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New USPSA Limited / Open Shooter w/some Questions!


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I just started with USPSA. Shot my third match this past weekend and it's kind of addicting. I'm based in Utah and shoot with the SLPSA club. I went out and picked up a couple of guns, admittedly I didn't do a whole lot of research. The first gun I bought was a CZ TS2 in 9mm, and I also bought a CZ Czechmate Parrot in 9mm, which is built to shoot +P+ major rounds.


After shooting three matches with my TS2 (haven't tried the Parrot yet), I'm noticing something rather obvious. Shooting A fudgecicle nobody but a few crayon chewers and winder likkers want really sets you at a disadvantage. I'm fairly accurate, yet my scores are about 1/2 of everybody else's, even if I'm faster and more accurate.


I was thinking of getting into this more seriously. If I want to be serious about shooting in Limited, should I consider trading in my TS2 for a similar gun in .40 S&W? I know they make the TSO in 40 and they may even make the TS2 in 40, but I'm not 100% sure on that.


Also, when I get around to getting my reloading setup 100% functional, I'll be loading 9mm major. I think, the last time I read the rules, you cannot shoot 9mm major in limited, but you CAN shoot in open, correct? Otherwise, my Parrot is a very expensive paper weight. 



 - Austin from Utah


PS: I have no idea why that phrase in the second paragraph is there, lol.

Edited by abtrumpet
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/16/2021 at 1:36 PM, abtrumpet said:

Do most people focus 100% on one div? I enjoy shooting iron sights.

most? yes.  and to climb up skills wise I think thats a good idea... and unless you have two presses set up for different loads its easier to stick with one load.

that said I also see a few folks hop divisions on occasion.. like no shave November there will be a bunch of buddies who all break out their single stacks for a few weeks... or a production shooter who loads up the mags and runs limited just so he has someone to shoot against.. and then there is the carry optics curious lot.. many of whom bail out a few months later. But thats about it. seems to me like most limited, open and established CO shooters tend to stay in their division... unless bored.

Its not often I see an open shooter gear down... unless magnum primer poor.


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  • 1 month later...
On 11/16/2021 at 9:36 PM, abtrumpet said:

Do most people focus 100% on one div? I enjoy shooting iron sights.

It seems most shooters tend to dedicate to one division, mainly because having set ups for multiple divisions can add significant cost increase for equipment.  Add another firearm, holster, and mag pouches to the gear list at minimum. There are some shooters who shoot multiple divisions as well though.  I like shooting limited, but will shoot single stack every once in a while just for grins. 

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One of the big changes this year was that you can switch up your mag pouches and set them up for either production, Carry Optics, limited or open. In my case, that was very favorable because I shoot Carry Optics and open the majority of the time. My magazines tend to stay in the same place so it works very well for me. The only times that I will transition over to a different division is if I run out of components to reload for open.

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  • 1 month later...
On 11/16/2021 at 1:36 PM, abtrumpet said:

Do most people focus 100% on one div? I enjoy shooting iron sights.


I guess that's not true. Ive come across alot of people that tends to shoot multiple division

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