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Do the Higher classes like Master, and GrandMaster get a higher payout than lower classes like B-D?

Doesn't seem like it. My shooting partner and I both got $75. He won high master limited and I won high C limited.

That's funny, I got $100 for 3rd "C" Larry. How odd.

OK, 350+ shooters @ $150 each thats $50,000+ dollars with no prize table. Maybe high overall got like 20,000 dollars :P

Also, how would 3rd C limited get 100 bucks when 3rd B limited (B limited had more people than C limited) got 30 bucks??????????????????? :angry:

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I was 2nd out of 15 shooters in B Prod. and I only got $30.

How does a 3rd place C shooter get $100 ????????????????

I would AT LEAST like to hear some sort of explaination, how that works.

Let me guess ............. he's FROM AREA 6, and I'm not. :o:


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I read that as a toungue in cheek dig on his buddies regarding the amount. I was 2nd A and got $50, which is $50 more than I expected. I am greatful for the opportunity to shoot this fine match, and I would shoot it again if they kept all the money. This type of production is not cheap to put on, and prizes should be secondary to the quality of the match, as they were.

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By the way...I only got $30. :D

I read that as a toungue in cheek dig on his buddies regarding the amount. I was 2nd A and got $50, which is $50 more than I expected. I am greatful for the opportunity to shoot this fine match, and I would shoot it again if they kept all the money. This type of production is not cheap to put on, and prizes should be secondary to the quality of the match, as they were.

Same here. I was actually thinking about framing my first IPSC check (kinda like a new business framing their first dollar for luck). Thirty dollars wont go very far anyway.

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oh .............. didnt read the tongue-in-cheek part of that one, sorry.

I am not complaining. $30 more than I expected too. Just feel better sometimes when I understand the logic behind stuff. Like women, taxes, and why I need to go to work everyday and do the same thing I did yesterday.

Oh yeah ........... it's all about the money again. Why does everything in life always boil down to being about $$$$$ ????? :P

PS you could frame it ............. or do what I did, and take a digital pic of it ............ for future reminescing! :P :P :P

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I was first B in Production, and I got $45. There were 20 more shooters in Production division than in Limited, and about the same number in B Production as in C Limited (the two classes everybody's been comparing). So, IF the cash awards were based on a proportional system, then obviously somebody's math was way off.

But, it may well be that the cash awards were preset long before anyone knew the relative sizes of attendence in the different divisions, or some other system was used.

An explanation might be in order from someone who knows. (Maybe it was already clearly stated somewhere and some of us just missed it. It doesn't seem to be in the match book.) In any case I'd hate to see a big griping session over what was a really excellent match. If I got ten times the purse it wouldn't pay for my trip down from Vermont, but I didn't come for the money, I came for a great match, and that's what I got. Thanks again to all involved.

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Agreed ............. not griping, just wondering.

I had a great time. Rain included. Heck, I shot even better in the rain! :P I enjoyed myself, and I agree that it was worth every dollar I spent getting there, staying there, and shooting there. To be honest I didnt even know it was a payback match. I knew that the FLA OPEN was a payback match, and I shot horribly.

I will be back next year, God willing, but dont tell me the payout / prize status, so I might shoot well again ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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OK, 350+ shooters @ $150 each thats $50,000+ dollars with no prize table. Maybe high overall got like 20,000 dollars :P

As someone who spends a lot of time on major match budgets, let me correct one part of this math calculation: 350 shooters does not equal 350 paid entries.

The match staff does not usually pay the match fee. Most of them spent 3+ days working 10 hours or more. I think a less-than-$50-a-day credit towards match fees to work your butt off is grossly 'underpaid,' and from all the earlier comments on this forum, the staff did a tremendous job. And that just covers the staff on the stages. Obviously, there was a very large group that spent more than 3 days of work to bring you a major match.

Some shooters are 'sponsored.' The sponsors provides prizes or services to the match instead of cash. (I always look for "target & pasters" vendors to fefray the cost of those items to the match, but other shooters may have provided ATV's or golf carts, discounted printing, etc.)

Once you have an accurate amount for entry fees, subtract 45 to 65 % for expenses.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC

Edited by LChico
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OK, 350+ shooters @ $150 each thats $50,000+ dollars with no prize table. Maybe high overall got like 20,000 dollars :P

As someone who spends a lot of time on major match budgets, let me correct one part of this math calculation: 350 shooters does not equal 350 paid entries.

The match staff does not usually pay the match fee. Most of them spent 3+ days working 10 hours or more. I think a less-than-$50-a-day credit towards match fees to work your butt off is grossly 'underpaid,' and from all the earlier comments on this forum, the staff did a tremendous job. And that just covers the staff on the stages. Obviously, there was a very large group that spent more than 3 days of work to bring you a major match.

Some shooters are 'sponsored.' The sponsors provides prizes or services to the match instead of cash. (I always look for "target & pasters" vendors to fefray the cost of those items to the match, but other shooters may have provided ATV's or golf carts, discounted printing, etc.)

Once you have an accurate amount for entry fees, subtract 45 to 65 % for expenses.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC

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OK, 350+ shooters @ $150 each thats $50,000+ dollars with no prize table. Maybe high overall got like 20,000 dollars :P

As someone who spends a lot of time on major match budgets, let me correct one part of this math calculation: 350 shooters does not equal 350 paid entries.

The match staff does not usually pay the match fee. Most of them spent 3+ days working 10 hours or more. I think a less-than-$50-a-day credit towards match fees to work your butt off is grossly 'underpaid,' and from all the earlier comments on this forum, the staff did a tremendous job. And that just covers the staff on the stages. Obviously, there was a very large group that spent more than 3 days of work to bring you a major match.

Some shooters are 'sponsored.' The sponsors provides prizes or services to the match instead of cash. (I always look for "target & pasters" vendors to fefray the cost of those items to the match, but other shooters may have provided ATV's or golf carts, discounted printing, etc.)

Once you have an accurate amount for entry fees, subtract 45 to 65 % for expenses.

Linda Chico (L-2035)

Columbia SC


My original question was "how does a match like SC state or Mississippi Classic pay 6x what A6 paid for the same finish? Doesn't other matches have similar cost? I of course understand about comping the workers as I have worked large matches before. I was just suprised thinking an area match has stakes that are higher and I expected atleast the same payout or higher. Even more so when you consider the much higher entrance fee. No one shoots this sport for the money, I know I don't. But if it is a cash payout match I figure it should atleast pay your entrance fee.

I'm not trying to give you a hard time and I appreciate shooting the great match and I think it was a great match. And I thank you for all you do and have done for our sport. It was just a question I know many people I have talked to have wondered.



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