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Custom Services From S&w


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S&W offers what appear to be reasonably priced packages of custom services applicable to N frames. As a newbie to a 625, I'm wondering what contributors think of the utility and value of these...which services are valuable in prepping the gun, which are a waste for IPSC or which might reasonably be managed at home.

While not a total klutz, I could play one on tv so I'd probably shy away from much more than some spring changes and a little polishing. Maybe the chamfering from what I've read on this forum...Pkgs #1 and 3 look most interesting.

The services that look interesting are:

1. Master Revolver Action Job - $125 or $148 and they handle express 2 way shipping (!!)

Trigger Stop

Chamfer Charge Holes

Polish Rebound Spring, Hammer Stud Boss and Yoke Barrel Bosses

Detail Lockwork Surfaces

Stone Hammer and Trigger Contact Areas

Test Fire for Function

2. Performance Enhancement Pkg same price - seems less interesting, no chamfer

Check and Adjust: Timing, Barrel and Cylinder Gap, Forcing Cone,

Hammer and Trigger Studs, Hammer Nose or Firing Pin, and Hammer Nose


Weigh Mainspring

Check for End Shake

Clean Lockwork

Test Fire for Function

3. Outdoors Package - $150 and $173 express

Includes Recessed Crowned Muzzle (except Tapered Barrels)

Reset Barrel and Cylinder Gap

Chamfer Charge Holes

Install 20% Lighter Mainspring

Polish Rebound and Spring

Adjust for Crisp Single Action Pull

Test Fire for Functiong

Thanks in advance


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Bryan - I had them do their "Combat Revolver Package" on my 681, and I'm really pleased with it. $200, and they also do a bead-blast refinish (which my 681 needed). DA is about eight pounds, and 100% with CCI primers. They replace the mainspring with a Wollf Power Rib one. Of the ones you listed, I'd go for the "Master Revolver Action Job".

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You can do what you want, but if I was going to send my revolver for an action job it would be going to Randy Lee.

Yes I do all my own action work, but like I said....If I was going to send it any where it would go to Randy.

S&W really only wants your $$$$$$

Randy wants you to have a good gun.....and make a little $$$$$$ (BIG difference)


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I agree with Hop.

You will not get a true competition action job from S&W. It will not happen.

The guns are great raw materials, but I have never yet seen an action, regular stock or performance center, that was really suitable for what we do, out of that factory. Better to just do it right the first time.

Randy Lee is not the only professional 'smith out there who can create a great revolver action, but right now he is recognized as the best.

If you're somewhat handy, consider learning to do your own action work. Thoroughly understanding how these things work can be a real advantage in identifying and preventing problems.


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I highly recomend Randy Lee for action work! I have a 627-8 shot 38spec with double action trigger pull of 4lbs 8ozs. Dead reliable for over 5000 rds. If you guys know anyone who can compete with that.....

Dave Hearth B)

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Well thanks for all the comments. I've certainly heard of Randy through references and his own posts on this forum (Wow...4 1/2#s DA..!!) ... I'll have to check on turnaround times once I decide what all to do with it...also need to break it in a bit!

Thanks again


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Well thanks for all the comments. I've certainly heard of Randy through references and his own posts on this forum (Wow...4 1/2#s DA..!!) ... I'll have to check on turnaround times once I decide what all to do with it...also need to break it in a bit!

Thanks again


I will second all of the above. The 625 Vcomp he did for me is amazing. In addition to being one of the best, Randy Lee's turnaround times are quite fast. Just wait until after next week though (I will have sent him my 66 by then). Chris

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Thanks guys! I am now putting you all on my payroll :P

Greetings Bryan,

There are many options as these gentlemen have suggested. It really depends upon what you want to do with the revolver. The least expensive option is to pick up a copy of Jerry Kuhnhausen's bench manual on the Smith revolver, or Jerry Miculek's video on tuning up a revolver. The cost of the book/video and a spring kit should run less than $50.00. Plus, there is the added satisfaction of doing the job yourself as well as a deeper understanding of the inner workings as Mike Carmoney has said. The only drawback is that the current production guns using the MIM parts aren't covered by either the book or video. So some homework will be required if you go this route.

The next up the list is the local smith. Get references if the person is unkown to you. Check the American Pistolsmiths Guild listings to see if there are any members in your area. Guild members have to submit samples of their work for admission, and must maintain a high level of quality.

S&W will give you a reasonable job at a reasonable price, but they are limited as to what they can do from a legal standpoint.

The vast majority of the revolvers I see are geared towards competition. Handloads with Federal primers are the norm, so sub 5 lb. DA pulls are the desired goal.

So the things to consider other than cost is whether you reload or not(and what components you use), is the gunto be geared for USPSA/IDPA/ICORE competition only? Defense?- some people would not own a gun unless it would ignite any and all primers just in case they needed the gun for self defense.

Before committing to any action, I recommend sampling some of the revolver work on the guns at your local matches. That will give you a better idea of what is out there and more importantly, what you won't want/need.


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Before committing to any action, I recommend sampling some of the revolver work on the guns at your local matches. That will give you a better idea of what is out there and more importantly, what you won't want/need.


That is evil man! If you try one of Randy's revolvers at a match, you'll send yours there right away. I tried Cliff Walsh's revolver (done by Randy Lee) at a match and that thing was sweeeet (and it wasn't even one of the miracle 4.5 or less lbs. trigger jobs)

So, another vote for Randy Lee! B)

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Thanks again for all the kind words guys. In all honesty, my backlog is getting longer and longer. Literally guns showing up daily. Some of you have been waiting for your revos for several months- thank you for your patience.

I'm wrapping up a couple of custom 1911's which take forever to complete( at least for me)- almost a year because I only work on them when I am fully focused.

Being a one man shop, I need to streamline my fitting processes. I am learning to be more efficient, but even this is a slow process.

The thing I can promise is that the work performed will be the best I can do.

Bjorn, when are you going to shoot the IRC? We definitely need more international competitors. It's a great match, and very little chance of food poisoning. :P


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Thanks for the comments Randy. The accolades for your work on this forum eliminate any thoughts of a local smith.

I'll take the advice to try a few local guns altho revo shooters are kind of few and far between locally. As I said, I also need to break it in some. Since my comparison level at this point is a Ruger GP, the trigger, at least in single action, already feels pretty darn good. But I will garner some more experience to be sure what features I want on it.

Thanks again


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Bjorn, when are you going to shoot the IRC? We definitely need more international competitors. It's a great match, and very little chance of food poisoning. :P

Anything beats Ecuador when it comes to healthy food :D

When and where is it? I might combine it with a visit to my little brother in NY. I've also planning on combining my visit with the US Nationals.

But I must admit that I really like my recent switch to the Glock. Hell, I might even switch permanently......

.....naaaahhhhhh :rolleyes::P

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Hey Randy Lee how goes entry into the Guild? Saw a mention in the last Handgunner.

As to the original question.

A hearty "!HERE! HERE!" (Hear loud banging on the table) to what Mike and Hop said.

Randy's work is sweet. But, you need to work out the kinks first. Sides if you butcher the work on your own Randy can install his really fancy Hammer and ?Trigger? That is if you need any excuses for perfection.

It helps to know how things work, just in case. Just keep it simple and do only 1 thing at a time.

Clark will do a good 7# Trigger, but Randy can get you down under 6, 5, 4 whatever you want. Randy's turn around "WAS" great compared to any other Smith I've dealt with in the last 25 years.

Randy, one of the first things you need to do to be more effecient is to quit encouraging us to fiddle with our own guns. I'm sure it is more effecient for you, but less fun for us, to have someone send you a clean pistol, rather one that's been "Umm, Modified?".

Seriously, I sent a M29 back to Smith & Wesson twice to have the Firing Pin Bushing replaced. They actually sent it back to me "COCKED!" with over .020" exposed and on the rotating side. I couldn't believe it. So I hesitate to recommend them.

Clark did a good job, but took them much longer than they had estimated (like 3 months longer which still isn't bad compared to some others). But, they only did what they were told and didn't look at anything else.

Randy will check yours out and he came in under his time estimate, plus he kind of looks the thing over. He is to be highly recommended.

Welcome to the "Order of Circular Logic" we only seem to be running in circles.


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I have not seen Randy's work but he obviously has a fan club here. ;) I trust the judgment and experience of those touting his work.

The neg comments from S&W are probably justified from a service stand point for returns. Not the same group doing the action work. The Performance Center guys do not do the warranty work.

That being said, I have had excellent luck with the PC crew. They do the work but it is done within factory specs until the newest lower weight main spring option was added. They do a great polish job and their prices are fair. The action work also has a reasonable turn around time.

If you do not want to tinker, try someone local but ask to try out his/her work. Ask for references. Ask their prices. (Ask Randy his prices). You will find that the S&W work is of good value that works for the majority if us.

Again, just an opinion and worth what you paid for it :D


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Though I have no doubt Randy does top rate work and my comments are not to sway you either way, but feel I need to state my experience with the S&W custom shop.

I have had custom work done on 5 revolvers at S&W, 4 Combat Revolver Packages and 3 barrels changed out to different lengths. All work was excellant. As Round Gun wrote, the people who do the warrenty (who I've had many problems with also) are in a different area. Actually the people who do the packages are in the "Charge Area", seperate from the Performance Center. They are 3 guys trying to provide the best service possible, but having to deal with lack of parts and having "overflow" warrenty work dumped on them, which interfers with they're custom work jobs.

Next week I'll be sending my 610 also to them to have it gone through and have a 6 1/2" barrel installed and know it will be top rate work.


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Bjorn, when are you going to shoot the IRC? We definitely need more international competitors. It's a great match, and very little chance of food poisoning. :P

Anything beats Ecuador when it comes to healthy food :D

When and where is it? I might combine it with a visit to my little brother in NY. I've also planning on combining my visit with the US Nationals.

But I must admit that I really like my recent switch to the Glock. Hell, I might even switch permanently......

.....naaaahhhhhh :rolleyes::P

Hey Bjorn,

The IRC will be here at the Hogue Action Pistol Range in Morro Bay, CA the third weekend of June. We are half way between San Francisco and Los Angeles. (My shop is only 7 minutes from the range.) It would be nice to see you, Ricardo Lopez and Igor out here to up the ante.

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Gary and Jerry,

You guys are obviously happy with the work you've had done at the S&W factory.

If you want it to stay that way, do not pull the trigger on one of Randy's competition revolvers. ;)



As my arthritis gets worse in my hands, I may call on Randy to do one for me. For now, I will continue to do my own. Finally got the 25-2 up and running it worked great but I didn't :( If randy only worked on knees and hands ;)


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If you want it to stay that way, do not pull the trigger on one of Randy's competition revolvers. ;)


Mike, I won't dispute that ;)

I do want to clarify something though, my satifaction is with the Custom Shop....... the Warrenty Dept. is another issue...... <_<:angry::(

The revolvers I use for IPSC & Steel I do the work myself, though I'm sure no where near the caliber of Randy's work, isn't that bad either and getting better.

The ones I've sent to the Custom Shop have been the revolvers I use in the woods. I really like the glass bead finsh they put on them and I now have 2 - 3" 686+ from barrels they had. The action jobs they've done are very good...didn't need a light trigger pull, but a smooth trigger pull because I still use the factory mainsprings on these for reliablity......don't want any FTF's.

Like I said, this wasn't to take anything from Randy, but to back up those who have done me right. S&W may have some problems, but they do have some really good people there:)


Edited by Jerry V
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Does Randy work on non-moon clip guns? I've got this "sow's ear" M28-2 that could use some TLC...

My favorite safe queen is a M28-2 that has been hard chromed. :) My first Smith... kinda brings tears to my eyes. :rolleyes:

I do work on earlier models of Smiths as well- they remind me of when quality and care went into the fitting of parts.

Edited by Randy Lee
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