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Peer To Peer Downloads

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I hate to admit this, but I got suckered into paying for a movie site that doesn't actually have the movies - they gave me access to something called "e-mule" which appears to be like the old napster was - but not quite as easy to use.

So - since I paid for this sh*t, can anyone tell me how to SAFELY use this software? Or some other software?

Oh, and since I'm royally Peesed off at this company, if you have the know how to use this site just PM me and I'll give you my login and password - free movies for a year :)


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I don't know about this P2P setup, but most P2P sites that supply first run and commercial movie releases are doing it by allowing you to prowl it's members HD's and grab what they have (not illegal for the site, but definitely illegal for you and the other users). Peer to Peer sharing is just, if you get, you are probably giving too. That's what sharing means ;-)

Dump it an consider it a loss :-/



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Netflix actually has several packages. I think the 3 or 4 a month is 9.95, and it goes up from there.. 3 out at a time up to 8 out at a time. I do the 4 out at any one time since I can pretty much watch 1 while having up to three in the process of going out or coming back to me. I think I pay $26 a month for that. 3 out at a time is like $20, and it goes up from there. Most of my movies have about a 2 day turnaround time not including weekends. If I send one in on Fri and one on Sat, I get two shipped to me starting Monday unless it's at a site farther away than a day's US postal mail. I have like 150 dvd's in my queue, so I don't have to visit the site all that often to figure out what I need next.


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I know some people that use(d) peer to peer sharing. They would set-up their shared folder in XP to do this. (Generally this means outside the software firewall) Would recommend against doing this as it opens you to viruses, and gives hackers a possible back door to exploit.

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Yeah - I'm really worried about viruses and people hacking into my computer. As soon as I realized what it was I uninstalled the software and requested a refund. As Cullen states, they are NOT forthcoming with good information. Also, they refused to issue a refund - pretty much got a letter from their legal dept telling me to get over it since I accepted their terms.

I thought I was signing up with netflix :(

So let me ask y'all this... is there a good site to download movies from?

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I haven't heard of any download sites for commercial features that aren't P2P and therefore illegal.

Go with Netflix. There really is no better alternative IMHO.

BTW, Kath, why do you think downloading movies is the way to go. A 90 minute MPEG at 640x480 resolution is several gigabytes. DVD's have 4-8 GB of movie file on them, why would you want to download stuff this size on a DSL/Cable pipe. Anything smaller is not gonna look very good anyway.



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To stay legal Netflix is probably the fastest solution - which is what you thought you were getting anyway.

I don't know of any legal business that allows a person to download full versions of commercial movies - yet.

Plus to get VHS quality you need an SVCD rip which is usually about 1.4GB (two CD-R's) for a 2 hour movie. As mentioned a single layer DVD is about 4GB. Plus you have to pay for media to write the files to if you aren't going to watch them on the PC.

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well, you got screwed. They charged you $24 for what you can download and install yourself for free. If they billed through a 3rd party, you can try them, but I'd just dispute it with the CC company, and let them handle it.

Netflix isn't proceeding with their proposed downloadable content as the movie studios do not want that to occur. Netflix decided builing the infrastructure and service wouldn't fly without content. The closest thing right now is iTunes getting into video, and that is squarely aimed at the lower resolution of the video ipod. It's still very rudimentary as well.

The netflix 9.99 is only for one dvd at a time though. The 3 at a time plan is $17.99 a month. blockbuster is cheaper. Blockbuster is also doing something cool which will help turnaround for people in less populous areas. Namely using USPS tracking, and theoretically shipping out your new stuff once it shows up in the USPS tracking system. I can't verify if this is an actual benefit as I'm less than 1 day's post from the local shipping center, and USPS tracking usually takes 24 hours to post.

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I will not give my money to Blockbuster as they edit movies for content and won't carry material with content they consider objectionable (their version of objectionable has nothing to do with porno and everything to do with out and out censorship).

JMHO, but I would recommend going with Netflix as their library of selections is more eclectic and comprehensive especially when it comes to foreign and documentary.



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BTW, Kath, why do you think downloading movies is the way to go. A 90 minute MPEG at 640x480 resolution is several gigabytes. DVD's have 4-8 GB of movie file on them, why would you want to download stuff this size on a DSL/Cable pipe. Anything smaller is not gonna look very good anyway.

I bought David the new Ipod for his world travels and it will play movies. So can anyone tell me how to get my own personal movies copied into itunes or windows media player for transfer to the ipod?

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Hi Kathy,

You will need this utility, or something like Quicktime Pro (Version 7):


It only runs in Windows at the moment.

The iPod will not handle MPEG, or WMV formats natively and they have to be converted to the Apple M4A QuickTime based format first. Same thing goes for DVD and other movie formats.

They also need to be reduced to 320x240 size.

BTW, only the new iPod is video capable.

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Kath, check out the following link, then click on "Play the Movie." I use a Mac and I can drag QuickTime videos directly into my iTunes library, otherwise QuickTime Pro is needed to convert WMP files for import into iTunes.


Edited by Greg Jones
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  • 6 months later...
This is a new one that I see on current TV commercials:


Any feedback on this one?

This is the only legal download that I know of, but it doesn't allow you to burn the movies. You have x amount of computer/laptops you can play it on. This is great if you travel a lot with a laptop and watch movies on the plane.

The only problem I see is, that since you can't burn any of this, you're gonna need a BIG harddrive.

just my .02

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