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Brian Enos's Forums... Maku mozo!

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I needed to close the Friday flamer, but didn't want to put a kebosh on Denis' support, so I moved those posts here.

Denis, our thoughts, prayers and heartfelt sympathies are with you and your family. Losing a loved one is one of the roughest things we face in life. Be strong, and know that you are not alone.


Thanks to all for your well wishes. Mom had been sick for some time, lungs, kidneys and heart. She went into the hospital on Sat. Feb. 18. The Drs. said that she had lots of fluid on the lungs and were treating her for that. Then Thursday afternoon a cather was inserted for the kidney machine. There were problems with excess bleeding, but she seemed to come out of the procedure okay and was more alert than she had been. But early Friday morning slipped into a coma and passed away several hours later. I am a very sound sleeper and did not hear the phone ring.

Again thanks to all.

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