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More Production Shooters..yeah


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I was disappointed to not make one of the local clubs match today...but you can't fit in all the fun stuff to do in a weekend..

but looking at the results..

one quarter of the shooters were shooting production...most were new...and still learning the game..

but what a cool thing.. :D

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I have been shooting USPSA for about 4 years now. About six months ago I got fed up with the equipment race and sold all of my limited equipment. I replaced it with a glock 34 and started to shoot production in USPSA and SSP in IDPA. I am having more fun now than I have had the entire 4 years.


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I shot the Circleville, Ohio match on Saturday i shot really BAD but, they had as many Production shooters as limited shooters. 16 in each division. which trumped the other divisions, I can't wait until production becomes THE big division. i can remember the early days with 5 or 6 of the same guys every month, it got a bit tiring at times.

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I'm starting to really like Production. It's actually MORE challenging than Limited in some respects because of the mag limit and minor scoring.

I used to consider it a Newbe division, but a lot of experienced shooters are now shooting Production - which has made it more interesting and fun.

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We seem to be getting more production shooters lately. I've been shooting it lately mostly to use a Sig 229 I've had in my safe for a while without using it for anything. Since almost all of my range time is playing the IPSC game, I figured I may as well take it out and play with it for a while. It didn't hurt that I had a few K of Plated bullets that the Sig seems to like.

Shooting 40 cal 180's at 750 fps is fun. I can see them going from the barrel to the target. :) A new way to call my shot lol.


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Production and L10 are the biggest draws at my home club.

Production is cool..it taught me to see more which has helped in other divisions.

Haven't shot much in any other division for almost 2 years. If I do, it's with the Production gun/rig in minor. The Open gun come out a couple times a year just to blow the rust out of it.

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Our club match last monthly atracted 22 Prod, 19 Lim, 13 L10, 6 Open. This is pretty much par for the course, though the Open guys seemed fewer then usual. Our indoor match (twice a month) had 14 Prod, 11 Lim, 4 L10, 2 Open. Those numbers speak for themselves.

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Production has proven to be a great draw for both novice and experienced shooters. It's an easy way in for almost anyone who owns a handgun, and it's also a great way to get back to fundementals and just plain have fun and develop your mental game for anyone who's shot for a while in the other divisions. Production seems to have a stronger following with each passing month at my home club in VT (GMPS).

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I left the wheelgun at home this past month and shot production with my XD's. Wow-what fun! It's like having a barrel of bullets. It's not as challenging as revolver but it's fun to run and gun with all that extra ammo.

I was squaded, this weekend, with a friend shooting open. I told him that IMO the intelligence requirements are greatest with the revolver shooter and intelligence required decreases as the ammunition in the gun increases. This ends up with the least intelligence required in open division. :P That went over like a t*rd in the punch bowl.


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If you had showed up you would have won Production :P There's an HOA card waiting for you from last time!

I had a great match myself, clean, no jams, 1st B Limited. It was sunny and warm too!

monster...you don't know how bad I wanted to go shooting..but my wife was feeling under the weather and needed some support with the kids...

you are shooting great..keep it up..hopefully catch you at the next match..

It is great to see production grow...I love seeing the new shooters..and like seeing the experienced shooters come out again..I really have been enjoying the challenge of shooting minor and 10 rounds..it really tests my shooting and my planning. Just love this division.. :D

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