a port emplacement for the chemo (to start next week) and to have a sentinel lymph node extraction to determine if the cancer had spread to the lymph system.

Regrettably, it is in the lymph system and the lymph node group under the arm was removed instead of the sentinel extraction. The tumor is also larger than originally indicated by the ultrasound as an MRI was done Tuesday, 3-28.

This does not change the treatment recommended at this point, except adding radiation later.

As stated earlier, your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated. Your concern and messages have cheered her and helped keep her spirit up.



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When my Ex had it in 1990, it was in the lymph nodes as well...she had two surgeries to get it all, and she is still around to aggravate my old ass. Just to let you know, it can be beaten with lots of good medical procedures, drugs and lots of prayer... :P

hang in there, our prayers are with you..

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Update 4-6-06

Loren had her first treatment today. It took about 2½ hours. We didn't know exactly what to expect, but she napped a couple of hours afterwards and then seemed to be doing okay. Some slight nausea, but she said it was not too bad.

She definitely appreciates everyone's support.



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my mother (as well as my aunt) went through that some 15 years ago, and now they're both fine.

Tell her to be prepared to nausea, maybe a lot of it (like first months of being pregnant for the first time) while progressing through the treatment; my mother discovered ice lollies helped a bit with that. At least if she can't eat the lollies will provide water and sugar.

You're both in my prayers.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Loren has been scheduled for surgery June 30. She will be traveling to the Bianchi Cup just after a chemo in a couple of weeks. I won't be with her as the new job limits my available time. When we originally thought she would not have surgery until September, I was thinking of being at the Steel Challenge with her since that will be at the end of chemo, but we'll see how the surgery goes and the subsequent chemo.

Once again, thanks for all the support.


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  • 1 month later...

Loren made it to the Bianchi Cup and back. No problems except a late start due to a flooded basement. She did stop often during the drive to nap, but no actual probelms.

As mentioned earlier, she is scheduled for surgery June 30. The last chemo did seem somewhat rougher, causing a missed work day. Chemo will resume about 3 weeks after surgery.

As those of you that saw her at Bianchi know, she is without hair at this point. In itself that is not a problem, except for our elder son, who tells her to wear a hat.

As I presently understand it, she has conceded to change places with Tammy at the Steel Challenge. Thus, Loren will records scores and Tammy will run the shooters. This is to keep Loren more in the shade.

She and I greatly appreciate the support and encouragement from everyone.

To fill in those that may not know, and wonder, I am currently employed and living in Idaho Falls. Loren and the kids are still in Clarkston, WA, some 500 miles away. The plan was to move them this summer, but the discovery of the cancer put any thoughts of moving on hold. As tough as being apart has been, the cancer places new burdens, but we'll get through it. The new job, with little time off accumulated, is the reason I have missed the Bianchi Cup (not that I ever shot all that well there) and some other events.

I do intend, at present, to make it to the Steel Challenge. Final decision will be budgetary. I look forward to seeing many of you there.



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My mom too (different spot).

She has had her treatments and then surgery. After cutting out the cancer, they took samples of 19 lymph nodes for testing. One of the 19 came back positive. So, she is back to treatments for the rest of the summer. She is getting along fine. So, hang in there. It get less scary the more you know about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Loren had her surgery today. All looks to have gone well. The doctor seems happy, but the final outcome won't be known until the labwork is completed next week.

It was done on an out-patient basis, so Loren is at home, presently sleeping.

So far, so good - for the circumstances.

Hope all have a great fourth.


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Sorry to hear your Mom was diagnosed. It is quite scary, but, as mentioned, logically, there is every reason to believe things will work out with the progress they have made in treatment. Loren's tumor responded well to the chemo treatments, and the surgery looks to have gone well. Final lab results will be forthcoming.

The surgery itself, for Loren, was a lumpectomy, and she has not even resorted to a pain pill yet. A masectomy will obviously be a greater ordeal.

Best wishes that everything goes well.


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Thanks, Michael.

Loren saw the doctor for the pathology following the sugery yesterday. Unfortunately, they found "micro-nodules" or some such through the otherwise healthy tissue. This means she will now need radiation in addition to the chemo, and a masectomy at some point. They said there was a great probability of recurrence otherwise.

Not the report we would have liked, but still no reason to think things will not work out overall.

Many thanks for everyone's support and encouragement.


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My wife and I have a good friend who just had a double mastectomy, and is going through chemo and radiation now... :(

You're both in our thoughts and prayers, Guy. Hang in there!

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