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Arthritis in fingers- how to mitigate


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My arthritis in my two middle fingers of my right hand are really acting up again after a recent incident.  I am having trouble with a steady grip as a result. Sometimes the third finger locks down toward my palm and when it releases it is very painful.  I am flexing the joints and taking vitamins.  I just broke out my old finger grip strengthener to see if that might help.  Any advice from first hand real world experience would be appreciated.

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I'm nearly 55 and I'm starting to get the big bumps on the first joint of my index fingers.  No pain yet.  But, I weight train 4 days a week and usually shoot 3-4 matches a month plus a bit of live/dry fire.   Point being, stay active, but don't overdo it.  Maybe take some Aleve before you go shoot.  

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thanks for the info.  I take either Aleve or Motrin before shooting or golf.  It is not as sore afterward but this new knuckle locking out is odd and painful.  The finger exerciser seems to aggravate it but possibly short term?  I don't know that was why I was looking for anyone that has gone thru it.

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Try taking 4-8 grams of MSM a day.  Powder is cheaper but it’s not great tasting but not the worst.  I’ve been talking this for a few years now and have not had any issues I would expect after 30 years of weight training.  In fact a lot less than I used to.  Have not seen a chiropractor in years!

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Find a good rheumatologist. Family Doc can give a referral because the rheumatologists are way over booked. They will Xray and go with the proper meds to help. Some give relief, some treat the disease.

I quit shooting completely for 2 1/2 years due to 2 types of arthritis. Back shooting now but no matches.

Arthritis can cause a whole list of physical issues including hearing loss, fatigue and much more. You won't know the damage till it is too late. Besides the pain, stiffness, loss of dexterity and the rest.

Vitamins won't help much.

Meds can slow it down. Nothing can cure some types.

Good luck.

Maybe a bunch of us can start our own division? You know, Sr. Super Senior, Arthritic Senior...

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3 hours ago, fuzzysights said:

thanks for the info.  I take either Aleve or Motrin before shooting or golf.  It is not as sore afterward but this new knuckle locking out is odd and painful.  The finger exerciser seems to aggravate it but possibly short term?  I don't know that was why I was looking for anyone that has gone thru it.

My fingers/knuckles will lock back towards end of a hard work day. Been

taking Magnesium lately. That seems to reduce the occurences. Very aggrivating. Had it happen once during a match. Drank electrolytes/Gatorade.

Went away quickly but it does hurt a bit when it happens. Good luck

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so sorry to hear.

some time locking fingers can be caused by other things like an inflammation of the tendons...for which there are surgical and non-surgical options. perhaps would be good to see a hand specialist. if it's non surgical then a rheumatologist.

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