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2006 Practical Rifle Team Challenge

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  • 2 months later...

This match is just over a month away, anyone else getting excited about this match.

Zak/Allen/jimmy, I'm sure the ranges will be open the day or two before to confirm zero for all us elevation deprived people who live in arizona, can you confirm?

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Wish I could go. Damn Army gettin' in the way of my shooting again! :D Guess I better up the game some so I can convince SFC Hampton to let me earn a slot on his team.

Anyways, if y'all could give a full match AAR afterwards it would be much appreciated. I want to get into more of the tactical rifle matches and hiking through terrain while humpin' weapons and gear is just my cup of tea (see Bataan Death March).


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  • 2 weeks later...


man i was looking forward to this match, a bunch.......

after speaking with mr. weakhand, the drive back to san antonio from arkansas, was a bummer. jimmy, you just made my day, buddy.

see ya soon......Trapr

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just received this email from the Asst. Match Director :ph34r: (Zak) :ph34r:


CMG staff spent the weekend planning and setting up stages at NRAWC. Currently there are 7 stages planned and being worked. Everything is on track. I hope you're getting excited!

There will be four field stages on the NRAWC "front range", two night stages taking place on the 1000-yard berm, and one "mega" stage on the North side of the NRAWC property near where the Sporting Rifle Match takes place. All stages except the night stage involve at least 200 yards of movement; several are closer to 1/2 mile.

On one of the field stages there is an optional bonus rifle target at 1200 yards (it can be bypassed without penalty). So run numbers to 1200!

Scoring will be elementary, generally consisting of a maximum time and points gained with hits. Rifle hits will be worth more than carbine and pistol hits.

We will likely be starting earlier than the originally-planned time on Friday. Stay tuned to the PRTC web site for last-minute details. I will have them set by the end of this week.

After Friday, it will be impossible to contact most CMG match staff via email, since we will be on-site at the NRAWC. The best way to get a hold of us for any reason is by phone. (There is cell coverage on about half the NRAWC.) My cell is 970-232-4468.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I returned home late last night from this match, and have to say that this match more that met my expectiations! I have read about the match in Wyoming and some other team sniper matches for several years, and have wanted to shoot them. When Eric and Kurt gave me some info at the SHOT show this year, I knew I would attend this one. Kellyn and I shot as a team, and I had a great time.

The stages were great, the RO's and staff we AWESOME, I run large match, and have helped with the Area 2 match for several years so I know what it takes to run a good, quality match, and this group did it.

I had never shot this type of match before, and did not know what to expect. If you have ever wanted to shoot this type of team rifle match, do yourself a favor and be on the look out for next years match. It was great, the prizes were great, and the NRA Whittington Center is great..............

To all the staff................job well done!

Kurt, talk Jimmy into doing only one night shoot............I don't care if it goes late, that way we can have another night of beer drininkin............even if I do drink the cheap beer.

You and Kelly can drink the pumpkin ale!

Great match guys! See you there next year!

Steve H

Edited by Steve H
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I agree this was my first match of this type, and i'm definetly looking forward to more. I got to team up with "mr. weakhand" and had a great time, at night we spent more time talking about what rifle we'd build for next year than we did drinking.

the cook for the RO's (manuel) was excellent, watching some of the best long range shooters, was a treat. Tate Moots, and David Neth make a great team, they compliment and insult each other with equal enthusiasm. :D:D

The DOG, was wore out at the end of each day, as was the owner. there were some very memorable moments, the shooter that hit the 1200yd bonus plate,(joel) he was the only one i heard that did it, if others did i apologize for not mentioning you. MField, who apparently can hit moving targets better than he can stationary ones, somebody pulled off a great sitting shot, after trying to hit the target from a rested position. and then there was of course the communication that did or did not take place between teams while they were shooting, some of it consisting of rants and physical abuse, to simply none. it was quite alot of fun to RO all the teams.

there was talk of a bear breaking in to one of the cabins refrigerator, and pantry's, and eating the ice from the ice trays along with other food. but, that was also the night, Mr. K. took a drinking bet from one of the shooters, so who knows?????

Michael Bane's crew was there, so hopefully we'll get to see it on "Shooting Gallery"

either way i plan on shooting the match again

Edited by bigbrowndog
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Trapr, I think there were 3 teams that hit the 1200 yd. bonus target. I know Mel and Joel did can't say who the 3rd. was. Two guys from Kansas that live 5 miles apart, who would have thunk it. Of course Brandon deserves a lot of the credit (dial ups and turret knob manipulation), any monkey can pull a trigger.

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This was a really great match and I'm already planning to be there next year. Zak, Jimmy, Eric, Alan, Scott, Kurt, and all of the others that helped out did a fantastic job of putting on a true rifleman's match in some of the most beautiful country in the West. With 60-500 yard "carbine" shots and rifle shots out to 1200 yards, it was both challenging and a lot of fun. Also, I thought this match was a great test of what works/doesn't work in the way of equipment - especially in the way of optics. If you like to shoot rifles, this match should be on your "must do" list for 2007.

By the way, I think Mike K. was the other guy who hit the 1200 yard plate.

Edited by rmfield
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The reviews look good and would consider writing in this match on my vacation schedule for next year. But have reservations on the physical aspect of this match.

On a scale of 1-10. 10 being toughest. For the low/medium altitude folks... how was this match physically? Significantly more physically demanding than the RM3G match?

Also some have noted equipment changes they plan to make for next year. Can you tell us what and why?

Edited by Religious Shooter
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RS, didn't feel it was a lot more physical than RM3G, but your not shooting 1000yds. at that match. So yes conditioning would be a benefit to keep your heart rate down and try to show up a day or two early so you can acclimate and get your come ups squared away. I also plan to be back next year. Keith

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well considering mr. K, was doing "bet drinking" we really didn't have much to drink.

as for physicality(new word). as a shooter you got to decide wether you wanted to run or not,

the ability to hit your target, in the least amount of shots, was more important than, wether you ran or not. i would say most of the time used up by teams was due to missing, and lack of communication, than low physical apptitude.


there was a rumor that some guy named "eric miller" was there does anybody know who this guy is?

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I wish I had run into him as the night stages really rocked, and they were his design! Who is this Eric guy anyway :D ( go to Questions that don't fit anywhere for some insite I guess)

Relig! Mr. K finished all the stages so I wouldn't worry too much about over exertion....but then again Major Mel has been walking and jogging as of late. The match is more physical than RM3G but as Trapr pointed out, it is up to the team to decide how fast to go. Every full minute under set time is only an extra point where as a rifle hit is worth 4 so you kind of pick your own game.

I will know my rifle MUCH better for next year as I hadn't shot a precision rifle since 2000 and it showed! I have an old Mk3 M4 Leopold and it is a great scope but the ballistic cam is in meters and all the info we got was in yards...as we were shooting, so some of the missing was due to my lack of skill converting and for the fact that I had never shot my rifle "dirty". I always cleaned after 3-5 shots, and I found out that after about 20 rounds or so, I would gain a minute of elevation at the longer ranges. My fault entirly, as I hadn't tested the system....so Sorry Trapr, but we will revenge our selves :lol:

I'm with Mr. H on this one It is going down in my book as a don't miss!!

I only wish they had some shotgun!, but then again 800 yard slug shots would be a bit hard :lol: KURTM

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Truly a Great Match in all ways.

And the fact that an old, fat, dyslectic, any monkey, who hydrates with beer and whiskey could keep up let alone compete; may indicate that this match was doable and allso a gas.



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It was an excellent match. Good and challenging stages that did not go over the edge into silliness as some other events seem to do. The long field course and the sniper night shoot in particular were excellent stages.

I'd put the match at about a 6-7 when compared to other matches on the physical scale.

However, CMG should ban the use of semi-autos as the sniper rifle. Just kidding Mel! :D

Mel and his Medesha built .260 AR10 simply rocked.

Now if I can get Steve Horseman to get a scope that does not have 1/8 MOA clicks (Come up 54 clicks! Now down 125!) and I use a carbine that actually works, we might be a force to be reckoned with. Then again, maybe not.

As for critique, maybe a little more pistol shooting. I think I shot 8 rounds of 9mm. I would also rather have a shorter range version of the sniper night event for carbines instead of the nightime hose-a-thon that we did have. not that it wasn't fun.

Advice for newcomers? Have an illuminated reticle on both rifles' scopes. Know your zeroes and wind chart. Get some shooting sticks or rests that allow you to shoot over brush. Practice with your team mate so you can communicate during the courses of fire. Get a laser rangefinder and good binocs - my Fujinon 15X60s were very nice to have if a bit bulky.

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I've got to agree with you on the pistol. I fired seven rounds during the match. I actually think I might have fired more rounds at snakes while helping to set up! The worst of it was that I carried around a high-cap Para .45 for three days. Something plastic might of put a little less wear and tear on the old body.

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Wish I had been there.. Talked to Buchanan about it and he said it was an awesome test of shooting skills (not to mention walking and avoiding rattle snakes!).

Hopefully will be able to schedule it for next year!

Congrats on holding a great (first) match!


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i was told that the pistol was being shot so as to be an annoyance, as the carbine shooter the annoyance was carrying it and not using it.

when kurt and i set up our stage, we didn't realize ours would be the only stage the carbine shooter would get a chance to shoot pistol in. i was told by zach, that there was a stage where the participants could decide which shooter would use the pistol, however i didn't recall any such info in the stage briefing.

the match however was excellent!


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