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The Double Tap Championship

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OK it is Sunday January 22, 2006.

Here is the Low Down on SLots avaiable. We have 14 Slots left on Sat & Sunday Schedule and 20 left on the Super Squads, (To be on the Super Squad you need to be A class or above) we will hold the Super squad spots for another two weeks and then open them up to others that want to squad on that squad.

Firday shoot all the stages in one day has Plenty of Space Left so if you send in your entry after all spots are filled for Sat & sun we will contact you to see if you want a Friday Spot.

We also will have about 15-20 spots to shoot with the RO's the weekend before the Match.

So if you want to shoot the Double Tap Championship on Sat& Sun better overnight your entry.

We Update the USPSA self Squadding Page DAILY - EVERY DAY if you see your name up but don't get your PIN e-mail me, I can get it for You. (some of the handwriting on the entry forms are hard to make Out)

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I was talking with a friend tonight about the bucket raffle and realized that a large percent of folks at this match are new and some do not know how a "BUCKET RAFFLE" Works, Heres the low down.

At the beginning of the prize distribution you will be asked to put your five Yellow Tickets in any of the "buckets" (cardboard boxes) in front of each of the larger prizes. You may elect to place one ticket in each Bucket or any amount of tickets per bucket you wish. When all Competitor have place their yellow tickets in the buckets, we will begin the raffle with the largest most expensive prizes first. (All Guns and frames must go thorough our FFL dealer to be claimed, No exceptions) We will announce which prize we are drawing for, then draw a Yellow ticket from the bucket in front of that prize and that person will win the announced prize. Where there are several of the same prizes we will draw several tickets and call out ALL the names at the same time. Again You may only win once.

When we have finished drawing from buckets that have Yellow tickets placed in them, we will than start the Second Chance round of the raffle with the GREEN tickets. We will have PRE-DRAWN the Green ticket names earlier Sunday Morning to speed up the prize distriubtion process. We will read the names in the order drawn and that person will have a choice of what is left on the prize table. We will give that person about 20 seconds and will call another name. That person may choose any prize left on the table either before or after the person previous called. We will NOT wait for you to pick a prize before we call the next person to the table, so decide quickly what you want. We will not allow you to pick up a prize and hold it and still browse the table. If you pick up a prize we will assume that you are finished and ask you to step aside.

You must be present to win or have a signed form for another person to receive your prize, no excepitions. if you shot the match, (the forms are at shooters services at the concessions area.)

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Heard from The AMU today. Looks Like Max & Travis are going to make the Double Tap Championship again this Year. We welcome You both. It is allways a pleasure to watch these two in action.

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Heard from The AMU today. Looks Like Max & Travis are going to make the Double Tap Championship again this Year. We welcome You both. It is allways a pleasure to watch these two in action.

Oh, Great!!! <_< That just means I will finish about 20% further down percent-wise. At least I can't finish less than 0% though. ;)


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Heard from The AMU today. Looks Like Max & Travis are going to make the Double Tap Championship again this Year. We welcome You both. It is allways a pleasure to watch these two in action.

that's cool..

good to hear they are coming back..they are great to watch :D

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Heard from The AMU today. Looks Like Max & Travis are going to make the Double Tap Championship again this Year. We welcome You both. It is allways a pleasure to watch these two in action.

Oh, Great!!! <_< That just means I will finish about 20% further down percent-wise. At least I can't finish less than 0% though. ;)


Hummm.. :blink: wouldn't a DQ be worst? :wacko:

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Heard from The AMU today. Looks Like Max & Travis are going to make the Double Tap Championship again this Year. We welcome You both. It is allways a pleasure to watch these two in action.

Oh, Great!!! <_< That just means I will finish about 20% further down percent-wise. At least I can't finish less than 0% though. ;)


Hummm.. :blink: wouldn't a DQ be worst? :wacko:

Yep, in a sense because of the fact you did something very unsafe. At least shooting an honest 0% score, you got to have the joy of shooting. I never have DQed before and hope I never do.

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Team Glock is Going to Get back with me before next week THey sound by their e-mails they want to. A zone Have not heard anything about Jim B. Is he with the AMU now?

SPD522 Hope you never get DQed either.

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I not Sure what you Mean By "all 12 stages" But the Match has 6 GM's in Limited and 2 in Open. So from what I understand, that if there is enough ( i think 5 GM's) in a divison the "MATCH" counts as a classifier, if the Match is a level TWO or Higher. The Double Tap Championship is a Level II match this year. Last year it was a level one. I will double Check this with USPSA Monday. Unless someone here has a better low down on this question before then.

about 14 slots left on sa t& sun then it is shoot on friday if you want to shoot this match.

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My understanding is that you have to request that the match potentially be considered as a classifier match when you send in the approval request to USPSA - page 16 of the Classification manual (Application for Level II or Level III match) - in the "Status:" area, the "Results for Classification" checkbox). If the box was left unchecked on the application, then it won't count as a classifier, regardless of how many GMs show up.

In a short search, I can't find anything that tells me how many GMs are considered to be "enough" to use the results from that division as a classification score...

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Going to Try to Have everyone off range by around 2:30pm Sunday.

but time Schedule all depends by and large on the shooters themselves. on how well they paste, reset, and are ready to shoot when it is their turn.

RE Iam Looking at the Form C that we turned in and don't See any check box for " Match As a Classifier" am I looking at the wrong Form?

OK looked in my classifiaction Course Book and Found the "NEW" form that has the check box ( the one we down loaded from the USPSA web site does not have this box) We will make sure we get THIS one turned in so the match can be counted as a classifier. Again Will contact USPSA monday.

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