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Friday Flame War!


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Hey where did my HATE go! I really hate that!

Okay. I had this long winded hate typed out but now I'll just sum it up by saying.....

LETS GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by jhgtyre
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I hate that I spent 4 friking days out of work having my car fixed. Every friking day some parts weren't making in the shop and every friking day the managed to find another broken part. At least they didnt charge me for all the new parts because it was partly their fault for frying out 2 sensors and my ECU while debuging some ignition wires shorting out.

Grrr .. 4 days .. $900 ... I have my car back at least, and I had vacation days to burn, but it still irks the hell out of me.

And another thing .. it seems that we had sunny days for over a month but this weeked our match is gonna be canceled because we are gonna get a foot of snow the nite before .. grrr

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Kind of a slow week for hate, but I hate having to buy online from anyone except my established sources.

Just got a new G35 (first glock) and ordered as much as possible from Shooters Connection, Brownells, and figured Angus Hobdell was a good bet for decent shipping on a new Ghost. THEN I had to order from a couple of those "glock dedicated" sites and I had to order the Dawson FO front sight straight from Dawson. I normally only order Dawson products from Shooters Connection because Chuck is the MAN when it comes to internet commerce, while Dawson.......well.......let's just say they aren't close to Chuck when it comes to online sales and service. Great stuff though :)

Order everything last Friday and Saturday. Of course the first order of mag extensions shows up Monday from Chuck (damn that was fast). Then Chuck once again beats everyone with the second order, which was a CR Speed belt and a few 773 pouches. That came in Wednesday, which is Chuck's typical super fast shipping for a weekend order. The Ghost came in Thursday (I consider this super fast too) from Angus, with the minor order from Brownells showing up today. Also found Eric came through for me, as I found TruGrips in the mailbox when I got home :D

Of course it looks like next week for everything else. So I've got no magwell, tungsten guide rod, extra mags, recoil springs, reduced power striker spring, Bomar rear sight, Dawson front sight, etc...

I'm hoping I had Dawson ship to my home address instead of work, because if they have it in stock, I'd expect it this week and might find it on my doorstep when I get home.

Damn Chuck, Midway, Angus, and Brownells for spoiling me! ;)

OK, a very minor hate, more like casual bitching from someone who wants to get this glock set up the way I think it needs to be, but it's the best I could do.

Edited by JFD
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You want hate? I got hate. As in I F'n hate NBC! :angry:

May the fleas of a thousand camels invest their corporate armpits.

Here I sit in the most powerful, technologically advanced, ass kickin' EMPIRE in the history of the world and I can not watch the Olympic games. No live feeds. Only what the NBC censors decide to nanny state spoon feed me when it suits their marketing model. And F the IOC for giving them the exclusive contract. You would think the frickin socialists would let everybody who wanted access to the games have it for a nominal fee.

Every minute of every sport is being covered, televised and broadcast via satelite all over the world but not here in the land of the free and home of the brave. NBC can not cover sports, they have screwed up every olympics, winter and summer for 20 years since they took over from ABC by treating it like a crisis news event. Hell, if CNN were covering it at least you would get live coverage.

If there is an Imam out there reading this take note: NBC executives make obscene drawings of the Prophet (make peace be on him) and put them on the restroom floors to walk on. :ph34r:

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I hate that I developed a negative attitude, without even realizing it. I don't know how long it was there. (I could probably ask my wife) Neither do I know everything that was being impacted by it. I just woke up one morning and realized that I was feeling envious, impatient, and very selfish about life in general. This realization dawned on me a couple of mornings ago. What if a man had everything that he could ever hope for in life, but gradually became convinced that it was not enough? How long did I suffer under that illusion? Very creepy! A brush with the dark side... :ph34r:

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I hate that this morning I had a fender bender. Stopped at a 4 way - took off and two girls ran the stop sign and popped me in the front bumper - of my 4wd 4 door SuperDuty... I changed lanes as I saw them approaching and they drove across two lanes before they managed to get in front of me - and get hit... Before I could get out of my truck the cops had been called and an EMS sent to the location. The ladies in the car stated to the police that I had ran my stop sign and crashed into them. They were being helped by the EMS guys and gals when a guy who worked in the car wash on the corner came over and spoke to the police and agreed with and verified my version of what happened. Hmmm.. No tickets were issued. I am trying not to get pissed over the deal but I do believe that the "accident" was not an accident. <_<

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Sounds like you should file assault charges. I hate people who prey on people. Any damage to your truck?

Bent bumper - minor... Air bag did not deploy. With no ticket given it means we both pay for our own damages. It was worth (in a way) the whole ordeal to see the looks on the lady's faces when the witness came over and told the cops that I did not run the stop sign. The mixed hate and anger...wow. The vehicle they were driving was already bent on 3 corners.....

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Sounds like they might be scam artists who make a living off the insurance companies by faking accidents. You might want to tell your insurance company (the police are useless in such cases) about the two females.

Sam Spiteri

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"Careful with that axe, Eugene..."
Well, actually it's a warning to people in this part of Oregon to stop chopping down all the trees!!!

(Seriously, schmitz, yes, it IS a Pink Floyd line. And, well, it's long since too late for the trees around Eugene. Most have already been cut down. People DID re-plant with different varieties, though. Well, and I'll admit, there ARE more trees here than in, say, Area 51 and places like that...) :D

My hate for the day: I hayte it when Merlin keeps changing his freepin' avatar every 10 seconds, for god's sake!!!!!! :angry::angry:

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I hate coming home from a 14 hour day to find the house at 44 degrees and the outside temp in the teens. I hate waiting until midnight for the on call heating guy to give up trying to figure out what the previous techs have done, and rig up a temporary thermostat. I hate that this is the 4th time the furnace has gone down in the last 2 weeks, and it's only 2 years old. I hate that a half-*ssed job is what passes for service these days.

I hate that when it warmed up today another burst pipe (thawed out enough to gush water) flooded the garage again.

I am grateful the new burst pipe was detected within 2-3 minutes of the leak by the carpet layer who was getting ready to install the carpet ruined from the last leak, and that we were able to shut off the water quickly.

I hate that now the new carpet won't be installed until the plumbers and HVAC guys get their respective things fixed.

I hate being without water.

I hate living with the in-laws, and feeling guilty about hating that since they are super nice folks.

I hate missing the ITRC on Shooting Gallery because my TV is piled under a ton of crap that can't be relocated until the remodel is through.

It sucks that I'll miss a buffalo hunt tomorrow for the joy of spraying my already rusty tools with WD-40.

Home Depot sucks for ordering the wrong French Doors.

Home Depot is great for admitting the mistake and re-ordering the right one.

One of the few positives is I went shooting with a friend; he was trying out a used Glock. Think I may have a potential recruit!

I hate whining, especially from me. :P

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Careful with that axe, Eugene

Pink Floyd-fan? ;)

I even have "Wish you were here" as the ringtone on my phone. :)

I hate that I have never seen Pink Floyd live. My brother in law got to see them in Germany doing The Wall back when THE WALL came down. I'm happy for him that he got to see that show but I REALLY hate that I didn't get to see it.


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I hate people, retail customers I mean. I have had it up to here with uncouth a--holes that shouldn't be let out alone. "We don't do it like this where I come from", well you're not in Kansas anymore Dorthey!"."How do I get to the Interstate?"(for the 500th time tonight), the damn sign is 20'X30' and it's 150 feet away! Yes the freaking lottery is tonite. Yes we sell the tickets, did you not see the big sign out front? I'm sorry you don't want to pay first, no I don't trust you. Yes I have to charge you for the cup, did you think we get them free?

God, I can not wait until the old man sells this place.

I hate that my expensive trigger job has been outlawed and after dry firing 3 or 4 hundred times, I don't see a difference between it and almost stock. 10 am comes soon, I guess we'll see if it makes a difference or not.

Oh yea, I hate snow too!

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