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How Many People Work In The Forum

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How many people work that are on the Forum? ? Or the same question /? how many people work at the Pentagon? = 'Oh about half' I just got to thinking when I was in my office 'working :lol: and all the people on the forum. do they work at Winchester?

or working hard , ? or hardly working?

Edited by AlamoShooter
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When the little boy touches the contact, his hair is going to look like the guy on Back to the Future...I find your avatar, Politically Incorrect as it teaches children to learn about electricity in the wrong manner...Please put up the one of the guy bleeding as he beats himself to death...

Thanks, for the children's sake..



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Actually, this is how I learned about electricity. These are the lessons in life that you remember always! That is why my shooting is so jerky. BTW I work...............yall can stop laughing now!

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I am gainfully employed but there are times when I could say that I was hardly working. Instrumentation and Controls work sometimes let you slack while at other times you are burning the candle at both ends with someone holding a propane torch at the middle.

I occasionally have the time to read the forums at work, but try to refrain from posting until I get home. Too many time and location monitors on our system.

As for learning about electricity, my first experience was "fixing" my electric blanket control with a butter knife. After the "Kodak" moment I remember looking through the retina burn telling Mama that, "I wasn't doin' anything, honest" :lol:

Ah, for the old days.....


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When the little boy touches the contact, his hair is going to look like the guy on Back to the Future...I find your avatar, Politically Incorrect as it teaches children to learn about electricity in the wrong manner...Please put up the one of the guy bleeding as he beats himself to death...

Thanks, for the children's sake..



Bah .. he won't learn anything conclusive with a knife, he needs a fork.

And sorry AlamoShooter, all my reply meant was that I couldn't make sense you your question.

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I work, from home mostly (lucky dog!), so I have my personal system and my work notebook set up side-by-side. When I have a moment I "multi-task".

At the wise old age of 9 we were shown a science TV show at school. The last thing the host did hold a penny in his hand, set the base of a lightbulb on it, and - SHAZAMM! - the lightbulb lit. He told us to think about how it worked and he'd tell us more during the next show.

I thought it was very cool, and very obvious. Clearly he had an ELECTRIC PENNY! Being just smart enough to be dangerous I decided I would make my own.

Arriving home to an empty house I cut the cord off of an old lamp, stripped the ends and sat down in front of an outlet. I found that touching boths ends of the cord to a penny wasn't helping to electrify the coin because the fuses keep blowing before enough electricity could be absorbed by the penny. If only the juice would flow a little longer.....

After going through every spare fuse in the house I was looking for something to put in the fuse socket that wouldn't blow so easily. Ahah! Another penny should do the trick!

I was seconds away from installing it when my father arrived and delivered a hard lesson on stupidity and electrical fires.

*When the old fart explained at the beginning of the next show that it was a trick lightbulb with a battery inside, which only needed something metallic across the base to complete the circuit, I felt so. . . . .cheated.

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I work nights, the family is gone during the day. I play with guns, talk about guns, think about guns, shoot guns and live on the internet to talk to others that do the same during the day. I am also fortunate enough to work 4, 10 hr days so that I have 3 day weekends. Life is good. :P

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Are you asking,,,

How many people are employed that are members of the forum?

How many people surf the forum from work?


How many people work on the forum?

Interesting question but I'm not sure which one it is...

Hummm... I see that you made this post a 9:58 AM = so you should have ben at work ?or you should have ben Working? ? which is it?

Ok 3/4 time tell me what the Puple joke is + I dont' get it :huh:

And sorry AlamoShooter, all my reply meant was that I couldn't make sense you your question.

I read the guide lines carfuly and the questions are not required to "make sence"

Ok Purple I don't get it?

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This is a hilarious thread...! :lol: ...with lots of potential.

Well, as we all decided some time ago, the answer (to the Universe and everything) is 42.

Yes, as disturbing as it was, I kinda miss the bleeding-freak avatar. But DON'T EVEN THINK about launching it!!!!!

It $&*@#'s up my computer! :wacko:

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This is a hilarious thread...! :lol: ...with lots of potential.

Well, as we all decided some time ago, the answer (to the Universe and everything) is 42.

Yes, as disturbing as it was, I kinda miss the bleeding-freak avatar. But DON'T EVEN THINK about launching it!!!!!

It $&*@#'s up my computer! :wacko:

I think you just waited until 9 pm to post so we would all think you realy work during the day.

And...!! 42 !! thats one BIG orange

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Hummm... I see that you made this post a 9:58 AM = so you should have ben at work ?or you should have ben Working? ? which is it?

Ok 3/4 time tell me what the Puple joke is + I dont' get it :huh:

And sorry AlamoShooter, all my reply meant was that I couldn't make sense you your question.

I read the guide lines carfuly and the questions are not required to "make sence"

Ok Purple I don't get it?

AlamoShooter, they're just making some not so nice jokes about your imperfect English.

Folks, it's not nice to make fun of people whose first language isn't English. Just remember, while their English might look a little strange, they probably speak their native language better than you do.

Out of curiosity, what's your native language?

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Hummm... I see that you made this post a 9:58 AM = so you should have ben at work ?or you should have ben Working? ? which is it?

Ok 3/4 time tell me what the Puple joke is + I dont' get it :huh:

And sorry AlamoShooter, all my reply meant was that I couldn't make sense you your question.

I read the guide lines carfuly and the questions are not required to "make sence"

Ok Purple I don't get it?

AlamoShooter, they're just making some not so nice jokes about your imperfect English.

Folks, it's not nice to make fun of people whose first language isn't English. Just remember, while their English might look a little strange, they probably speak their native language better than you do.

Out of curiosity, what's your native language?

Thats way to personal of a question, and I do not think the purple of earth are ready for it. ;)

and besides ...Whaat? ...What...Whatt did I miss spell Now?

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Not to worry. Just a nonsensical answer to a rhetorical question.. :P:wacko::D

I did not even realize the question was meant to be answered. My rely was not meant to be a real jab at your post or your English or your spelling. A misunderstood attempt at humor, nothing more.

Please accept my apology for my posts. They were not intended to be mean spirited or negative in any manner.

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Not to worry. Just a nonsensical answer to a rhetorical question.. :P:wacko::D

I did not even realize the question was meant to be answered. My rely was not meant to be a real jab at your post or your English or your spelling. A misunderstood attempt at humor, nothing more.

Please accept my apology for my posts. They were not intended to be mean spirited or negative in any manner.

Oh man don't be a brown nose

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Not to worry. Just a nonsensical answer to a rhetorical question.. :P:wacko::D

I did not even realize the question was meant to be answered. My rely was not meant to be a real jab at your post or your English or your spelling. A misunderstood attempt at humor, nothing more.

Please accept my apology for my posts. They were not intended to be mean spirited or negative in any manner.

Oh man don't be a brown nose

:D:P:D Does this mean I can start picking on you again? :lol:

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Well Ok but do you think duel of wits with an unarmed man is fair?

From wife of Alamo Shooter - I think you are all nuts!She shoots guns too...I couldn't stop her

She came in to 'check on me' and hijacked the key board= I think Im safe now the Spurs game is back on the TV

Edited by AlamoShooter
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