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Ear Infections

Shooter Grrl

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I've got a pretty high pain threshold, but ear infections hurt like nothing I've ever felt before - and how do they fix it, fill your ear up with gook - ARGH!

I've been wandering around in a fog for three days - can't hear a friggin thing! If I have to say what one more damned time I'm gonna lose what little mind I've got!

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YEP, had dozens and dozens of them. Wake up in the middle of the night with a shooting pain like somebody is sticking an ice pick into your head.

Mine aren't just the usual streph bacteria sneaking out from the throat. My doctor says I get fungus type infections if there is any moisture in there and I sleep on that ear. Those are worse because they hurt and also itch like crazy.

Some tips:

make sure your ears are bone dry. never leave any moisture in there.

Clean your shooting ear plugs if you wear them.

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Know how you feel. Been there with my constant sinus problems (why do we need sinuses anyway???).

Have also found that the amplified ear muffs have caused me numerous problems. Since you can hear just fine the tendency is to just leave them on all during the match and day. I have constant fugal infections becuse of this. I tried the plugs but they just hurt my ears. I guess the moral is take the muffs off when they are not needed-at least for me.

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I've got a pretty high pain threshold, but ear infections hurt like nothing I've ever felt before - and how do they fix it, fill your ear up with gook - ARGH!

I've been wandering around in a fog for three days - can't hear a friggin thing! If I have to say what one more damned time I'm gonna lose what little mind I've got!

"Say what again. SAY WHAT AGAIN. I dare you, I double dare you, ..... Say what one more .... time. "


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hey Kat,

my dog has the same problem. i use a squirt bottle with alcohol and white vinegar. then shake your head really fast. good luck with that. :)


The alcohol and vinegar solution hurts and shaking my head real fast made me fall over in a tizzy - next suggestion :P

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Here's what you need to do.

1. Take some decongestants. They will reduce the amount of pressure on the inside of your eardrum. That will decrease the full feeling and dizziness. DRINK A LOT OF WATER. You might also want to drink some chicken boullion or broth. Broth is better, but the boullion will do. Although it seems a bit of a cliche, it does help. It also tastes a heck of a lot better than gargling with salt water. Drink other hot, non-caffienated beverages.

2. Go see your doctor about some antibiotics. That will clear up the infection and, subsequently, the irritation.

3. Take all of the antibiotics. Make sure the infection is gone.

You may end up taking some Prednizone or other steroid to help with the inner ear, balance and probably a touch of vertigo.

If these don't help, then go see your doctor again for a referral to an otolaryngologist.

I got an ear infection so bad I couldn't walk down the hallway without falling over. It sucked. The steps above helped.


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You may end up taking some Prednizone or other steroid to help with the inner ear, balance and probably a touch of vertigo.


I use drops called "cortisporin" or similar name and they have some kind of steroid in them to reduce the inflammed ear lining. They also have antibiotics in them. They work really well and usually will knock it dead in a day if I catch it early.

Edited by bountyhunter
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I went to the Dr yesterday - he gave me a steroid/antibiotic/pain drop to put in 'em along with horse pill size decongestants. (why do they give people with sore throats the biggest pills they can find?) I really thought it would start to clear up today though :(

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And to think, they used to prescribe opium for these.... ;) Ah, the good old days... (go read the ingredients in paragoric). Well, at least, I was prescribed it when I was a little kid and had a few ear infections... I don't remember them so well... I wonder why???? :lol:

Hope you feel better soon, Kath!!!

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When discussing ear infections, you need to specificy inner or outer. The reason being you treat them very differently. I have a major problem with outer ear (ear canal) infections. Shooting on a hot day with plugs will cause an infections due to moisture in my ear, as will swimming, driving with the window down, or just plain standing in the wind. So I have gotten real good at beating them.

First, keep your ears dry. I swab my ears out with Qtips or use swimmers drops. Then I typically use alcohol to remove any remaining moisture when I get home.

Fight it early. The first sign of anything, you have to kick your fight into high gear. Again, I find alcohol works well for me at this point.

Finally, medication. After rounds of 10 day antibiotics and antibiotic/steriod drops the doctor put me on acid drops. Basically they are mueratic acid in solution. Seems the infections don't like the acidic environment. The drops cut the infection out in two days compared to the 10 day antibiotic regiments. Also, ear wicks help. These are small cotton tubes you stick into you ear and then put your drops in. The tubes absorb the drops and swell, holding their wet surface against the ear canal wall keeping the medicine where it needs to be.

As always, your milage may vary.

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I don't know what type of infection it is :( It does feel like a hot pick is going through my head though. It's also making me dizzy and nauseous (oh joy!) And it's not getting better!!!!


You've done all the right things. Keep taking the meds the doc gave you. What's probably making you nauseous is the mucous flowing down the back of your throat. It will make your throat sore and can also, in sufficient quantities, make you nauseous. Drink a whole metric buttload of fluids. The extra water will thin out the mucous along with helping you to stay hydrated while you are taking the decongestants. You also need to get plenty of rest. Your body needs time to heal. Relax and let your hubby wait on you a little bit. :) It will do you wonders. Sleep is also your friend. It helps a lot.

Your recovery time will also depend on your antibiotic. Sometimes the recovery is slow. Sometimes it's nothing short of miraculous. You might want to discuss expectations with your doc, if you haven't already.

Get to feeling better.


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